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Everything posted by I'mHooked

  1. That sucks Chris, sorry to hear. Crappy start to any day.
  2. Nice looking flies!
  3. Hey way to go! Knew you had it in you to hit the big times! Will have to hit the store and pick one up. Congrats Mike.
  4. It is different in Ontario. The buyers agent is not bound to the seller at all. They do a split of the commission on the selling price of the house, but buying agent only represents the buyer under normal circumstances.
  5. Hey, I resemble that remark! (not quite as hairy though!)
  6. We lost our 14 year old Golden girl 11 months ago, so there are some anxious people in the house about Dude making his grand appearance! While we won't have him officially until sometime in Feb., we can at least visit over Christmas and he can start getting to know who smells like what. Last couple of dogs have been female, so we're changing things up a bit with Dude. Cheers.
  7. Less than 24 hours old, born last night by C-Section! He's an only child as well! It was momma's first litter and they were expecting birth a week ago. She was taken to the vet and found this BIG guy on ultrasound just lounging inside, with no apparent urge to present himself! As Golden pups normally weigh half a pound at birth, they knew this guy wasn't coming naturally when he weighed in at 1.1 lbs! It seemed with no other pups marinating there wasn't enough internal pressure to get things moving along naturally. Meet "Dude": "Hey Dude, wanna go fishing?"
  8. I think the boy has out fished quite a few of us, and will continue to do so! I Enjoyed watching him land one awhile ago. Best wishes for your uncle.
  9. Albert, Albert, Albert...
  10. Don't forget the official "Honey-do List & Grass can Wait Fishing Club of Canada"...I hear they're up to about 2 million registered chapters!
  11. Nice job Greg. How's the water temps up there now?
  12. Thanks for the feedback, yes they put up some pretty good fights. As I'm fairly new at it, so it was extra special to have the old man in awe of the way the rod was doubled over! He thought we might get lucky with some 2-3 pounders, so hitting double digits was quite enjoyable!
  13. Got out a while ago with my father wading some water hunting for some steel. We've been out in a boat together, and we've fished the lower Nia. together from shore, however this was our 1st time wading a river together. I unfortunately didn't have the interest in fishing 20 years ago when he was hitting the tribs himself, so I missed out on some of that quality time then. Trying to make up for it a little now. Finally got myself some decent Simms G3 waders and Rivershed boots to complete the whole 'pinning' outfit. Got to put them to good use and showed the old man what I've learned! 2 of the nicer ones for the day: Picture isn't the greatest for this little guy, but had to share just how freakin' fat it was! All gave a fun spirited fight on 6# lead and swam away for someone else to enjoy. Unfortunately dad didn't bring anything to the shore himself, so he was the designated 'amateur' photographer. Cheers.
  14. Yes, definitely can appreciate some nice tail!
  15. Is this the same thigh deep water we were 'strolling' through in the spring?
  16. Meanwhile, back at the nest..."Honey, you've got to hear this! So I was climbing through the big Oak tree down the street, minding my business, when all of a sudden I feel like Dorothy and am flying through the air! Wee this is cool, I always wondered what it was like to be a bird, when all of a sudden WHAMO! My nutsack is flat against some guys windshield and he's getting an eyeful of my junk against the glass. Well I'll tell you, this guy looked so impressed he had a hard time keeping his car on the road. Almost sent me flying into the ditch! Needless to say I think he's got a new appreciation for our kind. Should of seen his expression when I flipped him the bird and dove for cover! Anyhow, that's why I'm late dear. How was shopping at the old Maple tree?"
  17. Very nice. Wish I had the time and patience to try something like that. Looks good!
  18. Hey beauty fish! Hoping to hook into something like that this weekend! Thanks for the pics.
  19. Thank goodness it was only 'fish' in the orgy of pictures! Great looking get away with some nice looking 'eyes there Mike & guys. Looks like fun. Enjoy living vicariously through some of your exploits. Thanks for the detailed report!
  20. Wow, awesome catch! Drifting roe I imagine you had a fairly light leader. How long did it take to land that guy? As the wise old Yoda once said "Impressive, most impressive"
  21. Just do an internet search for "Youtube downloader".
  22. Wow, awesome fish! Incredible that it was from shore as well, way to go! That's a fish of a lifetime for most diehard boat anglers, let alone shore pounders! As far as the net goes, if you've got one that is perfectly suited for the majority of the sizes you're expecting or likely to catch, then I'd think you'd be considered prepared. If you luck upon something truly unexpected, well you just have to make do the best you can with the health of the fish in mind. It's a good thing it wasn't a 60" fish, or you would have needed a crane to haul it up! You're enthusiasm is contagious! Congrats.
  23. Great looking Rainbow! Sounds like a blast. Thanks for the details.
  24. Truly outstanding guys! Trip of a lifetime...for us mere mortals anyhow! You guys make it look like just another day at the office! Thanks for taking the time on the report Mike.
  25. For chucking spoons you don't need to go with something as long as 11-12 ft. If you found an 8'6"-9' MH rod that is rated for up to 8-17 or 8-20 lb line or up to 1oz lure weight at least, you'll be good. I picked up a Pflueger 8'6" MH, 8-20lb rated, at Fishing World for about $40 4-5 years ago, and it's landed a few fish in the 20-25lb range without difficulty on 12lb line. I don't have any trouble getting spoons out far enough. I think Fishing World even has a bunch of these Pflueger rods on sale now. Also, you should check out some of the bulk or loose sold glow spoons as well. they're a buck or two less then the packaged Cleos, and they can usually hold their glow for at least a few casts. Saw a bunch hanging on the peg board at Burns Fishing in Burl. the other day. Glow with Red dots. Good luck with the efforts.
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