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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. Yeah, they are still quite sluggish, but I'd take a sluggish carp over no carp any day! I had four on last Saturday but landed just one. Heading out tomorrow again to get my revenge.
  2. That's a great deal! I got mine from the same site about a month ago, but back then had to pay $35 plus.
  3. Melting snow, budding trees, birds singing, and Johnny showing up again on OFC. Sure signs of an impending open water season.
  4. That's the price you pay when you get into S&M. LOL.
  5. Ditto.
  6. Should have dug into the vault first. Thanks Maverick!
  7. Anyone tried salting minnows to preserve them for later use or for places where live baits are not allowed? What's the best way to go about? Any suggestions?
  8. Now that you know about this top secret bait, I'm gonna have to terminate you all with extreme prejudice.
  9. Just order from the states. I've bought four Shimano Curado reels from the US and saved anywhere from 70 to 90 bucks for each reel. And that's not a pocket change.
  10. Good stuff!
  11. Costco.
  12. Lots of griding and mixing of bread crumbs, corn meal, oat meal, corn flakes, and so on so forth... Saturday is the day I reacquainte myself with carp. It's gonna be a beautiful reunion!
  13. From what I hear, Costco batteries are made by John Controls. I just bought one a couple of days ago as they were on sale. With a $21 instant rebate, a 115 amp battery was less than 70 bucks. I sure hope mine doesn't turn out to be a lemon!
  14. Heineken, Stella, Creemore, Moosehead.
  15. Sure they aren't about to win any beauty contest, but they don't look that much uglier than fat largies. There must be another reason. Are they smelly?
  16. If it fights so sell as everyone seems to agree, and you are fishing for the sport of it rather than for fish fries (as when you are targetting big largies in a hot summer day), why all this disdain for sheephead? Just curious, as I've never caught one.
  17. This has to be one of the rare occasions when the government chose to let private companies rip us off when it could easily have done so itself. This, and the 407.
  18. I sure hope they work, 'coz I just bought a dozen packs at the BPS spring sale!
  19. Better to have her grab you by the eyes than the balls. We all know that it's the balls that matter the most. LOL
  20. In clear water, I think using a fluoro leader does make an important difference, particularly if you are using braid. I used to put on fluoro leaders just for pike, but became a convert for other applications while fishing for smallies up north last year. With Power Pro on in a clear shield lake, the line could be seen from the Moon, and I couldn't coax any smallies to hit the lure for days literally. Once I tied on about six feet of fluoro, the fish began to hit like there was no tomorrow. Of course, it could all have been just a fluke, but the confidence alone was enough to make me a believer. Give it a try and see if you like it; if not, you can always go back to mono.
  21. Charles is right... wear a protective suit when running a Chinese-made outboard! LOL.
  22. I would wait another decade or two before buying anything sophisticated from China. They've come a long way, but they still have a long road ahead to catch up. Until then, I'm sticking to shoes and cloths.
  23. Nex time, aim higher: there must be a street bench somewhere in the harbour! As always, very entertaining report!
  24. Spring is coming!
  25. This actually reminds me not to believe in anything today.
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