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Everything posted by douG

  1. Love my Gerbers so much, I actually have two.
  2. The big decider on what you get, is what do you want to spend? Very nice mapping handhelds for 400$, all in, suggest Garmin 76csx, waterproof, floats, put a 4 g card in it if you want, trip computer, backroads figger er outer, Tim's finder, etc. Topo for our entire great nation will fit on that card, btw. Just let that sink in for a minute. You can't be lost ANYWHERE in Canadia with this gizmo! Very sensitive, too. Looking at its map, it sez which side of the street I'm standing on in front of my house, in the front, or the back yard. It always registers the front porch within 10 ft. 2 AA batteries last for about 18 hours. If the weather is really cold, I might keep a set of fresh batteries in my pocket on the ice, to keep them warm. Is the problem with your gps unit the screen or the batteries? Try leaving your screen outside overnight with the battery unit inside the house, and hook them up in the morning. This might tell you if the problem is with the screen or the batteries.
  3. Sry, Masterb8t, I have no hlep for you, but I still feel your pain. I find a heavy wool blanket can really make that whole evening thing just slide on by. And Ardbegh.
  4. That's a Dilly of a story, Terry.
  5. It could easily be a dozen hours. Or two. I really have no idea, sometimes.
  6. Jig's Dinner? That's some fine eatin' there, Brian. That is the favourite meal on the Algonquin trips fer sure. We start that one right after lunch, simmering and changing the water, chopping the vegetables and etc. Those cheesy biscuits (gallettes?) look good too. Don't cut the vegetables too small, that's for sure, and don't forget the onions. Glad to hear that the whole fam dambly is home safe and sound, and tucking in to a great satisfying meal. Some pickled herring and onions go nice with a beer before dinner, just to set everything up.
  7. Great post, Fang, the ultimate story on the subject, explained very well. Thanks. It looks like the tip up holder is made from a piece of metal strapping? I think my Pa used to make these out of old hockey stick shafts, ripped in half or thirds on the table saw.
  8. Skeeter, put ice water to boil with your potatoes or pasta next time you're on KP, and let us know. Here is more discussion on the subject that you ever wanted to read. Here are the results of some experiments from someone with WAY too much time on their hands. Go ahead, I double dog dare you.
  9. Best to the Boudreauxes today.
  10. Ya. After all the pho we've been through together. What am I, chopped liver? Congrats on your great day on the hardwater, Parker.
  11. It's really simple. The same cooler that can keep stuff at 0C for days when it's 30C outside, will keep stuff above 0C when it's -30 outside, at least for six hours. As for the warm water thing, Woodsman is correct. That myth started when someone compared water that had been boiled with water that hadn't. If they start out at the same temperature, the previously boiled water will freeze first since it has almost no dissolved gases. Other than that, cold water will freeze faster than warm water. As for taking the lid off to see if things are frozen, that won't help at all. Now a thermos bottle is a different story. It keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold. The real question is, How do it know?
  12. If the beer is room temp when you load the cooler, nothing will freeze in 6 hours.
  13. Attaboy, BBRich! Thanks for showing how it's done.
  14. Hardcore, SuperDad Delcloo. Jes' keep givin' 'er.
  15. Many thanks, Andrew. Just a wonderful report.
  16. There was a series of these commercials in the 60s, that followed the same format as this one. Solopaddler's post follows the same deal, flute music and everything. Poifect.
  17. Very good, Emil. Congratulations to you and the proud Momma.
  18. Don't ask ccmtCanada or bly whatever you do.
  19. YUP, Gerritt is on the stick again. 5 Years ago last August, the portables and cell phones were toast, but the land lines still worked great. Atta girrrl, Emily.
  20. I hope no one believes the myth about placing batteries on a concrete floor being a myth. That's a myth for sure.
  21. Roy, Um, I dunno? In their nay nays? First guess.
  22. Happy Birfday to Cliff and Best Fishes! douG
  23. And pelagic, too. Pelagic and lethargic, I hate you danged LAZY SUSPENDED FISH! I gots yer back, joey. Someone needs to clarify my first post for me. K thx.
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