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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. dont know what ur talkin about, or why i even clicked on this thread, but i see some photoshoping coming
  3. laziness and procrastination, stay away from it and life is gooooooood
  4. Washington in 6 (i hope lol) in reality in 5 New Jersey in 6 i have a really good feeling for Brodeur playin for the cup this year, although watchin them is like watching paint dry Boston in 5 Pittsburgh in 7 SJ in 4 Chicago in 4 Vancouver in 7 Detroit in 7 as for the OHL i pick the Wolves...... oh wait a minute...... Colts already KILLED us
  5. good for him, CHEATER "while rose went to the polygraph area" does that mean what i think it means? u gotta take a lie detector test after bringing in ur fish LOL,
  6. sanctuary eh... bummer only ever seen 1 pickeral while smelt fishing, accidentally netted next to me and quickly released, i'd estimate at almost 10 lbs., seen quite a few rainbows and suckers netted up also
  7. very cool, looks like u guys are in someones flooded back yard
  8. never been so cant help what so ever, but here's a little useless info anyways Lake Lavielle translates to Old Lady Lake told you it was useless
  9. i liked one that went something like this,, if you dont believe in logging, try using plastic toilet paper
  10. awesome way to start off the soft water season, sounds like u have a down to earth CO out there, be careful pullin Jack outta the boat like that, just might scar him for life,
  11. relief i thought i found one in my belly button, it was just a lint ball maybe hit the dr. office tomoro n let the nurse do a thorough once over, or twice
  12. for the past few days it's been a point here or a loss there, it's an ugly way to get there but i'm hoping, any fan (even leafs "fans") will....would....should admit that makin it to the playoffs is WAAAAYYYYYY better than not signed: jealousy will get u nowhere GO HABS GO
  13. you betcha, good stuff
  14. i like the "politely ask" part, which will be quickly followed by a "polite" how bout no you crazy......
  15. have always found gardens to be the best, they often stretch right out in the open between the rows
  16. dont know the area so cant really help out, but maybe head to the mnr and get a stocking list, thats how we do it here
  17. hahahah good stuff, à la austin powers style
  18. looks like an atlantic to me
  19. i cant believ there hasn't been reports of runs already, the weather up here seems right if not past already
  20. very cool, memory of a lifetime for the 3 of you
  21. Bohemian for this guy
  22. nice haul, especially from the same hole
  23. loud and clear, consider it done
  24. that's scary, i think were gonna be in for a real shock this summer with low waters in our lakes and dry ground in our woods, i have a feeliing we will be spending most of the summer with a fire ban, it's nice to have a winter with little snow but we pay for it later
  25. can someone explain how sites generate money with adds? is it simply letting the adds appear, or does the user (us) have to actually click on the add and visit the site? i rarely, if ever click on them but if that is how the money is made,(cant be much but i guess it adds up) i'm sure i can find time in my busy day HAHA to click on a few adds just curious thx
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