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Everything posted by Lunkerhunter

  1. yet you dont seem to be listening about the warnings... how come your so dead set on simcoe...
  2. lots of great looking ski's there pete... we still gotta get out there sometime this fall if your up for it. it sure has been a great year for muskie's. cheers
  3. i too wouldnt mind seeing a report done up!
  4. my guess is 3 lbs .maybe 4
  5. dadson blade baits - quality custom muskie lures
  6. great report pete, too bad about the camera, im sorry i cant be of much help regarding which one to choose. by the way is that 59 muskies for your boat this year? or you personally? and i thought i was doing well. hahaha cheers
  7. nice pics, looks like a great day on the water. no way that 38 incher is even close to 20. 12-14 would be more accurate as others have mentioned. either way solid pike boys
  8. solid report man, there seems to be a crap ton of catfish in the lake now, i seem to get one every weekend i go up to the cottage. from the pics that looks like a sucker, not the best pic as some have mentioned but im pretty sure there are no cisco in the lake.
  9. i would go for something 7'6 or longer. but other than that i think you will do alright with that setup.
  10. short for casting as mentioned earlier because its easier to cast and longer leader for trolling. as for lure recommendations, i did quite well on the french this year using an 8 inch believer.
  11. there has been a bunch of dead ones floating for the last week and a half. they are definetely carp. one day i counted 4 or 5 in one small area. all pretty big too. it was mentioned on another forum that it may have been from exhaustion during the spawn? sounds possible but i have seen many of them lately.
  12. sorry to hear about your mother pete, i wish you all the best of luck with that matter. i was also out on monday and noticed they were hitting hard, , every fish just inhaled the bait. awesome pictures man
  13. garmin has one on there website. it is pretty vague but it does have more detail than not having one. https://buy.garmin.com/shop/buymaps.do
  14. i would say that sounds reasonable. your best bet is to try and keep it with the same company you have your other stuff with.
  15. yikes, that doesnt sound like much fun, i hope you are alright JP! same goes for your partner.
  16. i got a custom cover made up for me in the thornhill area. it turned out great and they did it in just a few days. if you want the info just send me over a PM.
  17. i drive an 07 xterra and absolutely love it. my last suv was an 04 xterra and before that i had an 01 pathfinder. i have to say the 07 xterra is much nicer than the 04 xterra and the pathfinder was very similar in a way to the 07 xterra. i absolutely love my 07 xterra, it tows the boat easy and has given me no probelms at all. i drove my 01 pathfinder to 370,000 on the orginial clutch and with little to no maintanence. you should def check out what nissan has to offer.
  18. i would stay away from island 10 unless you want all kinds of rules and restrictions on your fishing trip... none of the staff fish either so good luck getting some tips from the staff. also i was told there is no swimming allowed at island 10. i have stayed at redpine 2 years in a row now and will be back next year for sure. as others have said the fishing is great, the food is amazing, the staff are very friendly and extremely helpful and you can really relax and enjoy yourself when staying there. i would highly recommend them as well
  19. is the lucky lure a hardbait or spinnerbait? hahah awesome report again man, thanks for sharing
  20. why were they removed?
  21. heading to red pine on lake lady evelyn. i cant wait
  22. 85 and 129
  23. there is like at least 5 threads about this on here.
  24. if i ever catch one of those things i will make sure the ugly thing is long gone. who cares how hard they fight....
  25. designer lifejackets.. i can see it already.
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