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Everything posted by douG

  1. Ya, drag that piece of poop in front of the main doors at BPS on a Saturday morning, and fill er up with water, watching the fountain pour out of your faulty seam. Add a big sign saying 'Tracker DeepV 2006'. 'Nuff said.
  2. A good float reel, I understand, has two important qualities: very little rotational inertia, so that it spins with very little encouragement; and very little rotational friction, so that it continues to spin for a long time. I put my hands on an Islander at JB's once, and he made it spin by blowing on the reel, and then sat it down. It was still spinning a minute later.
  3. Now it's just my luck to have the watch, with nothing left to do But watch the deadly waters glide as we roll north to the 'Soo', And wonder when they'll turn again and pitch us to the rail And whirl off one more youngster in the gale. The kid was so damned eager. It was all so big and new. You never had to tell him twice, or find him work to do. And evenings on the mess deck he was always first to sing, And show us pictures of the girl he'd wed in spring. CHORUS But I told that kid a hundred times "Don't take the Lakes for granted. They go from calm to a hundred knots so fast they seem enchanted." But tonight some red-eyed Wiarton girl lies staring at the wall, And her lover's gone into a white squall. CHORUS Now it's a thing that us oldtimers know. In a sultry summer calm There comes a blow from nowhere, and it goes off like a bomb. And a fifteen thousand tonner can be thrown upon her beam While the gale takes all before it with a scream. The kid was on the hatches, lying staring at the sky. From where I stood I swear I could see tears fall from his eyes. So I hadn't the heart to tell him that he should be on a line, Even on a night so warm and fine. CHORUS When it struck, he sat up with a start; I roared to him, "Get down!" But for all that he could hear, I could as well not made a sound. So, I clung there to the stanchions, and I felt my face go pale, As he crawled hand over hand along the rail. I could feel her keeling over with the fury of the blow. I watched the rail go under then, so terrible and slow. Then, like some great dog she shook herself and roared upright again. Far overside, I heard him call my name. CHORUS So it's just my luck to have the watch, with nothing left to do But watch the deadly waters glide as we roll north to the 'Soo', And wonder when they'll turn again and pitch us to the rail And whirl off one more youngster in the gale. But I tell these kids a hundred times "Don't take the Lakes for granted. They go from calm to a hundred knots so fast they seem enchanted." But tonight some red-eyed Wiarton girl lies staring at the wall, And her lover's gone into a white squall. Thank you, Stan Rogers. After twenty five years, this lyric still brings tears. God Bless.
  4. Emil, I bet your present is much smaller than a truck, but way more expensive. It's not the purchase price, but the long term maintenance agreement. On the less important topic, does this help? WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION Improper weight distribution can cause a trailer to "fishtail" (sway from side to side) as it moves down the highway, putting excessive strains on both towing vehicle and trailer, increasing gas consumption and sometimes causing an accident. The most effective way to guard against fishtailing is to make sure that the weight load on your trailer is properly distributed. It is extremely important that 7 to 12% of the total weight of your loaded trailer should be felt at the trailer coupling ball when the tongue is parallel to the ground. A bathroom scale can be used in most cases to determine the weight on the trailer hitch ball. Check the information supplied by the trailer manufacturer to see if there is a specific percentage for your particular model. For example, if the gross weight of trailer, boat and gear is 1,500 pounds, the weight on the tongue should not be more than 180 pounds, nor less than 105 pounds. (Some auto manufacturers say that tongue weight should not exceed 200 pounds when using a weight- carrying hitch with full-size cars.) If the weight down on the coupling ball does not fall within the proper range, you should take immediate steps to achieve it. If only a small adjustment is required, you may be able to solve the problem simply by shifting some of the gear from back to front or vice versa. The importance of an adequate down load on the hitch ball cannot be overemphasized. Note: TO AVOID "FISHTAILING" AND UPWARD SHOCK LOADS WHICH MAY CAUSE COUPLER FAILURE, 7 TO 12% OF THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE LOADED TRAILER MUST BE ON THE TRAILER HITCH BALL.
  5. I'M REALLY VERKLEMPT NOW, what with the BFF and all. Best to Gavin. Remember that you are just changing location, not motivation or association. We still like pictures.
  6. I'm thinking about your reference to an even nicer Christmas present. I gotta wonder what kind of truck would beat that beautiful boat. Pa has an almost identical boat, with 115 Mariner and a 6 Evy, layout and proportions are the same. No bowmount for Pa as he's a troller. We've enjoyed many hours in that fine ride on Lake Ontario, Opeongo, and the Kawarthas. It pops in a hurry, can carry a ton of camping gear, and handles some large water. Pa was describing the ride to Jim Booi, who kindly offered Pa free transport for the Lund to his lodge near Red Lake, and free storage and maintenance - free lodging while he wants to use it. Truly deluxe, Emil, and I have a feeling that we're not quite done yet. I know you will do that beauty up right.
  7. Wow, Emil. That looks just beautiful! Nice work on finding that gem.
  8. How do you train and educate the bears?
  9. Dr. Zhivago? I was thinking Dr. Strangelove.
  10. I found a tray with a bunch o flies along with some roebags, sinkers, hooks, etc. Since I don't fish with flies, if you need em, you can have em. These don't look like minnow patterns to me tho. Pm if you wish.
  11. Buddy parked his 5 year old behind the fridge while he finished painting the kitchen.
  12. Wintermans Cafe Creme are a really solid, rich, smoke. Tasty for sure.
  13. Sorry, but the concrete floor thingy is just wrong. Where you park a plastic cased battery makes no never mind. How could it possibly affect the battery inside? 'Lectricity don't go through plastic unless you have not 12 V, but 120,000V. When it does punch through the plastic, it is quite spectacular, like a lightning strike. Put it on your garage floor already.
  14. The only duck I ever shot was a rabbit, and I killed it with a stick. Troo story about the moose, tho. Check the link, that's what it's for.
  15. There is a market for pictures like those, just beautiful. Composition, balance, exposure, they're all there. Wrap 1000 words of text around those shots, you gots yerslef a treat. Good luck!
  16. Next Saturday, Paul? Feelin' a little jiggy myself.
  17. dwc is one of the fishiest guys on the ice I've ever seen. Take his advice straight to the bank.
  18. Dat be a weasel, GBGiant. They are fearless, and have been known to attack porcupines and bears.
  19. Ya, I agree. Don't mention the Wilmot, whatever you do. Keep it on the down low.
  20. When you are in a boat in potentially dangerous situations, it's a given that you depend on those around you to make the right decisions. Biteme, well and nicely put. I'm a little verklempt now.
  21. I have one on my AC. They gave me 25$ to install it, and I don't think it was ever activated this past summer. If bumping my AC during dinner means we don't need to pay 3x for power, I'm all for it. I really only need the AC to control temp to 23C at night, if it's 25 or 27 around dinner time, that's ok by me. Remember, HydroOne needs to have your AC connected as much as possible. That's how they make money, silly.
  22. The HELL YOU SAY! That's the fourth time I've met with the Dawg. This guy always travels bearing gifts. The first time, he showed at Lakair with GCD spinners for everyone. This time, it was a sample of his Gramma's sippin' medicine, and a lure or two from Sam's. He's a redneck, and I will take every chance to meet up with this Bubba. His heart is as big as his, well, ..... as his truck, I guess. Best to Glen, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Lookin' forward to Lakair.
  23. Kyle is a fine youngun, and pleased as anything about his new gear: rod case, rod and reel, tacklebox and tons o lures. No wonder. Kyle also came first hand into a classic gweech. Now where did I put that down? It was here a minute ago. Hope to see you both at Lakair.
  24. You two sound like a real pair. Enjoyed your report again, SP.
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