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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. woooooooooooooooooooooo Now thast nasty
  2. My only question is that 63 lbs,does that count as 1 or 2 muskies what would 3 make 111 pounds mmmmm I smell fish fry Served with Frapatino Latte of course
  3. I got Schooled alright Hey so I went a little lean on the cost of gas Ya dont want me to frighten the poor lad Grade 5!!!! I thought it all ended in grade 3
  4. Well man,theres 5280 feet per mile with an average cast of 125 feet multiplied by 10 000 cast and divided by 5280 feet per mile You"ll have to troll 236.74 miles with an average of 3 miles per gallon,that will cost you 80$ in fuel So ya wanna catch a muskie eh Look on the bright side,its better than trolling the couch
  5. "This is the preferred lunch of athletic fishermen throughout the deep south!" You keep eating those things and the mods will make you wear a shirt when posting Just think about it Glen,you rib cage will disapear
  6. eating fish no matter the species is a heritage,if we go to much to the left and right we might just loose our rights to fish and consume our catch CNR is good but its not the total answer,did not see the pic but man ,I see no reason not to post a fish you kept for what ever reason,its fine with every other species They have not inventented drop em and walk em away hunting yet I am always astounished by the remarks by those in which Catch and Release was handed to them on a silver platter,the new experts I have eaten muskies and they are as good as any species although much larger specimens contains more toxins,eating one wont kill you anymore than breathing in the the smog air Post mortal release averages 20 to 28% for the most part,for those that handle fish commonly we are talking 50 or more fish might and I say might be bewteen 5% and 8% Truth of the matter is it has nothing to do, if little to do with handling but more so with the individual fish's physical health and form,thats my observation Nelly what ever the pic,you should be proud of your capture I congradualate you To say some protect a fish but turn a blind eye to witnessing the possibilities of someone getting hurt If you think your rights are not being chipped away by some corporations Microsoft is not alone http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11075
  7. May God shine on there souls
  8. what a wonderfull read and kind gesture way to go Aaron ,congrats on making a special moment to remember Rob,all the best to you and your little loved ones life is so precious and hapinness the true meaning for life may God shine on you all
  9. Pete Dude just continue to do what you do best and thats being you As genuine as you will ever find To the folks at EA ,great work Nice thing about EA,some very good people from OFC contribute to the mag It is mag for the people by the people,you dont have to be a somebody in the fishing world to contribute,you simply just have to want to share your educational experiences Gerrit,just look over any negative response
  10. Congrats on the large one beauty first fish
  11. Glen ,thats a big Kitty
  12. Nice beast due,congrats to you and Dad Boy Roy sure has some tall kids
  13. tks ,Pigeonfisher very beautiful poem,very heart warming
  14. Beautifull,way to go Joey and Paul Lew ,a memory that will last a lifetime
  15. nice shots,tks for sharing,glad you both had a wonderfull experience
  16. Connie,thanks for sharing this guy's mistake I am sure its a lesson many will pay further atttention in regards to regs Hope alls well and look forward to your Pike report,have a chap from England,never heard so much talk about 30 pound pike in my life,they look like Beluga's I want one that big ,32 poundrrs,35 pounders,38 pounders,my God I need to catch one
  17. Tony and Marty and Ed in closing I leave you on these words by Green Day of course Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go So make the best of this test, and don't ask why It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life. So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial For what it's worth it was worth all the while It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.
  18. Congrats TJ,Rick,Roy,Spiel,Dan,Muskiestud,Marty and everyone who contributes in sharing their stories
  19. Reel my friend Reel
  20. no doubt about it,those are slobasoraus bass Mark Currie is a phenominal bass guide congrats Darren on the great day
  21. Great report TG,great pics capturing the essence of the moments
  22. Sounds like you had a wonderfull time,good luck on sunday
  23. Channel cats fight good,we catch walleye fishing They grow to be good size on the Ottawa,fight like champs
  24. man that looks like Chateau Quesnel Sweet TJ
  25. interesting history 1 through 7
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