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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. my monitor has both on it... although the weather on the one without the planes shows me more information, its a slow day due to turbulence so i have time
  2. Very true. i'm at work at the moment (air traffic controller at pearson) and the system is tracking through as i write this. it really doesn't take much of a deviation of the system for you to get a completely different wind direction in a specific area. Also as ccmt says above, as it moves the winds will shift significantly. things should stabilize as it passes, i haven't checked the current forecasts but i would bet they will be fairly accurate for this evening/tonight. AA.
  3. wow what a nice day on the water. congrats!
  4. if you are looking for an accurate picture of when the rain/storms are gonna be moving in go here: www.weatheroffice.gc.ca and use the radar feed and zoom in on the area you are looking. you can activate it to see how fast the system is moving. its a great tool to get an idea of when it will actually hit. although on hot, sunny summer days, daytime heating will cause pop-up thunderstorms to happen fast and unpredictably but typically don't last long (but they can be nasty). if something has been in the long range forecast for some time before hand it is usually a fairly stable system that you can track accurately as it gets close. hope this helps, AA.
  5. congrats! just started with teh fly rod this year myself and still working on landing my first. Thanks for sharing it gives me hope
  6. nice fish, great work!
  7. Congrats!
  8. grats on teh PB!
  9. he was "kite surfing" its called. something i have been wanting to get into for sometime now but haven't had the time or cash to get started.
  10. same, im hoping for them to just take all the home games so they aren't in danger of losing till game 7
  11. good on him for being ready to fight so quickly. i thought the ref was going to stand them up for sure while he had him tied up for so long on the ground. guess you can't really count on that though and if it goes to a decision the guy on the bottom always loses.... only 19yrs old though he has lots of time to learn more technique, he obviously has the heart, just needs more time. I hope he goes far in the sport, we need more canadians representing MMA! good luck to him in future fights. AA.
  12. congrat's on one of your best 'eyes! sounds like a great day on the water
  13. agreed, i'm also a wings fan but a couple of bounces the pen's way and both the games could have been completely changed. I'm hoping everyone wins their home games and it goes to 7 as i have tickets for it.
  14. what a fantastic read, thanks so much for taking the time to post! Congrats on getting into some sturgeon, too bad the conditions weren't great for your friend but sounds like it was a great time regardless.
  15. sounds like alot of fun even though you didn't get many walleyes
  16. Great report! loved all the detailing pic's. Congrats on an awesome outing
  17. nice report and not a boring read at all, would've loved to see some pics tho. no cameras on your cell phones?
  18. gotta love when everythings biting, nice work!
  19. wow, sounds like an awesome day! i've been doing alot of browsing on google earth as well, what a great tool it is. just wish i had more time for exploring all them small streams... congrats on your success!
  20. nice work, those are some good looking fish.
  21. nice haul, thanks for the report!
  22. Going up to my g/f's friends cottage in the parry sound area. Putting in her dock then drinking lots o' beers and casting off it mainly. hopefully hook into a pike or two.
  23. The wings are looking good, the ducks had no business making it that tight of a series. i have never seen so many bounces/calls go one teams way in my life. thankfully the better team prevailed
  24. wow, great day on the water. Nicely done!
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