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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I have never targeted Carp before. But Team 1 needs one. So I'm going to give it an honest effort. There are a few dedicated carp fisherman on this forum. I've got a few questions for you, to try to maximize my chance for success. If anyone has any information they are willing to share, it would be greatly appreciated. These are the questions I have come up with so far: 1. Is early spring a good time for carp? The ice came off the lake last week. I plan on going out this weekend. 2. What would be an ideal bait this time of year. I was thinking about bringing some corn, bread, shrimp. Should I get some Boilies? Of so, what flavour? 3. I am going to try Orr Lake because it is close. And I know there is a population of carp in there. The lake is only about 4 - 5 feet deep on average. Very silty. And very shallow bays. The entire lake is soft bottom. Should I stay close to shore, close to reeds, right in the middle? I really don't know where to start. 4. I was going to try a few rigs. Maybe a slip sinker, with some corn in a roe bag? Or one of those rigs you see all the guys using with the boilies.. See link below.. But I don't know how good this would be with a very soft bottom? http://www.carp-fishing-tactics.com/rigs-fizzing-boilie-rig.html 5. Carp are not listed in the regs for Zone 16. So I am assuming the angling season for them is open all year? I know for bow fishing, it is only open for a few weeks or so... 6. If I am fishing a spot, and not getting any bites, should I wait it out, or run and gun till I see them? I'm going to do a bunch more research, and use the OFC search function to dig up some carp fishing posts. But I thought this would be a good start to my research. Thanks in advanced for any help you can provide.
  2. Wow. That's amazing man! Great work!
  3. Ya. That was a nice view this morning.
  4. The boat is going in this weekend!! Team 1 needs a big fat carp!
  5. That's awesome man!! Can't wait to see the pictures!!
  6. Want to know something worse? Driving 4 hours to your crown land campsite on your 1 and only week off. And having you campsite already occupied by someone else. Because they herd about it on an open forum. If you have a specific area in mind, fire me a PM. There's a good chance I will be able to help you out.
  7. I would tell you all of my quiet, peacefull crown land camping sites on an open forum... But then they would no longer be quiet and peacefull anymore! Get your feet on the ground and find some sites.. Use the LIO link. A little research. Trust me, there are thousands of crown land campsites in Ontario. Way more then most people think.
  8. Thanks Moose.. It takes a real steady hand, as I'm sure you are well aware. My wife takes much better shots than I do. I'm really looking forward to the soft water season. The local lake opened up last week. Time to launch the boat, and get this season started!!!
  9. Those are some good shots Chad!
  10. Brutal... Hunting is becoming more and more of a cash grab.
  11. You got it. There are rapids in this particular spot in the spring, and after a big rain fall. But during the autumn months it slows down a lot. And Bruce, the whirlpool is a great spot to suck back a few pops with the old lady! And it's a really nice walk along the river too!
  12. Painting - heck no! Photography - a little. The painting was in the early fall. So I'm going back at the same time to get the identical shot. So you'll have to wait a few months! I'll update this thread with the picture. And hopefully a few fishing pics too.!
  13. I think I can find room for the flower pot painting somewhere in my unfinished basement. Beside the canvas blaze orange sun set painting that SHE made me take down!!
  14. Now I just need to convince my wife to take down the stupid painting of a flower pot in our kitchen....... Replace it with this painting which actually means something to me. My Grandfather on the other side of the family is a painter. I have 4 paintings of his up. This will be a nice addition to my growing collection of custom paintings. Thanks for the comments everyone!
  15. My grand parents are at the stage of their life where it's time to move in to a retirement home. I was asked by my aunts to come down and look through what was left of my grandparents stuff. Anything with nostalgic value was mine to take. Surprisingly, when I asked about the painting on the wall, nobody wanted it. It was a painting done a long long time ago by an old family friend, now passed away (I believe). The painting is of a place I used to fish every day when I was staying with my grandparents at the cottage. It's a place I will bring my son many many times in the coming years. Big Ugli has some memories of this place I am sure. And maybe one or two other people here. In fact, that is where I hope to land team 1 a catfish one night camping this summer. Edit... Those pines across the river are big old beat up pine trees now. I'll go take a picture next time I'm there and update this post. UPDATE! I stopped by last weekend and snapped a quick pic. I didn't have a picture of the painting, so i couldn't get the exact angle... And the season is different. But it's still cool to see!
  16. That's funny stuff right there Well played sir.
  17. Funny, I just designed a part for one of my guns and am sending it out for machining. I use Adroit. He's up near Stayner. Great rates.
  18. It's a strike master.. I never noticed the augar untill I watched the video about 10 times.... And I sure didn't notice her shoe lace either....
  19. I had mine cleaned before my son was born, because there where mice running around in our ducts. The "Air Ductor" out of Barrie did mine. They showed me the before and after results in a few of the ducts. Amazing how well they cleaned up. I am very mechanically minded. And I watched these guys like hawks. The did an amazing job. 16 year old house. The guy kept going on an on about how his equipment is specially designed to clean ducts. Rather then just banging the ducts around, and blowing the dust around. His tools had a rotary brush )a few of different sizes) that almost polish the inside of the ducts. And a MASSIVE vacuum in the back of a box truck in my driveway sucking all of the dust and dirt out. I guess some people out there do a very poor job. Not this guy.. Before: After: This is my return duct at my house. The smaller round ducts where even cleaner.. $300 for a 2200 sq ft house cash...
  20. Nice going Bruce! Let me know if you want any "pro-staffers" to test out your new jigs
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