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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. don't sweat it Paul I new you were joking
  2. I have a torch it has all the normal BB crap freezing, lost cursor. I think the ones on the shelf now have had a fix done to them since mine was out it was out less than a month when I got mine .I would say the torch is more geared for business than I-phone but the apples have lots of cool apps that you can't get on BB I like my torch I'm just not to sure of how long it's gonna last the slider is already feeling sloppy.
  3. Wow shapping up to be a huge event this year
  4. Thanks know I have to clean the pepsi off my screen Nice browns Bill one of my faves to catch
  5. Thats awesome buddy saw the pics on FB she's adorable can't wait to meet her
  6. Hope ya can make it Mike your baits will be greatly appreciated
  7. It is in Langton Ont. check out the website there's a map on it www.fish-a-thon.com
  8. It is electric only but for this event only they let us leave gas motors on they have to be trimmed up and you can't use them for any reason. There is a entry fee to the park I think its $10. Its a reaLly fun day and a great cause hope to see ya out this year.
  9. Ok folks Ryan,Dan and I have been talking and we have set a date for the Fish-a-thon the date is saturday july 23, 2011 this will hopefully give us some really good deer creek fishing we haven't got all the plans together and Ryan is Busy for awhile so we will fill you all in when a set plan is in place but I think we will be trying to have the entire event at Deer creek I plan on having the in-laws motor home and we can book the pavillion at DC for the after fish-a-thonis over and we can all get a bite to eat and what not .Anyways for now please let us know if you are planning on coming and Dan B can update the list on the website that Dan has done a great job on at www.fish-a-thon.com please check out the website whenever you can traffic on the site will give more oppurtunity to raise more money for casting for a cure
  10. That's a great idea on the silver minnow do you have to scuff them up for the paint to stick would love to try a frog pattern I usually just throw a 4-5 inch pink or chartreuse grub on them nevr thought to custom paint them.
  11. They have papers and pencils just inside the door to sign up for the flyer.
  12. I have signed up 3 times for the flyer to be sent to my house and not once have I got it I get the catolog but no flyers
  13. Very well said Mark I can't wait to try those swammers I am not sure why guys feel the need to target people that are more succesful than they are I'm sure they are just jelous that they can't be succesful in the fishing industry I know I am LOL
  14. I hear ya did the temp thing for along time make sure ya look at BPS spring flyer usually have a few TM's on sale .
  15. Skinny your TM is to small for your boat so it will take a lot of juice to run it if your CTC battery is 1 year old take it in and have it tested if it is OK and your still killing it your gonna have to upgrade the TM I have had a 40lb on a 14' and it was not enough I would go with a 55lb on a 16' atleast but you will get days worth of use with a 24v 65lb TM it will be a bit more $$$ but it will save you a tonne of hassle if thats not in the cards get the strongest battery you can afford look at Roys link from the other thread. http://www.batteryfaq.org/
  16. How is it in the smaller boat I always wanted to go there with my 14'er but was always worried about it .Nice fish guys
  17. I throw the red and whites all the time for pike but we catch OOS LMB and SMB on them every year and I throw the big one thats like 2" wide and 4.5-5"long .
  18. NO don't let the negative nacies bring you down Dave LOL (I'm just teasing Grimace)
  19. I try to give the benifit of doubt even when its a guy from Quebec LOL
  20. Thanks Roy I have never really been concerned with this stuff just was looking because I was tolkd energizer was no more at wally world and skeeter just bought one so I was intereted to find out but there's not much out there that I could find.
  21. One thing I have found out that the same company that makes optima's make the everstart also they are made by Johnson control Inc. and the everstart are sold only at walmart .
  22. Google didn't come up with much
  23. Just looked yesterday and my local walmart had no energizer at all only everstart they were at the Toronto show mabye your wallyworld still has a few left pretty sure they are just re-labelling them the look exactly the same other than the labels anyone know the whole story gonna google it right now .
  24. "He took the rod" LOL Ryan just about lost the camera to save the rod he's pretty quick almost like
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