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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. My fishing buddy just bailed out on me over work. It's inhumane, I tell you, a crime against humanity. Good luck to everyone going out, but leave some bass for the rest of poor saps.
  2. Marten River had a few spots left last week, but that's not much closer from TO than Halfway Lake.
  3. No idea how long the sale will last. Give them a call and find out: 905-761-4000.
  4. BPS had them on sale yesterday. Buy two bags, get another for free.
  5. Senkos, senkos, and then some more senkos!
  6. Hahahahahahahaha!!!
  7. Lovely shot of the ducks. I had a whole family of racoons laying seige on me last weekened. Mom stayed away, but five younglings had no fear of man at all and kept coming after me in one wave after another to get to those groundbaits. At one point I was surrounded by them on all sides; for a while felt like Custer at the Little Bighorn.
  8. Congrats on both of you new ventures!
  9. Walleye during spring fishing trip; everything else is put back in the water.
  10. I'd jump at the chance if I weren't such a responsible husband....
  11. Great report, TG; thanks for sharing. Sure wish I could be there some day.
  12. Any luck with finding a camping site? I've been looking into provincial parks and it seems they are all booked solid, at least those located within a radius of 3 hours or so of driving from TO.
  13. Niiiiice!!!
  14. Wow, that's gotta be quite a sight!
  15. Did they jump clear off the water, or was it more of rolling and splashing? I have never seen any common carp make a clear jump off the water, only splashing and rolling around. I know that the Asian carp that's causing such a headache south of the border jumps like crazy, but haven't seen a common carp do it.
  16. I learned my lesson after my trip to Shining Tree a few weeks ago. When fish bite, they dont' care what you are throwing at them; when they don't, well, let's just say that I sunk in hundreds of dollars into new lures, and all that they got on the last week of May, 2007, is a good bath in the cold, clear waters of the West Shining Tree Lake. But, be that as it may, X-Raps have always been my favourite lure to wash, and occasionally catch a pike or two, here and there, but not at Shining Tree. Dang.
  17. Hard to get them interested in food when love is in the air, but it should be over in a week or two, or at least I hope so. Better luck next time!
  18. Don't worry; the Power Rangers will save us all!
  19. To add to the unsurpassed wisdom of Homer J. Simpson: "Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true!"
  20. No lucky hats for me; every hat of mine is an unlucky hat.
  21. Matt, congratulations on moving a step closer to the finish line! As someone who was in your shoes not too long ago, I remember how stressful it was to go through the comp exam process--reading tons, studying tons, writing tons, and then fending off all these exam committee members picking on every minute detail of my answers. You've come a long way, but brace yourself as that "little" thesis can bring a lot of nasty suprises down the road. Mine was supposed to take a couple of years; I ended up spending nearly four years, and the little thesis turned into a 400-page tome, so dry and boring that even my wife couldn't get beyond the first few pages! But all that misery is to come later on; for now, enjoy your accomplishment as much as you can. Congrats once again! Oh yeah, as someone else already said, start typing!
  22. Fishing is the crack cocaine of leisure sports... hard to believe how grown men and women can be so obssessed about some creatures that are gazillions of years behind us in the evolutionary scale, and spend so much time, money, and effort into outsmarting what are, by all accounts, rather dumb animals with a brain the size of a bean. Come to think of it, I think we haven't evolved enough yet. Cliff, your reports have always been a joy to read. Stay in the zone, dude!
  23. I'm sure resident carp experts will chime in, but for what it's worth, I use a 30 lb PP for my hair rig on a 40 lb PP mainline. A bit of overkill, but I like the confidence that stronger lines give me. I know that many people use lighter lines without a problem, and so if you play the fish a bit more and loosen the drag, you probably won't lose too many fish.
  24. Congrats on your PB, Cliff, though at this rate I'm sure you will break it again in no time!
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