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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. thanks for posting that i enjoyed it alot! cheers!
  2. wow that is freaky for sure! cheers!
  3. thanks for the update! i hear they are slayin them out by the waltonion reef area cheers!
  4. sorry about the wheel but good day fishing!!! cheers!
  5. great pic for sure! Got to love it! Cheers!
  6. lunkerbasshunter because i used to hunt only big bass (not very succesful lol) i used to only use larger baits in search of big largies. Now i fish for whatever just cause i dont get out that often being married, having a young son and working to much. My real name is Ronny! Cheers!
  7. happy new year to all OFC!!!! cheers!
  8. im so sorry to hear your sad loss! my condelences to you and your family.
  9. hey good for you for being prepared! Hope the power comes back soon! Cheers!
  10. give it to a little kid that lives near you im sure they would love it and you may help a new angler get hooked! Cheers!
  11. that was a nice chunky walleye! cheers!
  12. mine is to get out fishing with my wife and son a few more times this year! My son is going ot be 3 we fished off shore a few times and he caught rockbass and small smallmouth. it was a blast! My wife has been fishing with me once in 10 years (this past summer) so im gong to get her out with me agian this year! Cheers!
  13. dont be surprised if come trade deadline the leafs are a total different team with a pile of draft picks and prospects in there pockets. Going to be a tough couple more years for leaf fans! Cheers!
  14. lol dude that was awesome!!! congrats and thanks for the awesome clip! cheers!
  15. wow the winds are here in oakville! Rocking us right now iwth gusts up to 100kmh, its been a long time since we have seen winds like this in oakville! be safe! Cheers!
  16. decent last 10 minutes of the first period. i think some nerves got to them the first 10 minutes. GO CANADA GO
  17. great report! largies through the ice is a nice surprise for sure! cheers!
  18. some very warm weather and rain coming this weekend so be careful out there, good ice will turn to bad ice very fast with these temps coming in. cheers!
  19. i heard a guy went thorugh the ice on belmont lake which is right beside crowe, the lady i was tlaking to didnt know how long ago it was but she said like within a week. so i would be careful, there is a baitshop in that area hmmm on highway 7 i cant remember the name i think its in marmara but if you can dig it up give them a call i am sure they will have ice reports cheers!
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