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Everything posted by walleyejigger

  1. Yes. Looked like this man. Could it be? Don't know him myself so was just going by looks.
  2. Watched the show on bear hunting in the bisco area. The guide looked very familiar but couldnt really place him. For some reason the name Scuba Steve popped into my head. Then they called him Steve, what a coincidence? Then it hit me, i think he used to be here on OFC, way back when (or maybe still is). His name was Steve and he had a BIG black bushy moustache. Ring a bell to anyone? Anyway not sure, but if he is, I thought some older members might be interested.
  3. nice boat.....except for the console thingy,
  4. although what he did was highly illegal, and deserves what he got, i bet he got some praise from neighbors and locals for taking matters into his own hands, like said this had nothing to do with hunting
  5. cool video, i would guess the buck at the bottom is done for, exhausted to the brink, if he did make it he aint mating anytime soon, his junk is frozen stiff, pardon the pun
  6. unfortunately i didnt allow enough time for fishing discussions with my local MP. He actually called the house last night (very weird) to talk about future elections and i didnt even give him another 2 seconds to talk, I informed our NDP rep. that the boondoggle of the gun registry threw all his credibility out the door and there was no need for further discussions as i could not trust anything he told me, i then hung up i had contacted his office 2 weeks before the registry vote and they told me his office was overwhelmed with calls, letters, and emails to squash the registry, and their party would be voting in that direction, yet at the last minute "he" changed "his" mind
  7. out here they dont even look at the hides, just tell you to go put it in the barn, could probably get a hat without a hide, just tell them you have one and they believe you, even brought in a quartered hide once and they didnt care, we had hats in august in time for bear season and last i heard they still have some, i've got 2 for this year plus crests hats the past 2 years have been great, like regular ball caps, not those insulated/foam type hats, i hated those
  8. now that's a great way to start, beauty
  9. sweet ride, heard great things of these engines, every time i go by the dealership lately it takes everything i got not to pull in with the deal they're having right now. my truck is only 5 years old, and i expect another 3-5 years before i look again
  10. IMO, the best truck is the one you get the best deal on at the time equipped as you need it, other than that it's a crap shoot, i've only owned ford as it was always the better "deal" at the time i was looking, never had any problems either....knock on wood.... but the last one i got '06 supercrew started to rust prematurely, i've got a nasty area around my gas cap/cover,
  11. porcupines are actually quite nocturnal, though daytime sittings obviously occur, just easier to see them in the day is all
  12. thanks, great job, they're getting bigger and better with age
  13. as a habs fan i figured id vote on 10+, and continuous solid play, thought it'd be funny for more good laffs this site has good videos a la leafs http://hockeygods.com/videos/14-_Maple_Leafs____Love_To_Hear_The_Boos a la habs http://hockeygods.com/videos/10-Carey_Price___Kesha
  14. i also had these many moons ago, had got it at the sportsmen's show way back when,..... you know, when it was good, loved them but a cousin dropped them overboard, never seen them sold since
  15. go to the local rink with a timmies, and ask for some old puck board, i have it on my 8'x10' heavy duty hut, works great,
  16. very cool, quite the talent
  17. they seem to be enjoying themselves anyway, git'r done
  18. this thread peeked my interest so i checked out the website, for anyone interested there appears to be a free trial offer for today only, or so thats what it says,
  19. Good stuff, love the black n white pic, with the snow n the weird tree...
  20. Wow, that was ugly. Still a fun game none the less. Can't wait for next year. Proud of our boys. Never say never
  21. didnt read this whole thread, but i had issues this summer with mine, had bought a sharp aquos,(idiot as i am didnt buy the extended warranty) was told best on the market, after 13 months (1 month past warranty) the picture tube fried and believe it or not there were no manufacturer or aftermarket parts to fix it, was told by sharp these tv's are built to be disposible" and to scrap the tv, sux to be you, wow if i would have known that i wouldn't have spent $1200 a year before for a "disposible" tv, after 2 1/2 months of fighting with them and threatening litigation, they finally sent me a brand new tv for the price of the extended warranty, moral of the story buy an extended warranty "my" moral of the story dont buy Sharp
  22. i have a hut on vermillion as an everyday/every ohter day/ time waster, (something easy to do, not very good fishing) when i want to catch fish i do penage or windy, for smaller trout any of the small lakes around cartier are a good bet, pickeral are hard to find around here in the winter, so i spend most of my fishing time chasing lakers, specks, rainbows, if i had a place to store my hut near the lake, by far my lake of choice around here would be penage, hands down penage, windy, vermillion can easily be driven on with a car, (road plowed) if you have a truck you can drive anywhere on these lakes, as long as we dont get too much snow, the last few years have been great for driving, unfortunately penage and windy take a little longer for safe ice with a vehicle so they arent ready yet, i'll be on vermillion today to do a little fishing and check ice thickness and will likely be putting my hut on tomorrow
  23. one of the fishing shows fishes there often, also thought it was the chronz, but i guess not, i remeber seeing one recently and they mentioned lodge eighty-eight and marmac about 30 times
  24. bad bout the motor,been there done that, hopefully karma comes back and kicks em in the arse, great footage on the bird, i had almost the same experience on tuesday, was walkin the dog down a trail, came around a corner and there was a partridge but it was on the dogs blind side so she never noticed till she picked up the sent just passed it, as my dog turned the bird attack her batting its wings in her face and screeming a very high pitched squeal, once it back off my dog chased it up a tree but i quickly called her off as i knew there had to be chicks around, i was a little sadened on how my once awesome bird dog got it's butt kicked, losing an eye over the winter really took its toll on her, i take her in the bush and shes constantly running into trees, i believe she'll be her old self again come sept. 15 never heard the hissing like yours before, good stuff
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