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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. As always, great report! The ony thing I don't envy is the snow and the ice... LOL.
  2. So far, so good. Like others said, I only order from reputable sellers with 99% plus satisfaction rating, and I haven't had any problem.
  3. Mark me down for Terry's world.
  4. After seeing me read my only fishing book for upteenth times before drifting into sleep, my wife told me that perhaps I should subscribe to a few fishing magazines to keep up with the times and actually find some new stuff to read. The book, after all, was published 15 years ago, and I've read it so many times that I can probably quote some passages verbatim. And therein lies, said my wife, the reason why I'm such a lousy fisherman--I had been studying a newbie book religiously for the past 15 years. I think she had a point. So, I figured I should inquire the good fellas of this fine establishment to see which fishing magzines they subscribe to. I'm a firm believer in the monkey-see-monkey-do approach, as the monkey does reasonably well by aping others. Cheers,
  5. You, sir, are a gentleman.
  6. Oh, man, that is priceless!
  7. At this rate, the student will soon beat the master. CC must be looking back his shoulder constantly nowadays.
  8. Sure, why not? Now what do I get?
  9. Dang, so slow with typing!
  10. Brook trout and lake trout!
  11. Welcome aboard. Nice pictures!
  12. I was flipping through this month's In-Fisherman magazine and came across this little interesting bit of info: "The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department maintains lists of 50 largest largemouth, smallmouth, and striped bass caught in public waters. Researchers at Texas Tech University used these catch records to estimate the likelihood that fish qualifying for these lists would be caught in any given year. Based on the number of days fished for each species, the odds for an angler to catch a fish big enough for the top-50 lists on a single day are less than 1 in 120 million angling days for largemouth, 1 in 38 million days for smallmouth, and 1 in 30 million days for striped bass." Well, I think I've spent about 40 days fishing for largies so far, so that's 40 days down, 119,999,960 more days to go. Pretty good odds, eh?
  13. Back to hibernation. Dang.
  14. Well, we've hand plenty of diehard fans of a certain sports franchise, which shall remain unnamed, manifesting all the symptoms of an acute cabin fever. Wait, that wasn't cabin fever; it's closer to a heart condition, like a broken heart.
  15. Say it ain't so!!!! ARRGGGHHH!!!!
  16. I was debating over this decision as well, but I settled on Curado 201DHSV (lefty) and purchased it last week. The other reel I was thinking of was Abu Garcia's new low-profile reel, Revo STX, that's been getting great reviews. In the end I opted for Curado mostly because Revo is new and its durability remains an open questions. A couple of helpful reviews for these reels: Curado 200DHSV Revo STX
  17. Wow, Dave Mercer replying to my topic! I'm not gonna wash my eyes, ever!
  18. So it's actually quite versatile, eh? I'll be sure to give it a try this spring. Thanks guys for the responses.
  19. Just curious if anyone has tried dropshots for species other than bass, such as walleye or even pike. Any experiences or opinions?
  20. Great pictures!
  21. We've had long threads on braided line and fluoro, and so we might as well complete the circle by talking about mono. Before I went PP, Trilene Sensation used to be my choice of mono line. Not sure why though; it was the first line I used, and I pretty much stuck to it as a matter of path dependence. So, what's your favourite mono line?
  22. Now that's what was missing from my fishing tactics: putting fish attractant on live baits!
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