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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. That's right, they all serve moi, and lately I have not been well served!
  2. Striped bass are closed all along the Northumberland Strait and the Gulf. This sucks big time because when I moved to Antigonish, NS a few months ago, I was really looking forward to getting my hands on those strippers. Apparently cod isn't the only species to collapse. The Bay of Fundy and rivers runnning into it are open though. A bit out of your way from PEI, but that's your best bet. I heard lots of good things about the Shubenacadie in NS, though I haven't had a chance to give it a try myself. To tell you the truth, I found saltwater fishing here rather disappointing. But the mackerels are plentiful when they come in, and they taste pretty darn good.
  3. I wish we had a ride, 'coz we had to haul in the motor and all our gear over the hills for half an hour. Different lakes, probably. Mine was Hangingstone, above the fall in the main lake.
  4. I'm a happy camper if I don't get skunked. But, on my fishing trip to Gowganda last month, a buddie and mine hit a back lake and landed over 120 smallies in six hours and lost as many if not more. It was literally a bite for every cast, simply incredible. This reminds me, I should write up my report, LOL.
  5. Superb as always; thanks for taking us along the ride.
  6. That's enough carp porn to last me for the rest of the week. WTG, guys!
  7. That is one big, fat perch!
  8. Grade inflation at its finest, eh? LOL. My mom learned to swim at the young age of 55. If she can do it, anyone can. Just give it another try, but this time get a real instructor!
  9. Pretty amazing that the sales rep didn't say or do anything.
  10. That carp is like George in bed with a sandwich going at it, LOL!
  11. Those are nice trout, especially the second one. Did you target them or were they incidental? I thought trout in Gowganda was more of a fluke. A couple of years ago, while fishing Gowganda for walleye opener (we stayed at a different camp), there was a gentleman from London who had never, ever fished in his life. The camp owner had to take him out in the boat and teach him how to bait, cast, reel, etc. But the first time he goes out, he lands a giant trout on a jig tipped with half a worm, while I had get on my knees and pray to God to get the walleye to even sniff at my offerings. Anyways, thanks for the report, and for returning those beautiful smallies to be caught another day--by me this June, LOL!
  12. Work, work more, and then work some more.
  13. This is manna for the poor saps like me chained to the desk. Thanks for taking the time to write up the report; enjoyed it very much.
  14. Thanks wallyboss for the answer. I wish they had disclosed it in the package, rather than hiding in the manual. Now I gotta to make another run to CT.
  15. Yeah, I'd also appreciate an answer to this question.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up! Just went out and grabbed the charger; sweet deal!
  17. The picture ain't showing!
  18. Shooting Brokeback Mountain? Not that there is anything wrong with it! Great report!
  19. Take some ice fishing rods, LOL!
  20. On the second picture, for a moment I thought he was holding an imaginary fish, LOL! Good stuff!
  21. And that's what really matters.
  22. Sashimi, if you are into it; doesn't get any fresher! All you gotta haul is some soybean sauce and wasabi, LOL. Trout is actually often eaten as sashami, but I'd stay way from any other freshwater fish.
  23. You did quite a run-around, but I agree with Victor: a 24 lb fish ain't a bad start.
  24. Great report, but man, you gotta ditch that fishing buddie of yours! LOL!
  25. WTG, Matt!
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