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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. Awesome work, thanks for sharing! -AA
  2. Great report, thanks for sharing! I know it's relative but those first two rock bass look huge -AA
  3. Done, good luck reaching the goal and best wishes for the events! -Adam.
  4. wow that thing is a monster, congrats on your PB!!!
  5. good work bud, keep those upgrades coming!
  6. Great report Rick! Also that is one sweet shirt you are sporting! From the sounds of it on spoonpullers as well not alot of people got into fish this weekend so at least you guys got the one bow. Hopefully the little guy learned what all the fuss is about and will want more I was out locally (pickering) on saturday morning but not much is there yet from 20'-90'. I am hoping to get out on wednesday and was thinking about launching out of the bronte area. We will see what the weather holds and if any new reports come in in the meantime. Tightlines, -Adam.
  7. Congrats on a great fish! Good luck on the 45"er!
  8. cool trip, thanks for sharing your adventure!
  9. wow, that is quite the tourney. Some of the weights on there already are pretty nuts! Thanks for posting.
  10. nice fish, thanks for sharing!
  11. Congrats! definately looks like it would move quick, be safe and have fun!
  12. Thanks all! Geoff I work shift work so I may be looking for a partner the odd weekday if you are around.... Mike there were a couple minor issues...I will send ya a pm. Paul thanks, not sure if I congratulated you on yours yet but congrats as well! I am jealous you got some slime in yours already mrpike thanks for the concern, the cannon rod holder it's in is designed for that. It's pretty deep in there so I am not really too worried. Hopefully I will see some of you out on the waters this summer, if you see me stop and say hi! AA.
  13. Awesome looking baits, looking forward to your report when you get back! Have fun!
  14. Thanks!
  15. Ya it was my stepdad's who recently passed. Trying to get one on it for him.
  16. Finally got to take my new ride out for some fishing yesterday morning on Lake O. We didn't catch anything, it was my first time rigging it up and with the aweful weather moving in expectations were not very high. It was a great morning out though, no wind and amazingly calm waters. The fog was insane though and we would've been in trouble without my handheld GPS and IPhone as backup (will be upgrading the finder next year but for now toughing it out with what I have). Anyways on to some pictures! Getting ready to launch Heading out Me behind the wheel The track system installed and rigged Canopy up and my buddy driving. Didn't really need it for the rain but it sure helped a ton keeping the fish flies off. They COVERED the entire boat. Fish flies swarming Hopefully we get some nice weather and some warmer temps to get the kings biting on the north shore soon. I need to get her slimed up
  17. Great report and absolutely amazing photos. Thanks for sharing!
  18. wow what a great day! Thanks for sharing.
  19. awesome fish and report, thanks for sharing!
  20. awesome report thanks for sharing!
  21. pink worms for the win!
  22. Great report, thanks for sharing your awesome day! I was worried at the start of it that there would only be blurry pictures but was pleasantly surprised with them after the first couple. Some really good ones in there!
  23. Agreed. Many thanks to all the replies on here. I have 3 weeks before I get the new ride so I will be gathering those items in the meantime. Thanks again, AA.
  24. provided I don't get called in for O.T. I will be coming out on thursday morning for a look. I am mainly in the market for some salmon trolling gear and haven't seen much advertised but I am sure I will end up spending a bunch on stuff I "need" at that moment.
  25. I like that tarp idea, simple and makes sense. Thanks.
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