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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. Thanks Spiel,read most of it,unfortunatly some of the info provided my MNR is innacurate Some numbers are inflated to the true actuallness of it all,although it sheds some light it lacks accuracy to the true reality of what is truth.
  2. UBA1990,I'll pass on advice I received when I was your age ,maybe a bit younger who knows I suggest you write Bob Izumi and ask for articles he has published about getting into the business and also ask Pete Maina for some pieces he has wrote. TJ from this very site would be an instrumental person to seek advice from his experience as many of the lodge owners that support OFC and OFC Find the niche in the business in which you can fill or become the renewal or continuation of the industry,to many try and do like others and follow the road of redundancy.If you look closely their success is measured by how busy they are.Some more than others,most that remain busy is mainly due to the unique ness of their niche You will find your niche by trying various aspects of earning your living in the outdoors in the multitude of business aspects that exists,whether retail,manufacturing,sales,development,outfitting,guiding or promotional or even internet outdoor promotions Behind it all,the good parts,there's the business end which must be done although not always fun,you are young enough that with time you will build a firm base to your dreams,but as others say 10 to 20 years is not uncommon until you find stability in the financial area of it although earning a living in the outdoors is a great way of life,it does not come without negativity,family life suffers,ones privacy is infringed,jealousy abounds and in many cases like the song goes :I walk a lonely road the only road that I have ever known,don't know where it goes but its only me and I walk alone" Or "With a wife and kids at home with a job some where on some assembly line I wish I had that life - I bet you wish you had mine " Its a wonderfull way of life just be aware of what your person truly desires and live it at such
  3. Dan thanks for sharing once again spectacular pics and colors Welcome Alan,you will enjoy this place
  4. Actually there's no favorite for me,mainly because the reports and pics that folks share is what keeps me intrigued Moosebunk,Dip Lip to name few that make it a complete report/story but there is so many,the pics by Danc and Ron portray the most beautiful aspects of nature being shared.these are only references,there are so many,The pics of fish and how to's from GCD and The plumma's which always have something to learn EHG,I think the Bedarf fish set an entire internet record of most view on one site which was just shy of 10 000 hits,just shy when factoring how many sites posted the link, it may have very well been between 15 000 and 20 000 views or impressions,It was truly a unique moment in the history of muskie fishing and one that will mum me for ever Wait the show comes out in January
  5. Well I gotta say,this is the place to be in the morning some great people met along the way,most off all the reports and folks genuine ideas and ideals shared here is what we read everyday Other than its a happy place even when I make others angry All kidding aside,you cannot find another board in which all types of discussions and awareness abound When you can put Maina in Green Spandex,its gotta be good all this supported by a great group of mods
  6. jeff makes sweet spinner baits
  7. So let me get this,your 43 years old and you dont leak! I'd get that checked out
  8. Definatly an event worth supporting Support the vendors inturn you support the organization The only Canadian muskie show
  9. has anything been done? Who are they ?
  10. What ever happened to the 8 roder's posted on OFC?
  11. http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Rock...n+spotted+fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever, infectious disease caused by a rickettsia rickettsia (rĭkĕt`sēə), any of a group of very small microorganisms, many disease-causing, that live in vertebrates and are transmitted by bloodsucking parasitic arthropods such as fleas , lice (see louse ), and ticks. ..... Click the link for more information. . The germ is harbored by wild rodents and other animals and is carried by infected ticks that attach themselves to humans. Despite its name, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is most prevalent in the S United States from Virgina, the Carolinas, and Georgia W to Oklahoma; it may be encountered in other tick-infested regions. Symptoms include chills and high fever; a rose-colored skin rash that appears first on the wrists and ankles and spreads to the trunk, the spots turning deep red and running together; headache; and pains in the back, muscles, and joints. In severe cases there may be delirium or coma. Spotted fever is a serious disease; however, it is not usually fatal if prompt antibiotic treatment is administered. Immunization with vaccine is effective. rickettsia (rĭkĕt`sēə), any of a group of very small microorganisms, many disease-causing, that live in vertebrates and are transmitted by bloodsucking parasitic arthropods such as fleas flea, common name for any of the small, wingless insects of the order Siphonaptera. The adults of both sexes eat only blood and are all external parasites of mammals and birds. Fleas have hard bodies flattened from side to side and piercing and sucking mouthparts. Their legs are ..... Click the link for more information. , lice (see louse louse, common name for members of either of two distinct orders of wingless, parasitic, disease-carrying insects . Lice of both groups are small and flattened with short legs adapted for clinging to the host. The sucking lice, of the order Anoplura, are external parasites of humans and other mammals, feeding on blood by means of their piercing-and-sucking mouthparts. ..... Click the link for more information. ), and ticks. Rickettsias are named after their discoverer, the American pathologist Harold Taylor Ricketts, who died of typhus typhus, any of a group of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms classified between bacteria and viruses, known as rickettsias. Typhus diseases are characterized by high fever and an early onset of rash and headache. They respond to antibiotic treatment with tetracycline and chloramphenicol and can be prevented by vaccination. ..... Click the link for more information. in Mexico after confirming the infectious agent of that rickettsial disease. Rickettsias are gram-negative, coccoid-shaped or rod-shaped bacteria; unlike other bacteria, but like viruses, they require a living host (a living cell) to survive. Rickettsias from infected vertebrates, usually mammals, live and multiply in the gastrointestinal tract of an arthropod carrier but do not cause disease there; they are transmitted to another vertebrate, possibly one of another species, by the arthropod's mouthparts or feces. Types of Rickettsial Diseases Rickettsia prowazekii causes louse-borne typhus, carried from person to person by two species of lice. Flea, or murine, typhus, caused by R. mooseri, is transmitted from rodents to people by fleas. Trench fever, caused by R. quintana, was an epidemic disease in World War I; it is transmitted by the rat flea from rat to person or from person to person. Trench fever disease reservoirs (perpetuation of the disease in wild animal populations) exist in some parts of E Europe, Mexico, and N Africa. Various typhuslike rickettsial diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever Rocky Mountain spotted fever, infectious disease caused by a rickettsia . The germ is harbored by wild rodents and other animals and is carried by infected ticks that attach themselves to humans. Despite its name, Rocky Mountain spotted fever is most prevalent in the S United States from Virgina, the Carolinas, and Georgia W to Oklahoma; it may be encountered in other tick-infested regions. ..... Click the link for more information. and African tick typhus, are transmitted by ticks from animal hosts to people. Mite-borne rickettsial infections include rickettsialpox, caused by Rickettsia akari and transmitted from house mice to people, and scrub typhus, or tsutsugamushi fever, caused by R. tsutsugamushi and found in Japan and SE Asia. Q fever, caused by Coxiella burnetii, a more hardy rickettsia viable outside the living host, is usually transmitted to humans by inhalation of contaminated airborne particles or from contaminated materials, often from infected livestock; it is an occupational hazard among dairy farm and slaughterhouse workers. A new rickettsia, Ehrlichia chaffeenis, which results in human ehrlichiosis ehrlichiosis (ârlĭkēō`sĭs), any of several diseases caused by rickettsia of the genus Ehrlichia. Ehrlichiosis is transmitted by ticks. ..... Click the link for more information. , was identified in 1986. Symptoms and Treatment The similar symptoms of rickettsial infections often make it difficult to distinguish one disease from another. In people the organisms grow in cells lining blood and lymph vessels; a rash, fever, and flulike symptoms are usually present. Q fever also causes lung damage. All rickettsial diseases respond to treatment with antibiotics such as doxycycline (a tetracycline tetracycline (tĕ'trəsī`klēn), any of a group of antibiotics produced by bacteria of the genus Streptomyces. They are effective against a wide range of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria, interfering with protein synthesis in these microorganisms (see Gram's stain ). ..... Click the link for more information. ) and chloramphenicol chloramphenicol (klōr'ămfĕn`əkŏl'), antibiotic effective against a wide range of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (see Gram's stain ). ..... Click the link for more information. . http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/rmsf/overview.htm http://www.lyme.org/otherdis/rmsf.html http://www.answers.com/topic/rocky-mountain-spotted-fever http://www.emedicine.com/EMERG/topic510.htm http://www.avma.org/reference/zoonosis/znrockymountain.asp have fun In other terms Lyme disease
  12. Main Entry: 2slander Function: noun Etymology: Middle English sclaundre, slaundre, from Anglo-French esclandre, alteration of escandle, from Late Latin scandalum stumbling block, offense -- more at SCANDAL 1 : the utterance of false charges or misrepresentations which defame and damage another's reputation 2 : a false and defamatory oral statement about a person -- compare LIBEL - slan·der·ous /-d(&-)r&s/ adjective - slan·der·ous·ly adverb - slan·der·ous·ness noun
  13. Congrats Joey,way cool Beauty pics,ya look all decked out in that shirt Wonder if Tybo will get used to that ,stickers all over your Bigger boat than his and truck and full patched They be talking fishing with you Glad you had a wonderfull day and a wonderfull experience
  14. Lew your part of of those memories with so many others
  15. Good luck and smile for the camera
  16. Historical memories
  17. Ditto on what Roy said Congrats and stand tall and proud in the face of adversity You succeeded,something powerful between you both Most off all you believed in the fundamental values of one another in which you held a promise Wishing your family the best of all Christmas's
  18. Way cool Joey Good luck ,will be rooting for ya
  19. Nice collage Hey muskieStudd,how many rods can we run Have to say this is another refreshing and a setlling of hapinnes post Beauty job Mistyriver
  20. Roger,beautifull Thanks for sharing Wonderfull video and very very catchy song
  21. blyght Way too funny hahahahahahahah I look like as mime in green leatards Or is it Rod Stewart trying to stop a snowball
  22. ya know Lew,yes there are some moments in time I forget There's always a element that triggers the memory back, just need to find it Most times its within the excitement of the moment you find the element marc
  23. will we have Elfs and Tutu's
  24. Bwaaaaaaaa Tweety the Green Gobblin Hahahahaha,We have a Elf now on Site We should have the Tutu master and the Elf as a Skin cover oh god thanks , I love this nosense Dont worry Jen,I put em through worst Anyways he needs a good laugh Looks like Frampton recycled himself as Santa's little helper
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