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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. By Far the best Roger "BPS bassman" Its a Fisherman's Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCLBaHiy-Q4
  2. Hi John we must be careful when utilizing the word "Strain", My understanding is strains evolved from isolation during glacier receding,which I am not aware this has been identified in muskellunge. Ex Lake trout http://www.fishfactor.tv/documents/Lake%20Trout-Truite%20Grise/Lake%20trout%20strains.pdf I know Bernard Lebeau advanced riverine and lacustrine ,but some biologist advance Northern Muskellunge versus Great Lakes muskellunge Much has still to be learned,many geneticist are hard at work from NY /ONT/QC/MI/ MN and WI to unravel the origins of NA populations and if stocking/introduction has led to dilution and what factors have aided or not dilution if it has occurred Here is some important notes and study on DNA and muskies "Understanding the historical distribution and contemporary genetic spatial structure of Muskellunge will help resource managers conserve the genetic resources of this important species. Koppelman and Philipp (1986) stated that stocking Muskellunge into an established population may reduce fitness by irre-versibly disrupting locally adapted gene complexes. This warning is repeatedly echoed in the fisheries literature (Crossman 1984; Reisenbichler and Rubin 1999; Miller and Kapuscinski 2003; Jennings et al. 2010). If one assumes that observations of neutral (microsatellite) genetic diversity and spatial structure are indicative of adaptive variation in the genome, even at a remedial level, then our results strongly support these warnings" https://masquinongy.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/kapuscinski-et-al-2013_mky-genetics.pdf
  3. Raf ,biodiversity (abundance of various species and abundance of species to predate upon) has more impact on growth than depth of water among many other factors such as genetics ,some great big fish come very small puddles.
  4. Good to see you guys following up on this Tom, John Crocksbury (Might be miss spelled) brought his up some years ago about crow. I agree with you ,introducing a Foreign Family that has not evolved in the same environment might not be whats best. Might create further imbalance within the ecosystem. Evolution is by far the best adaptation tool,although a lengthy process, we can have confidence that Ma Nature will evolve and assure survival of the populations. Muskie by their very nature are very adaptive, a time process will have to be observed and allow evolutionary adaptation to occur. Possibly a dip in population but the recovery will be much stronger and allow surviving YOY to evolve with the presence of a secondary apex predator. Genetic study and maintaining genetic structure is the future of fisheries management. To this day many geneticist are trying to elaborate if past stocking/introductions of foreign families have diluted originals populations or not. Its probably more prudent to maintain same genetic family structures and allow evolution to take over and rebuild more durable ,evolutionary coexisting populations
  5. As long as its not someone from Wall Mart trying to sell you a Personality ..... Your fine
  6. Fish Farmer,that ones been around the block, Must have known it was gonna win its supreme court case hahahahaha
  7. Ya i agree I'd really like to know Roy's take on Hermaphrodite FISH
  8. I'd say Dan over did the muskie ribs hahahahaha
  9. Wrapped in Bacon Art,best Filet around ,with a hint of fish crisp lol Joey has it right Mary's little Lamb ,Beef and Pork
  10. By Tomorrow Wayne Love my meats , this time of year love using my smoker Drifter, ya Pouding or Pudding lol But hey Pound that meat down
  11. Merry and Festive Christmas to all and a Healthy New Year Make sure you eat your meats If not!!!! No Pouding (Pudding lol) FOR YOU
  12. interesting thread somedays I ask myself why I even do this to myself The flurry of emotions that we go through in a year,during good fishing ....its glidding or sledding along, when tough...you stay motivited and motivate everyone in the boat ,when in reality your down right crabby inside and say to yourself" The next one I catch,I am cooking it" , till you catch one then its all happy,happy happy again its the way of life that kicks in,its what I wake to do what we must all realize with over indulgence of fishing,we are in some way trying to undertsand,trick other living matter into eating artificial food!!!!!!! Beyond what we may think and conceive fish and living matter have their own schedule and may not over indulge as we human do sometimes letting your eyes and ears abosrb the surroundings is where its truly at
  13. Here is various ways cities treat water Ottawa http://ottawa.ca/en/residents/water-and-environment/drinking-water-and-wells/water-purification-and-treatment http://ottawa.ca/sites/ottawa.ca/files/migrated/files/con063527_123474204.jpg Toronto https://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=6d1409f8e0c7f310VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD Montreal *Unfortunatly Montreal does not have english version http://ville.montreal.qc.ca/portal/page?_pageid=6497,54223577&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL They use several methods Dégrillage Floculation Filtration Ozonation Chloration we will get there
  14. Thing about it is our waste water management throughout North Amercia has not evolved to this sort of new polutants.We dampened chemical waste but did not anticipate pharmaceutical. Only way to counter this form of waste management is Ozone treatment of waste water,every major city throught North Amercia needs to implement such systems. We know more than we did in the past but far less than the futur
  15. Here some info and good read of new polutants http://www.good.is/posts/antidepressants-in-u-s-waterways-giving-fish-anxiety-homicidal-behavior
  16. Ya been a pretty good year,not sure I always know where they live But they sure do find me,dont mind them catching me Have not had time to post,Life kinda catches up to you,kids grown,mocing into houses and getting their lives going. Lots know how that goes Drop by every so often and look at post,monster caught from Nip I saw,Gorilla is my thought
  17. Nice video,love Chapleau have family thre and spent several summers when I was young
  18. Actually Honey is one of the few products that remain all natural Its a natural occurring sugar. Most beekeepers prefer white or light honey which is derived from clovers,apple trees or blueberries in most cases Light honey tends to not crystallize as fast as dark honey Light honey is easier and seems to be more visually appreciated in commercialization Dark honey in most case is far more richer and tastier ,but its richness tends to lead to crystallization faster Most dark honeys are derived for buckwheat Not much you can do to prevent crystallization
  19. Wow,tks God its web page views!!!!! If it were paper work....... TJ you'd still be counting kudos to you all
  20. Love the variation in colors
  21. Walleyes and saugers from May to June Muskies from June to Nov Great sauger/walleye action in may and june 40 to 80 fish days are not un common Slot size applies to walleye 37 cm to 53 cm (14 1/2 inch to 20 1/14 inches) Muskies are the most mesmerizing species swimming in North American waters today. With intrigue come obsessive compulsive tendencies. The fascination with the targeted angling species lies in both the evolution of this mythical species and in the ability to blend and experience nature in its most solitude state. *Transport Canada certifications and conformities Includes guiding, lodging, and meals. 1 day,3 day and 5 day trips What we seek is to provide the experience of a life time within the excitement of the moment. Marc Thorpe 3690 Ethier Terrebonne, Quebec J6Y 1A1 Phone: 450-433-4784 / no fax E mail: [email protected] www.marcthorpeguiding.com
  22. Mike ,there goes the neighbourhood
  23. jaqcues Paul did use frozen dead minnows Worms or dead bait did not make a diffrence on that day Tks for the explanation As for dead baiting or idling bait on your tip ups,after last weeknd,It does not surprise me Paul had some set up same way and got some action Dax, Frabill has been in invloved with my services,my muskie research projects and my educational web show FishFactor.TV along with any others for many years
  24. Nice RC,very colorful splake
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