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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. I tie fluoro leaders directly to the main line, about six feet in total, except for short and thick leaders used for pike, in which case climps and swivels are used.
  2. Man, what a report! Thanks for the ride!
  3. Trudeau tried that with the National Energy Program, and look at what happened to the Liberals in Alberta and other Western provinces in general. They are virtually extinct. I doubt Harper is going to bite the hands that feed him by enacting export controls on oil or otherwise keeping oil prices in Canada below world market prices. Sure it would be popular with us in Ontario, but Albertans would be p-ed off, and from their perspective, they would have a pretty good reason to boot.
  4. Anyone reminded of the early 70s? You know, a very unpopular and losing war, oil prices going through the roof, US dollar plummeting, stagant growth, big layoffs in the manufacturing sector, all indicating that we are about to repeat history.
  5. I'm sure Wayne meant deep cycle.
  6. I suppose it could have been a canoe. But this gotta hurt a bit.
  7. So, is there any reason why one would resort to butchering catfish and suckers on the spot? For making fresh sashimi to go?
  8. Chemistry would have been the logical choice, but his degree was in political science. This was some time ago and so I never met the guy, but he was quite a legendary figure in the department; alternate myth has it that he eventually got a PhD and landed a teaching gig at some university in the Caribbean. My guess is that he has moved on to Colombia or Boliva by now, LOL.
  9. The one in Kingston, not a bad place to get your education. I know a guy who got his Master's from Queen's while serving time for drug-related charges, LOL.
  10. I might be able to make it, depending on the date and the time.
  11. Great story!
  12. This reminds me of an old episode from This Hour Has 22 Minutes, where Winnipeg was announced as the latest suburb of Toronto. You could call the guy a visionary, LOL.
  13. A 100 lb tarpon in a little canoe... now that's a story fit for Hemingway! WTG!
  14. Hey, isn't that Snog's, I mean Snap's master? LOL
  15. I wish I had enough knowledge to actually share with someone. All that I know are carp holes, and these are found pretty much every bay and inlet in Lake O. Man, I need to get out more.
  16. This has to be one scary family for every fish out there!
  17. Vegeterian eggs, eh? Isn't that like marketing vegeterian t-bone steak? LOL. I concur with Tbayboy that the master does look pretty serious; I wouldn't mess with him either. BTW, what's up with these handle changes? Snag, Snog, Snag, and now Snap? Enjoyable reading, as always.
  18. Rough love probably explains the injury, especially if the pike were going at it with those mermaids, LOL. Looks like you had a great day!
  19. Here is another good vendor in the US: Reelfishingdeals I've bought a bunch of Shimano reels from that store and saved some serious dough. Stradics are US$145, S&H included.
  20. Haha.. that reminds me of Homer chasing after roasted pig and mumbling to Bart, "It's just a little dirty. It's still good, it's still good."
  21. Brutal.
  22. And I thought my trip was bad!
  23. Now that we've had our fair share of marshmellow talks, how about discussing upcoming fishing trips for this year? I'm giving Gowganda another try this year, but waiting a couple of more weeks from the walleye opener before heading out to avoid this: Man, was it shocker to wake up to that. LOL. So, where is everyone else heading?
  24. Yeah, but you gotta float a few marshmallows on that anti-freeze, LOL. Seriously, giving a few treats now and then and befriending the dog would probably be the best solution.
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