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Everything posted by Golfisher

  1. Well, that explains why my wife has been so insistent on those PFDs.
  2. Yeah, with the close-up picture I can see that it ain't a crucian. That's gotta be smallest carp I've ever seen!
  3. Good to hear that the onus is on the manufacturer rather than you. So, what is the dealer going to do? Will they give you an entirely new boat, or just fix it?
  4. Sure looks like a fun day. The last picture.. could it be a crucian carp?
  5. The diameter of 30 lb PP is roughly equal to 8 lb mono, and so I don't see how line thickness should be an issue. Perhaps the sales guy thought you had 30 lb mono, 'coz 30 lb PP is sure as hell not that thick. I have 30 lb, 40 lb, and 50 lb PP on four of my reels, one of which is identical to yours (Stradic 2500 on Compre), and I've caught plenty of fish without any equipment damage.
  6. JB's Fishing Depot is on 24 Ronson Dr. in Etobicoke, near Kipling and 401.
  7. You gotta love this time of the year... spring in all its glory!
  8. Good stuff! As for using leaders, you should definitely use them, not only to avoid losing your costly lures, but also to save your fish as well. PP is good, but it can't withstand toothy creatures. Flouro leaders are easy to make, great to use, don't kink, and won't slice up the fish as metal leaders sometimes do when the fish roll and wrap themselves with the line. Pre-made fluoro leaders are a bit pricy, around 10 bucks a piece, but they will last a long time. You can also save loads of dough if you make the leaders yourself. JB's carry the leader material, and the guys there will teach you everything you need to make them.
  9. In season, I hope? Jokes aside, congratulations on the catch of your lifetime!
  10. Time to put on those tin foil hats...
  11. Great report; thanks for sharing!
  12. Dang, it's good to see you back, and fully clothed as well. LOL!
  13. I think He wants to make you a fisher of man, not of the carp.
  14. You wonder, how do they do it? First it was gigantic walleye from the shore, then came the chromes, and now the carp. It's as though they were born to conquer one fish after another! So Cliff, how do you do it? How can I rub off some of that magic touch from you?
  15. Great report; your son is a better fisherman than I am! Thanks for sharing.
  16. Nice outing, Paul. A great way to kick star this year's season.
  17. Where can I get those little plastic bags? I have a few tackle buddies, but they are taking up too much space and my tackle bag is running out of room. Would CT or Walmart have them?
  18. Dude, you have a far bigger problem than allergy.
  19. The website is amazing, and I hope the show will be equally good. Best of luck!
  20. Ah, the words we use to console ourselves. But it sure beats being chained to the desk. Nice pictures!
  21. I say let them waste their money on useless ads. None of us is ever going to be converted by P3TA propaganda.
  22. Shining Tree! My first time in the area, but I got some good tips from Terry. I'll know whom to blame if things go wrong!
  23. Photoz, give Etobicoke Creek a try. I saw a dozen or so swimming around last week, though I managed to catch only one. They should be in a better mood now, given the warming trend. Or at least I hope so, 'coz I'll be out there this weekend. Hamilton Habour and the Toronto Islands have all begun to produce as well, though I heard it's been a bit slow.
  24. Great pictures; thanks for sharing.
  25. You guys missed out on the world's greatest sport fish, rock bass!
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