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Everything posted by troutboy

  1. Great idea!! Looks extreamly good! Cant wait to see the final result!
  2. Get some popper flies in assorted sizes and colours,mouse flies always work! Heres a link to a relly good reliable fly shop,they have thousands of flies! http://www.reelflies.ca/
  3. Not worth going,I spent 30mins driving to cantire and the only thing 50% off was a relly crappy fly rod!
  4. Get a bunch of differnt natrural colour'd wooly buggers,bombers,poppers(bass),hex,mayflies,streamers,wooly worms,clouser minnows You dont have to buy a super expensive flybox,my most expensive flybox at the most $30, Remember have fun!( also if your going for bass,pike or huge brookies get some nice,big juicy mouse flys!They cant resist them on a calm day!)
  5. BROOKIE RECIPE: 1. A brookie of your choice 2.Cut from the poo hole to the head,cut off head and clean guts. 3.Put a small amount of margine in the fish 4. add some cajun and pepper 5.Fry up and enjoy!
  6. This is a timber wolf shot out side of Thunder bay.It was shot in a campsite because it was eating dogs in the area.He is a big wolf!!
  7. I get the huge ones in the spring! Them brookies wont see me coming! I use mostly use mepps,panther martin, lil cleos,williams spoons,and my special jig flies to get them big ol' brookies into the boat!(I cant post pictures because my pics are too big!)
  8. St croix premier ultra lite with a abu garcia cardinal reel,and 6lb high vis stren mono.
  9. Belive it or not my first job was to collect shed antlers from a farmers field so his tractors wouldent get ruined,He paid me $5 and antler and plus I got to keep what I found! But the job dident last long(about 3 mounths) because I missed a few and they got caught in his carbine... he fired me lol.
  10. Mepp's or panther martin? whats your favorite? For me I LOVE both, for big ol' brookies!
  11. I only use stren hi vis gold or high vis green 6lb on my st croix ultra lite! Just my opinion,it has great abrasion resistance, it barely streaches,and amazing sensitivity!
  12. Great report! Nice gator and bass!
  13. I was asking myself how those salmon can keep coming back year after year to attept not to get snagged by literly hundreds of hooks,good thing up north here there are tons of salmon and trout rivers that spred the crowds of only 60 people at the most!
  14. One time I was cleaning out a nice wally and it had 4 toonies in its gut no lie, so I decided to go down to the tackle shop and I bought a new rapala that was one sale
  15. Check out this video I found,its a whole bunch of people salmon fishing off a bridge of some sort in washington!
  16. I use the small minnow pattern and the flourecent green and orange work pretty good with a tipped leech,worm or small minnow!
  17. Those things are amazing with hard water brookies!
  18. ST croix rod,10lb braid,medium action= brookie time
  19. Nice brookies! I love catching 7 pounders thru the ice, its just magical to see the brookie to hit your jig ,im going out tomorrow to get some brookies,they dont have a chance!
  20. I got spoiled got a new ultra light st croix!,new flyrod,ice jigs,some arrows for my bow,gulp alive trout worms and thats what I got in the outdoor department!
  21. All the sporting goods stores are closed today! Have toi wait till tomorrow to get my new flyrod,and ultra lite st croix:(
  22. Nice steelie! My first steelie was a big male,with real dark pink cheeks and lateral line,yours is giant! Congrats
  23. Goin to my walleye and brookie lakes in the middle of no where for some massive fish!
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