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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. OMG thanks for posting, that was great. "You want to be a farmer? Here's a couple of acres!" Fantastic!
  2. the point is moot as i don't have a cable to access the photos and the card inside is not compliant with anything i have. i will check out kijiji and maybe post as well and throw up a sign at the parking lot where it was found. thanks for all the suggestions, hopefully i can get it back to the owner. Its not a great camera by any means but it's decent and if it saves the guy from having to buy a new one i'm sure he'd be happy.
  3. lol i am at work atm but when i get home ill check if my camera cable or my wife's will fit this one to upload the pics. The question is should i leave the faces on it incase someone may recognize them and lead to a safe return of the camera?
  4. hehe no fishing pics at all. lots of pics of some older people and some of some people in great big chicken costumes...really strange
  5. very nice!
  6. I found a camera this morning on the bank of Duffin's Creek. If you lost one message me with a description of it so i can return it to you. AlphaAlpha.
  7. great watch, thanks for posting!
  8. nice work, always great when you have a young one with you and you get into that amount of fish. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Last year when i had a slow leak on a tire and only had to top it up when i got fuel i quickly learned that all Shell stations have the free compressor. It was a matter of convience to not always have to have quarters on me when i fill up like at other stations. I still try to only use shell just out of the loyalty that i feel from those days. the bonus airmiles they give don't hurt either
  10. Good on ya for taking action, most probably wouldn't. Thanks for keeping up the fight to protect our environment!
  11. duffins was still fairly high and muddy yesterday, i couldn't get any action no matter what i tried (story of my life ).
  12. Great read! thanks for posting. I just got out to simcoe for the first time this year as well, then went two more times. Got skunked all 3 but have been learning lots from various people here on the boards and am definately looking forward to next year. I spent a fair amount of coin on gear this year so a finder wasn't in the budget. Hand drilling a million holes and fishing blind gets old quick. Next year i will definately have one and hopefully that will make the difference. Thanks again for the post, was inspiring and i am looking forward to next year even more.
  13. I think im gonna head out there tomorrow morning, i have never been to scugog before even in the summer so should be an interesting trip. obviously gonna do some research on locations to hit up tonight. I just have a little portable hut that I will drag out. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow evening.
  14. that being the case the governing powers should state their case in a public forum, not just regurgitating the basic law but the JUSTIFICATION behind their actions. To me and i think most rational people this is a ludicrous situation and complete abuse of power, the news story dictates an appropriate explanation be given. If our governing powers that be aren't accountable to the public that elected them then who are they accountable to????? AA.
  15. It's the sign of a tough economy! Municipalities are making money any way they can! We've only heard one side of the story, the poor innocent drunks side! Those officers must have had some kind of suspicion to approach those folks in the first place... I'll bet the karaoke couple were still singing songs out in the street, and the walking guy wasn't walking as straight as he thought! I don't guess anyone reading this thread realizes that drunks out in public are easy prey for muggers, thieves... and worse! There are ordinances against public intoxication for a reason eh! QUOTE (Sandbag @ Dec 7 2009, 05:55 PM) I'll admit that at first glance, it does seem kind of stupid, but think about it this way for a minute. What if the officer(s) that had contact with these people had let them go along their merry way and they did step into the path of a car or even fell of their own and hurt (or worse) themselves. You can rest assured the first thing they or their family would be doing is suing the police because they had the opportunity to arrest them, drive them home and charge them etc. This would be followed closely by suing the bar that overserved them in the first place. Unfortunately we now live in a society where people won't/don't take responsibility for their own actions and force other people to do it for them Just another side to the coin and my .02 Cheers Craig The nail on the head as well! I honestly feel that this is not the case in Canada. If that situation you described actually occured they would be hard pressed to sue the police or anyone for that matter. You really never hear of cases like that quite frankly because this is NOT the U.S. and our judicial systems seems to have more sense than allowing frivolous lawsuits to get paid. To me this is blatant harassment and as an upstanding, tax paying resident of durham county you can bet your ass i will be writing my local designate to express my disdain with this situation. To me the police are here ON MY DIME to serve and protect me. In that situation i would expect them to either ask me to wait in the establishment i came from or for them to wait there until my ride showed up so that nothing happens to me or others around me. This is not unreasonable and i challenge you to suggest otherwise. In the meantime i will be sending an email requesting a full dismissal of those charges and expecting an apology for the lack of common sense in the policing of said offenders. AA.
  16. Hey all. Tomorrow afternoon im going to be bringing my father-in-law out for some float fishing. this is his first time and i would like to get him into a fish. We tried fly fishing this spring with little success. I was out from about 330-5pm tonight and the water looked good (Duffins). I didn't have any hits but so long as it doesn't rain too hard tonight i think the conditions will be good tomorrow. I am off tomorrow and am going to be trying various spots during the day if anyone wants to come out with me that knows a couple spots i would love some company. I am going to try to pre-fish as much as possible as we will only have about two hours of daylight by the time he gets off work. If anyone wants to join me i will gladly drive. i would like to keep it withing ~30min's of pickering. Send me a PM if you want to get together or just help me out with a couple spots to try. Thanks, AA.
  17. fantastic report, thanks for taking the time to post!
  18. Congrats! nice fish under tough conditions.
  19. very nicely put together, thanks for sharing!
  20. very nice, thanks for sharing!
  21. lol, quite the test. nicely done!
  22. wow, great work! thanks for sharing!
  23. just a heads up, rush hour times on the 401: 630am-10am, 3pm-7pm and much longer when construction is going on(which is always ).
  24. very nice for a quick little evening fish!
  25. just checked mine...its working fine here.
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