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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. Gorgeous fat tank! Way to go.
  2. That's right, Bananas are good for you! Nice Hut. Looks warm & cozy, and yes I could use the exerecise!
  3. There better be some freakin' new Lego under the tree to go with it!! Nice table. Would love to have decent little wood shop myself.
  4. I can't help you with what to get Slayer, however I'd be glad to "help" you set it up some time whatever you get! ...I'll bring the sonar and manual auger!
  5. I think that's a great piece of work! Nice job.
  6. So, you had all night. Is the hut done yet? Let's see the pics! What's taking so long? Looks like it'll be at least a sturdy base!
  7. Looks like an ideal weekend to me. Thanks for the details.
  8. Mailed in for my free transducer last October. Got in a few weeks. No problem. Stuck it on the side of a tinner this summer.
  9. I'mHooked


    Good point. How would someone with no experience know what impact "how and where they were obtained" would have on his purchase of store bought roe? What criteria would you offer to someone new, such as the OP, to help determine what ARE ethical practices with particular focus on ecological sutainability?
  10. Very interesting! Never heard of an electric reel before. Those are pretty interesting looking. Do they have a pan fish series?
  11. Thanks alot!...Now my eyes are itchy...must have got some dust in them.
  12. Thats' pretty cool, thanks for posting it.
  13. Huh? What happened to the pictures? Sounded like a good outing?
  14. I'll forgive you for the sore shoulder!
  15. That's awsome, especially getting one from shore with a dead boat! Had my 1st musky experience last month and went 3/3 as well. (1st Musky in Avatar photo at 43") Definitely opens your eyes to new needs & wants for fishing. i.e. NEED to feel the rush of the top predator fish hitting your offering, WANT to get as much new gear to fill that NEED as can afford! (Although my 1st gear purchase after my 1st trip was actually a centre pin and float rod ) I've got my sights set on landing a 50"...one of these days.
  16. Have listened to it acouple times over the last few days! (posted couple days ago) That's just a fantastic thing to listen to and comprehend.. Incredible job, way to go. My 11 year old is going to listen to it today! Thanks for this.
  17. On a hike there a couple weeks ago I noticed that you'd have to walk about 30 yards through muck just to get to water that was 6"-12" deep. Water's edge was way out from shore.
  18. Absolutely INCREDIBLE! Those are some of the nicest looking, and BIG fish I have seen! Congratulations!
  19. Any time you want to show a rookie pinner with some new gear how it's done, I'm available! (Psst...I'm just down the road from you in the big 'B') Nice looking Chrome there Aaron! "Cough, cough...can't make it in today boss...caught some CHROME!!"
  20. I'll keep the knot friction in mind. Might have been more friction tying it then there should have been. Was definitely the knot breaking as there was no tag end on the swivel. Thanks for the insight.
  21. Yah yah, outfished by an 85 year old! I tied his leader as well! I was thinking that I was trying to crank on them like they were Musky (or at least that was part of my excuse)! Yes YOU ruined it for me! To pay me back we should at least get on the water again real soon!
  22. It sure was a hoot...an "on dry ground" hoot! Had thought up until last year they all needed to be Palomar knots, however Paul Castellano had us landing a tonne he tied up with the Improved Clinch, so I was using it yesterday as well. After the 1st one gone I doubled up through the eye before tying as well. I did give it a lick before tightening. Was thinking along those lines just in case. Good to know about the potential wearing. Thanks Brian. That's exactly the purpose it served yesterday...just to make noise so father-in-law could hear what was happening and just how hard & fast the fish was pulling. Does Fluoro have a shelf life? I have two spools, 1 from last year and a new one. Should it be fresh every year? Would I be wrong to try some 8# Fluoro when working the big water again?
  23. Anywhere with Solopaddler so he can show me how to master the new Steelhead gear!
  24. Good luck! At least I didn't fall in yesterdy. You'll get into them this time!
  25. Ok everyone, thanks for the feedback and encouragement on the new gear. Now to direct your attention to the 1st fishing report with said gear! http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=58202 Sure did enjoy the new rod and reel!
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