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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. Illuminati is so 18th century!
  2. I've been using 8 lb Seaguar leaders for smallies in relatively uncluttered water, and 15 lb in heavy cover. They've both worked great so far; I haven't had any bite-offs from the occasional pike either, and so I imagine they would work fine for walleye as well.
  3. I got knocked out of commission for a full week, and the cough still won't go away after two weeks. Mean sot, I tell ya!
  4. I am SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I tell ya!!!!
  5. I hate people who hate chicken wings, but then again I also hate people who hate people who hate chiken wings. Heck, I hate everyone equally until ice out; after then, I love everyone like an Ecstacy-popping frosh in a rave party!
  6. Ah, the mystery of nature.
  7. What maps are available from Garmin for Ontario?
  8. That's awesome! Thanks a bundle, Terry!
  9. For those of you using MapCreate Canada Topo, could someone tell me what the maxium level of zoom-in is in scale? What's the smallest map scale to which you can zoom in?
  10. I picked up fishing just to get away from my wife for a few lousy days a year!
  11. Dont' see Waldo, but I'm sure Ronald McDonald is there somewhere.
  12. About a third way through, but need to take a break for now!
  13. It's probably coming from Fred.
  14. Snag is the Yoda of GTA pike; look for him, and enlightenment he will bring.
  15. Thanks a bunch guys.
  16. Is it true that charging your deep cycle battery by anything above 10 amp (say 15 or 20 amp) is bad? I know it's usually charged at higher amp at first and then trickled down later on, but is there any merit to this notion that it should be charged at 10 amp max, or is this is just a myth like not leaving the battery on concrete floor?
  17. Ooops. Bad choice of word, I guess!
  18. It's ticked Andy himself: Andy
  19. Always entertaining! WTG!
  20. The last two walleye openers were in Gowganda and Shining Tree areas. In the first trip, the fish were still hanging around their spawning grounds at the river mouth and so I could at least locate them. The biggest problem for me is locating them in a lake. I suppose trolling is the way to go to find them in an unfamilar lake, but even in a lake that's not that big, say 5 miles long and 2 miles wide, it's rather daunting to cover so much water--and the fish keep moving all the time! So, how do you guys go about locating walleye in an unfamiliar lake? Do you look for particular structures/features and hit them hard, or do you more or less troll the whole lake systematically grid by grid? When trolling, do you always keep your lure close to the bottom or run them at different depths?
  21. Does anyone know of a good instructional DVD on walleye? Last year was a dry year for me, as I managed to catch a grand total of zero walleye. The year before wasn't much better with just three pickerals. I figured one way to improve my odds for this year's spring trip is to actually do some studying before going in blindly with just a jig and a twister tail. I've had enough of books and magainzes though; I need something more visual for my half-fried brain cells, and something more substantial than fishing shows that yak about sponsored products. Any recommendations?
  22. Should also add that the sale is on only at Markham and Mississauga stores.
  23. March 12-16.
  24. Dang, missed it again!
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