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Everything posted by douG

  1. Flu is a viral lung infection. Hubby has gastroenteritis, and has nothing to do with your flu shot. Keep him well hydrated and pick up some Gatorade or similar that will replace electrolytes lost due to the vomiting and diarhoea. Yoghurt bacteria pills (no yoghurt yet) will help to repopulate the natural flora in the gut and will help settle things down. When things do settle down, the first solid food could be rice, applesauce and bananas. And you, Pamela, should wash your hands very frequently so as not to get it yourself. Good Luck!
  2. I think the January 14th show will feature Marc and some number of very large St. Larry muskies.
  3. Why would it matter if you are using ice rods during the summer season or longer rods? I don't get it.
  4. Like most modern words, the word "golf" derives from older languages and dialects. In this case, the languages in question are medieval Dutch and old Scots. The medieval Dutch word "kolf" or "kolve" meant "club." It is believed that word passed to the Scots, whose old Scots dialect transformed the word into "golve," "gowl" or "gouf." By the 16th Century, the word "golf" had emerged. Sources: British Golf Museum, USGA Library
  5. The Resident Love Goddess got me a step counter, one of those little lcd jobs that clip on your belt. Apparently, 'our' goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day, every day, forever. We just got back from a brisk one hour jaunt, I logged 5200 and she 6300. It feels good, but the forever thing is a little daunting. I could stand to lose about 25 lbs and bump the metabolic rate up a notch or two, but it will take some commitment. I hate those lifestyle change thingies.
  6. You want to put the empty tank in the freezer, Terry. I wonder if this adaptor could be used so that you could use a small bottle if your 20 lb tank runs out.
  7. I manage a group of test technicians in the Environmental Test and Qualfication Lab at Honeywell Aerospace. You know, rocket science and stuff.
  8. Merry Christmas, Roi, and God Bless.
  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Mick. Best wishes for a Happy New Year to those over 'ome.
  10. Thanks, Terry. Some of those shots are beautiful. I also like the purdy flower on the front of your ATV.
  11. Best Fishes, Tref, and Happy Birthday!
  12. I saw one on my street one morning. I live in Etobicoke, just south of the airport.
  13. Happy Birthday, Rafal. And Best Fishes too!
  14. That's just awful. I've bought my last GM, too. Go get yourself a four year old Camry and be done with it.
  15. Nemo, I have absolutely no idea how you buy a pass for your fly in trip. Apparently, you should do something different than what I'm doing. I think we should get together for a strategy meeting.
  16. Attaboy, Rafal. It's a good thing that someone is wearing his thinking hat today.
  17. Great to hear from Mahumba again. BTW, there is a thingy at the top right hand of the page that shows you if you have a PM. Take a look there, 'k?
  18. Best to you, Steve. Don't be such a stranger, 'k?
  19. CUPCAKE! That was just swell!
  20. Thanks, Glen. Best to you and Ol' Yeller.
  21. Very nice, Snag. Glad to see that your previous war wounds haven't hurt your catch rate. Nice pike, too. WTG.
  22. It was very clear last night in Etobicoke, and I saw 3 meteors in about an hour around 9 pm, directly overhead.
  23. Anyone still up?
  24. I would guess by your question that you don't need the latest and greatest tweaks and buzzes. Pick a price point, and go buy something new at TigerDirect. You can't go wrong. For a desktop, $1000 is pretty darn good. Don't go to MDG. Period. The highest rated laptops are Toshiba and Sony. The university stoonts here at home have laptops, and they are wonderful machines - the wireless internet connections they have are the bees' knees. You can sit in your backyard and chat on OFC at the same time. Too kewl. The laptops will be an extra 30 or 40% over what a similar desktop might cost.
  25. You have a spare lagomorph? How about some Hassenpfeffer?
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