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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. Nice work guys and good on ya for contributing to a great cause. Very nice of you to donate your time and boat Pete! You were out the past Monday as well? I can't really see your boat on the pics but we may have past each other. I was out with my father in law in my boat legend 19xcaliber. Kinda comforting to know you didn't have much luck that day either. :-p
  2. great idea and good way to get more people involved! I am hopefully going to get out for an hour or so near my house and will bring a bag! -AA
  3. awesome report, thanks for sharing!
  4. i am tasked with picking the spot for our annual boys canoe/fishing trip this year. End of september we will be heading up to some lakes off the beaten path of the spanish river area. If anyone has alot of experience with that area (west of the spanish) i would appreciate talking to them
  5. nice fish, thanks for posting!
  6. Id buy an app as well. A one time $5 purchase or something reasonable would do well. Monthly fees are the worst. -AA
  7. Great report, thanks for posting. I was out last weekend and fishing from 60' out to 300fow. best picture was anywhere from 70-85fow tho with lots of bait balls on bottom but very few hooks. that was out of pickering. Hopefully the weather starts stabilizing a bit more and things get better soon. cheers, -AA.
  8. looks like you had a great day. I was out with a buddy but we couldn't get into much decent fish. just two smallies throughout the day weighing 1.5 and 2lbs. Tons of rock bass tho, they seemed to be EVERYWHERE!
  9. wow cool report. I will be looking to upgrade to a bigger place in about two years and was kicking around the idea of building a home. I didn't think it would be financially feasible but maybe i should do some more research. That is looking like it's going to be a great place for a reasonable price. I live in pickering so will likely have to spend more on the lot if i want to stay somewhat close to where we are now. keep the reports coming please and good luck with the build! -AA
  10. Great report, thanks for sharing. My oldest boy turns two at the end of the month but he definitely isn't coordinated enough to handle a rod solo yet. Shouldn't be too long tho. -AA
  11. not sure but for some reason i like to set my downriggers on the one's. ie: 51', 61', etc and same with my dipsy lines out 151 161 etc. also 123' of line out seems lucky
  12. hehe 10mil @ 1mil each = 10tril? Good luck getting that upfront cash
  13. Been a long time since I've posted but had a couple tonight and was surfing and came upon this. Rum is also my drink of choice but tastes can differ quite a bit. Appleton's was suggested above but it is one of the few that I really dislike, I find it more akin to a poor tasting whiskey than a good rum. Kraken is decent but strong and not really a sipping rum but goes nice with coke/pepsi. Most of the rum's I really enjoy aren't found here, I have a few pilot friends that bring me back what I prefer. When I run out of that however I usually pick up a bottle of Captain Morgan's spiced for mixed drinks. That being said any rum drinker I am sure will greatly appreciate something new so I would suggest finding something in the vintage section...you can often find something in the 50-70 range that will be good and likely new to them -AA.
  14. Great report and vid, thanks for sharing. I picked up the same net you have this year and it seems more hooks get stuck in that than my old blue nylon mesh. I have had to slice holes in it a couple times to get a fast release. how do you find it? -AA.
  15. Awesome work Dave, keep up the great work! Thanks for sharing Ryan. -AA.
  16. Disgusting situation and he should have gotten more time regardless of it being a "hate crime". Assault of that nature should be punished to the full extent. To ram another vehicle with your own is in a whole different league than just pushing someone in the water (not that I condone that either). For what it's worth I would think using a vehicle like that should be considered assault with a deadly weapon or possibly even attempted murder... my 2 cents, AA.
  17. Great report, thanks for sharing! I can't wait to get out on the big water as well, hopefully next weekend cheers, AA.
  18. awesome work! those are some bigguns! Thanks for sharing -AA
  19. Thanks so much all for the suggestions and advice. Always great to get the opinions of fellow fisherman instead of just relying on online reviews. Hopefully I will have some new shades soon and will let you know which I pick up. Thanks again! -AA
  20. I do have an optical plan but as I have perfect vision I have never gone to an optometrist. It would be great to take advantage of that (maybe say I need them for my commute ) @GBW most of the sundogs look to have fairly thick arm bands. @drifter and GBW the raybans do look nice actually, any idea on a good place to get a deal on a pair and do you find the aviator types ok when driving the boat at higher speeds? I have a pair of aviators that are a little larger on my face and I find the wind really comes in on the sides....The problem is the ones I have are not polarized. Thanks for the quick replies! -AA.
  21. Hey all, I have been looking for a pair of thin armed polarized sunglasses for a while. I want the thin arm as the normal thicker arms under my hat usually give me a headache after fishing for a couple hours. Maybe I have an odd shaped head or I just like my hats a little tighter but I am finding it hard to find a pair of glasses that fit nice with a hat (which is needed to protect my balding head ). I have seen a couple online but can't seem to find any polarized ones to try on at stores that have thin arms. I would also like them rather dark. If anyone has any personal preferences on makes/models I would love to hear them before buying something online. I don't want to go too crazy as I am usually pretty hard on my shades but anything in the sub $100 range would be cool. Thanks, AA.
  22. heh ya i know i saw that was just curious if it changed since last year or was ice out really not till that late last year?
  23. Hey all, I just pulled my boat out of storage for the season and was hoping to get out to simcoe for some whitefish in the next week or so but was just looking at the regs and in the exceptions it says it is closed until 2nd sat in may. I thought i remember reading posts last year of people getting ice out whities and thought that was around april. Did the regs change or am i just mis-remembering when ice out was? I didn't think it was THAT late last year...just curious. Thanks, AA.
  24. Been following this thread since the beginning. It has been quite the build and looks amazing. Clearly tons of thought and effort put in and I hope it serves you well for many years! Thanks so much for sharing! -AA.
  25. Great fish and report, thanks for sharing! and yes them be some cold looking red hands on MJL -AA
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