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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. Kevin http://www.muskiemagnet.com/ JB's might be at the show,I suggest contacting them
  2. I'd starve with only one Actually the one TJ suggested looks pretty nice(I'd consider it),also might wanna try muskie magnets or a few OFNers make nice baits such as TeamEmptyPockets(Jeff) and muskieman (Mark),woodie baits You can always use more commercial oriented baits,good stand byes like Bucktails(meps/vibrax),Believers,Stalkers,jakes,,if you stop at JB,yours eyes will be delighted and mind like mush Inni minnie miny mo,grab a lure off the post ,you will have to see.......... wich one will catch you the most
  3. I agree Dan and Ron have some great shots
  4. What skin are you comfortable in? My Own
  5. Only questions I have Did tha boat sink or come out from under the wave?
  6. Thanks all for the nice comments,for a couple of years now I've fished with Aaron on the Niagara for Steelhead and lakers,I was introduced to Aaron by a very close Friend Darren Goldenberg (Darsky) a few years ago on our very first trip out to Niagara.Steve Bedarf was the very first person I went to to revive the Lake Simcoe restoration project during my tenor as President of MCI,during our works together all 3 of us became very good friends . For those who dont realize how big Steve is,I could curl in a fetus position and fit in his belly All fun aside,both guys are great wonderfull people and whom better to share prob one of the best days ever filmed on Tv with,I would suspect the 2 biggest true measured muskies ever filmed,a unique moment in the history of Muskellunge fishing We all hear stories but these were true and both were not tail pinched as tail pinching is the legal method of measuring fish but in my perspective its an un-natural form and length added of approx 1 inch. Although I seldom girth fish unless I see a valid reason for this extra handling,I always do all my measurements in the water,it is the truest natural form of measuring fish in their natural state We have no idea what the weight was,I would suspect both were in the 40 pound range Very glad everyone found it informative,Aaron and Darrel did a spectacular job and placing forth this info Lew,Obessive ,compulsive behavior,thats why we do what we do Mrs Eh,why I sound like I do,if you remember Drooppy in the cartoons of days long gone As Steve Bedarf would say "I 'm Happy" Those interested in reserving days,I have started taking reservations for 07 dates,first come first serve The show will be on Aaron site and my site along with many others I've done Thanks to TJ and the Mods and all OFC'er's for allowing us to show you this and many other unique moments we experience throughout the season and years Maybe we could see the Gillesp with Maina in action in the near Futur,ever see anyone jump like a little girl Those who missed it http://www.gettinghooked.net/Episodes.htm Be well marc
  7. Lets just say Aaron,Its purely Canadian EH! You realy wanna see what goes on behind the scenes,well I think the out takes will show it all Parental discretion is advised If you dont like saying Eh, Change the channel
  8. Lew if we ever get one that big,I"ll be holrering "Get the Gun"
  9. Once agin great pieces by JP and Sandy,keep em coming Great work on both newsletters TJ,thanks
  10. I was gonna say Me and Roy were'nt there
  11. Thats a spectacular quilt,wow
  12. You might want to be sure ya dont miis it specially Jan 14 I believe
  13. Howards been around for a long time,keeps on reeling em in How ya doing DR Phil Wishing you and Jason a happy New Year
  14. Maybe he should get an OFC Tatoo
  15. Wishing everyone at OFC a Happy New Year To Tj/Monique and all the mods (Roy,Spiel,Rick,MuskieStudd,Danc,Marty) whom for years have provided this wonderful place we call OFC Community I wish you and your families health and prosperity Thanks for giving a part of yourselves to all of us
  16. Outahere,thank you very much for the explanation I recall watching the Nova series on inversion of magnetic fields,I maybe wrong but they felt it was and may be a natural occurring thing that has somewhat of an impact,like I said we are 6000 years behind,the overall was human impact was the leading factor.Once again thank you for sharing the info you might want to share more of your knowledge on this matter,very interesting TG,why did I know you would see it the same way I do when it comes to politicians who recycle themselves I do recall back in 73 or 72 when we had a giant (Colorado style snow storm)We were stranded at school and even the buses could not make it to pull us out.My mom made it in with very early version of Izuzu car Other than the great snow storm that hit the east coast back in 2001- or 20002,I've never seen as much snow as back then.Some years we get more than others I guess we cant make the world stop from going around so might as well live with it Wayne,very interesting about the chem trails,I don't think its a conspiracy I think its scientific hypocrisy which goes on in all fields until they are caught or blown the whistle at. Only and only because I have experienced such hypocrisy that I would believe in this,although I believe in our scientific people,I think at times they try and play God or Mother nature for financial benefits or balance, afterall its the blind leading the blind I don't see this subject as doom and gloom but awareness
  17. Hi Outahere,I am puzzled by this "he reversal of the magnetic poles has the same impact on global warming as ozone depletion....none. There is often a confusion on factors that impact on global warming, and these are often used to dismiss the impact of human activities" Can you elaborate on how or why this would have no impact? I do agree human impact is speeding up the process or possibly creating a more dramatic weather related impacts Would not all these factors combine aid in leading to our weather changes Seems to me polar inversion is of importance no? Dan,dont think we can debate much but place forth info we read,its an interesting subject
  18. Gerrit there's is also one in Antartica which recently separated from the Antaric Ice cap
  19. Hi Dan,actually I have been watching this and observing several factors.Al Gore is right to a certain extent but we and he fail to realize and recognize is many other factors other than human factors are at work here Overall the average waters temps have risen by 4 degrees in 10 to 20 years El Nino and El Nina years are more frequent Human pollution and artificial human warmth are factors which speed up the process of global warming but is it global warming or the inversion of the polar caps and earth's magnetic fields. Something the earth has had in its evolutionary cycle since earth's coming to be or creation Yes bombs going off everyday across the world,carbon monoxide,artificial heat,human populace are all factors that create warmth in which earth cannot easily rid itself Currently the earth is facing inversion of the magnetic polar caps,this phenomenon is not unusual or unnatural,actually we are 6000 years behind the last observed polar inversions,which is from my understanding the root for natural global warming that the earth has experienced throughout its aging and evolution We as human contribute to the speeding up of this process,but natural global warming has always existed throughout earth creation This is an interesting subject and would be interesting to see multiple links from this discussion as it progresses http://www.worldpress.org/Europe/591.cfm http://en.epochtimes.com/news/5-8-29/31706.html http://www.tmgnow.com/repository/global/pl...ophysical2.html http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/eart...tic_031212.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal http://www.psc.edu/science/Glatzmaier/glatzmaier.html http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/magnetic/reversals.html To solve the problem means human erradication? Take bike to work,row troll,use other means to heat,stop reproducing as humans (Ramsey and Trojans will love me for this ) To many elements to stop this process by human impact and we surely cant stop Mother Earth from aging Al Gore is correct in bringning this to light,but he still remains a politician in my eyes Remember he invented the internet,now he's selling videos about global warming Is it the enviroment or a salary he is aiming to accomplish? I prefer Discovery channel,or the history channel or National geographics,many times during these show wordings or other aspects to the documentary lead you to research on the matter to further understand
  20. Water spout with 5 little devils twirling around the mother,about 1/2 football field in front of it 2 sept 2005,Seen lots of em but never close enough to surge me forward on 5- 6 foot waves,We dont get many 6 foot waves norm is 3-4 but instant swirling 60 to 90 gusts kinna do this ,never seen waves pointy as such coming from every direction.Scary thing I wont soon forget Lighting storms for 2 hours paralyzed against shore,waiting to look like poutine from a lightining strike Every year,I never learn,one day I am gonna look like ShishKabob with a compre forked through me Lost a wheel doing 110 km/hr,kept my cool and coasted to a stop,could have been a disaster 2005
  21. I'd go see the Doc,30 days is a little lenghty for a cold or cough I ended up with Influenza last year which sent me to the hospital,not the common cold,influenza the real deal You might have an infection or probs with bronchitis,which could lead to anything Get a bill of health,I don't like medicine but at times its the only solution Be well and get well
  22. Hi Lew the 17 is a good unit,basically with color you are doubling the price and a little over,but you also get more power which allows you to read higher definition on your screen,fish lying on the bottom etc You will be happy with the 17 ,color is eye appealing but overall I think any of the big units are good that lowrance makes,always had one ,always used one,to this day my probs are minimal to none Some guys play more with the functions,once mine is set up for my own use,I don't play with it much other than icons and sensitivity I think on the lowrance site you can compare units,as for price,seems good to me
  23. IF Bass Pro is of interest well OFC has BPS Man ,Roger who has alwyas wanted to work for Bass Pro,well he followed his dream and now is a employee,he might be able to assist you in what it entails to work in a large retail store ,Sam from Cara Outdoors is another person on this board with a wealth of experience also like everyone else mentioned and pointed out get and continue good education
  24. Happy B day Roger wishing all the best today
  25. Many Happy returns TJ Happy Birthday
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