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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. At least I were a shirt when I do it Depends who's rear I smooch Its been a good wet sock year once again,caught some King Kongs getting ready to wrap up one last shoot on thursday then Muskies "Fish with attitude" The opening wet sock season was good with lots of " Mud Puppies" (Sauger)being caught. At times the bite was ridiculous,on the water at 7 and off by 1-2 pm,then kinna relax and do it all over again.Pike bite was pretty good,we had 24 pike in 19 minutes with triples and quadruples Then my fun time started,short linning wet socks (walleyes) and yaking King Kongs,although the top end did not reach last years high the overall size was really good with 20 something fish in the 6 to 9 pound range.The beauty of it all was looking guest in the face and telling em ,its gotta go back Once the emotional scaring healed they were fine with it Spent a wonderfull evening with Roy one night and Few hours with Darsky and enjoyed the time Also got to fish a couple of evenings with my cousin and niece and my dad So overall was a good spring with smiles on shore Some people cant wait to get to bed after work I cant wait to get up
  2. hahahahah,Your a Gold hearted one Roy,gonna go see my dad and mom tomorrow night Tks kind one
  3. Justa word of thanks to all who share there moments with us all I really appreciat the time you consider when sharing your moments Be good and boat fish ,keep them reports coming Most of all Be safe
  4. what about me
  5. Congrats on the spectacular photos and great time TKS for sharing
  6. nice evening catch
  7. Like Ottawa Politicians ,Big Choke
  8. Its up and working,there's actually 2 muskie videos on the server
  9. need not worry,I am up
  10. Tybo,neither the spring or thimball get damaged,Ive never experienced it Snaps yes
  11. Fishdawg,I want you top take a calcutta 700 reel,lock it right down and catch a salmon on a 10 inch bait and tell me what kinda fight you had,I am almost certain,on impact you"ll snap the fishes vertabrae,the fight will last no more than 7 minutes To even suggest a species is better than another is relevant to the methods and tactics one uses. to really try and find which species is stronger,one would have to apply the same method for all species To be honest Salmon fight like Romo's,they run and come back,run and come back on 15 to 20 mono line with soft rods,so comparing a 410 gauge to a 303,its really not the way to compare Firearms and fish Like I said,I yet to catch a fish with acrown on it,although I have met people who thought they should wear a crown Tybo,I think a Dodge on Ultra light would beat a a chevy smallie
  12. I must admit the Bic pen springs are pretty good,they get em all penned up Thimballs or springs I used for years,do they prevent wear (I suspect so ) I've trolled the wiggle off of lures and the leaders with or without em lasted.Snaps,go through em like candy,Leaders maybe 6 a year Trolling. Whats more important is understanding wether tying a knot or using a crimped leader with a loop is more advantagious depending on the fish modd and activity level When you guys figure that one out,let me know I did a piece on leaders on the Next Bite season 2 DVD,its also a pretty good show,but you se myself and Dave Fornara making leaders with springs
  13. Neither,there just fish Never caught one with a Crown yet
  14. thats weird,the link ups and was working should be online today Wayne,I guess the threads like a follow on a top water and a complete miss Ya you just keep on eye on my bubbles Wont be long now
  15. way cool mike,report and pics
  16. very nice report,I see you brought the fish crisp
  17. Just thought I shared a show I did last fall on the Ottawa,wont be long http://homepage.mac.com/outdoorpassion/iMovieTheater65.html
  18. My sympathies Lew
  19. Shimano has won several IGFA awards http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/fishing...tory?id=2872192
  20. Ah Wayne,the beauties of human error Man made it,man can flaw it I am sure it will all work
  21. Good on you Rick,I get back pains during the winter working on the computer and doing office and videos stuff I have no idea how folks work for hours behind a desk,my body does not like it very much Glad things are better
  22. Oh ya dont troll,make em cast
  23. Hey Darsky,since when did you become Tim the tool man
  24. Yes,Glen you are right,thanks I enjoy reading the reports also Most enjoyable
  25. Some interesting reads from DNR http://dnr.wi.gov/fish/pages/vhs.html http://www.earthfiles.com.vsd18.korax.net/...ory=Environment http://www.postcrescent.com/apps/pbcs.dll/...PC0101/70512013 http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?D...chment_ID=25501 http://www.jsonline.com/story/index.aspx?id=604843
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