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Everything posted by Flappn

  1. It seems your either a Fan or not and no in between....none the less even my in-laws criticized my paid Satelite service...guess who now has a life time subscription to Serius.....the in-laws...they can't get enough of the old tunes with no commercials. Plus when we are up north we have perfect clear radio on land or in the boat. There must be a reason they have 20 Million subscribers. When stern started 5 years ago they had 600,000.
  2. It's a good thing you have the option to not listen then.
  3. I am super excited. Stern rules
  4. Ya I don't have much patience so anything that gets the job done quicker works for me.
  5. Good Find Irishfield, just checked out the website and the sharpening product looks awesome. Just reached out to a local reseller to find out how much they are. This will make life a lot easier.
  6. We have both a 18" Husqvarna and 20" Stihl both excellent machines. The Husqvarna starts quicker that's about the only difference I can see.
  7. Our government is and has been run by a bunch of clowns. What do you get when clowns run things.....a circus. Bobo's the ring leader. I tried saving money on electricity by using my fireplace and wood stove. Insurance company ruined that one. Never ending. The common man can't win and it's not getting any better. They should cut the salaries retroactively of the clowns that allowed us to be under charged for electricity. I am sure they are all still employed and cant wait to retire on their fat salaries. They are probably getting a cut rate on electricity anyway.
  8. Not really sure about pickeral lake but Doe Lake just up the Magnetawan from Pickeral Lake has good walleye fishing. You have to be fishing in Big Doe however.
  9. I've been listening to Stern since he started on the Q and continue to today. 13 Days till his contract is up....and I am really upset. I don't understand how people can't like him....I have friends that don't as well. I can understand a woman saying what he discusses and the way may be offside but for a guy to say that....I don't get it. He has grown up...he seems to be a little less of a "Shock Jock" these days. Bottom line is Stern has awesome guest's...this week was Billy Joel and Jay-z and he is very informative speaking about all topics. Howard asks the questions everyone wants to and doesn't. He gets the real deal from people and the end result is you end up liking the person he interviews after he's done even though you may have hated that person/actor/talent before he interviewed them. If Sirius doesn't resign Howard I will be getting rid of my service. For the 10% of the time I listen to music on Sirius it's not worth my money. I will follow Stern. Howard Rules. Baba Booey...Baba Booey
  10. We have a golden retriever, she sheds a lot at certain times of the year, but she's a fantastic pet. Great with the Kid and is generally very loving and obedient. Starting with good training and staying consistent seems to be the trick. She was purchased from a local who's two Golden's had some fun. Here's a pic
  11. Why does it cost 25K to ensure Propane is stored and dispensed correctly? That's my issue. I have no problem with improvements but why does it always come with a ridiculous price tag. Don't like living near a propane station...move. You can't protect everyone from everything. It's a gas and it's dangerous. Improve the handling and be done with it. We over complicate everything.
  12. I don't understand why Rob is being judged by his looks. Ans so what he smoked a joint 20 years ago....give it a rest. I don't see any other clown down town that could do a better job. Might as well be "Chris Farley" that changes things. Man do we ever judge the book by the cover. All I care about is if he is going to do what he says he's going to do. What he looks like, what he eats, drinks or smokes means nothing. Knock down the man if he fails not before.
  13. It think it also has to do with renters. I know where I lived they eliminated parking on both side's of the road. When I called they said that most houses in your area have single car driveways and are intended for single family use. With the increase in renters in basement apartments we are now seeing parking on the street increase and renters are not what we are looking for in this neighborhood. I gotta tell ya...for all you land lord's out there good for you...but having renters in basements beside my single family dwelling has caused me nothing but grief in the past...so I liked the city's explanation and all for it. I've since moved (because of the renters).
  14. Sorry I am with HTHM on this one. $20 bucks is crazy.....end of story. Innisfil is $25. The way rates go up these days across the board...it wont be staying $20 or $25 for long. I didn't or don't use Innisfil out of spite. That's an hour of work for me...to slip a boat in the water. Keep using those launches people and nothing will change...then again it's the Canadian way. $10 is reasonable... $20 is not right. Good way to turn away tourists.
  15. I don't have a 2004 4runner but I do have a 1998 with 350K on it and it has been BULLET PROOF!! Other than the usual Maintenance nothing major has gone wrong. Going out to buy a new set of tires for her. She'll be good for at least another 150K. Spend your money wisely.
  16. Do they charge $25 bucks to launch there like at Innisfil? If they do it will prb go up after the repairs. What a joke $25 bucks to launch...what have we come to.....
  17. Agreed very easy.
  18. Couple of years ago at about 4am all the windows where open in our trailer and lighting hit a tree about 100 feet from the trailer.....I woke up with my heart pounding so hard I lost my breath....thought I was having a heart attack. Before then I was never scared of lighting, now you wont catch me outside if lighting is even heard off in the distance...one of the most scariest moments of my life.
  19. I have a 1989 Doral 16FT Fiber glass boat and it's dry...does not leak at all. I would say you can only make a decision knowing the application your going to use it for. An aluminum boat being dragged on shore over stone's and rocks in time will cause issues as well. With Fiberglass unless you gouge it or put a hole in it....I don't see how it would ever leak. The Hull Guard is a great idea. I have had both Fiberglass and Aluminum and I have to say that the fiberglass in the similar comparison is heavier and the one piece solid construction allows it to handle the waves/rough water better (I would say this applies to 15-17ft boats). I don't however beach my unit to swim....I just jump out in the middle of the lake and climb back in when I'm done. I would hate to even drag a new Aluminum unit on land...but I am very Anal when it comes to things like that. I have had Rivets pop and that's not fun.
  20. how are you wearing a jacket anytime in the last couple of weeks? Nice Fish!!
  21. Wow some impressive fish there. Good go!!
  22. Sorry about your loss, sounds like Mister Bear was quite the dog and family member. It's never fun when we lose a Pet. My condolences.
  23. I have a trailer on Sand Lake and ya I would not plan on going fishing there or Bay Lake. I travel to surrounding lakes like Bernard, Doe Lake and so on.
  24. I did experience this one early one morning on a hot hot day with the water still. A pike was skimming the surface and every once in a while would clear the surface.....I casted and he hit my top water. 1st and last time so far I have experienced this.
  25. Leafs - $168 Million and no cup = the reason I never and won't buy leaf ticket's or Leaf's crap.
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