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Marc Thorpe

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Everything posted by Marc Thorpe

  1. How many folks here still skate or play hockey? Started skating this year again,least once a week with my son,pretty nice after years of not doing it.Gotta admit,my groin hurts when I think I am 20 again I think a few more weeks we'es be doing pretty good at it again,might even play hockey Cant wait for good cold and get ice fishing,I am itchin reading some of the past reports
  2. Rich,great report like all reports on OFC you guys put a good sequence of pics up with tremendous "Light Side Of Life" facial expresssions which bring a compliment to your reports Keep it up Rich and Sleded
  3. Holy Grazers Joey! Congrats on the fish Now thats a Moooooooooooooo
  4. Thanks, was a very good day.Had family over for New Years Played Hockey couple of days ago,Realized had not skated for 7-8 years and new skates make it for a somewhat of a trial . Had a wonderfull time skating and playing hockey with my son,makes one want to quit old habits and gain some breath back.We'll see if my will will allow me to overcome. ya know what hits the most at 40,realizing your kids soon will be on their way to building their owns lives Jamie,50,not yet man I still holding out hope on anti aging I sorta like the Vinegar years Happy Birhday to Pete Maina also many happy returns
  5. Merry Christmas Sam to you and your family
  6. Hey Moose,just thought I'd let ya know Bear got the sled,so have ta wait till next sled come around
  7. Great thread Lew I have a few memories which come back year after year When I was young,the smell of Johnny West figurines still come to my mind My kids ,the gleem in their eyes on Christmas Morning The smell of Turkey supper and Turkey sandwichs later in the evening at my God Mothers,I still smell that aroma every year thinking about it
  8. Wishing you all the best Roger
  9. Cisco,I suspect like so many do today and what Chris is pointing out is as soon as they are pointed doing wrong,They hang up the phone or stop answering or communicating when raisng issues.Accountability starts with admital to doing wrong or commiting a mistake Accountability starts with using funds in the most ROI possible way,not research when the information is availible, wasting funds on committees when they are already on a payroll is beyond my comprehention We currently live in a era of Non Accountability,These are public funds they are using. When did non acccountability fall into place when using tax payer/donated funds? This behavior will only turn and spite face and loose all interest in support. You also are aware 50% of all tax generated funds go to pay civil servants salaries,maybe cutting paper workers would be a good place to start in gaining more funds,posssibly re assign them into the field as Co's Would be interesting to see the ratio of field workers versus office workers? With shortage of CO in every province,it would be interesting to see wage increases by staff members? Are they deserved when we are lacking in resource protection and proper management? I am confused about your reply on licenses? I think funds generated should remain in coffers along with increased exemplary fines for abusers I support the non provincial resident hike Changes in regs should not be lobbied,they should be communicated with the end users and license holders not specific interest groups I wonder how many politicians do fish? Louis you might want to ask your pal at the head of office if she has ever fished and does she currently enjoy the sport of hunting and fishing?
  10. Ya Lew that was the smile of the century
  11. In concerms to surveys and questioning the resource users,they could mail them out with license renewals as I just received my renewal.The user could answer a series of questions and information could be supplied along with questionaire. How to finance,well increase license fees for non provincial residants came into effect in 08 ,just like Quebec.As a non resident of the province the rate is more expensive.I think this is a good step in the right direction. Co fines should be directed and used in fish and game resource accounts not funneled up to the top to be dispersed in other departements.Stealing from peter to pay paul Louis,the prob with OMNR site ,is most dont go there,all Gv sites are a cluster to comprehend The angling public,either keeps to themselves,are members of magazines,clubs,organizations or web site.If you want public involment,you go to them... Cisco,if as you say the long term goal is to have MNR funded by the users,I should hope all funds generated in the departements of fish and game which includes infractions fines remain in fish and game coffers.
  12. Thanks Roy Ya Roger (BPS MAN) song is just wonderful,what a song for the season
  13. fishinggeek,I agree with Snag,point very well said and brought up Rick makes a good point,enforcement is lacking tremendously Possibly by increasing fines so they be an example other than just being a slap on the hand For example,the use of extra 1 rod runs around 80$ in fines and double every time there after the angler is again.Possibly increasing the fines to 1000$ per angler in the boat plus 200$ for the extra rod seing as all people in the boat should be aware of the infraction,it would increase income and decrease this viral behavior.Same could be done with many other regular infractions committed In concerns to bilging the ballast of ship,every province and state surrounding the great lakes should pressure the Feds in approving a system of cleaning and bilging Many complain,I have yet to see any work shop or tabled solution from withing the folks I communicate with both at provincial levels or federal levels,they are all aware of the prob but have no project nor solution work shops in order to halt this problem at the very front line as the ships enter the St Lawrence before entering fresh water
  14. Lew thats funny,thanks for the roar hahahahahahah Joey good sledding,looks like you and paul gonna be kicking up snow dust this winter You gotta get a pic of Paul Wakeboarding behind it have lots of fun
  15. My perception is the "time" alloted to figuring how and why this certain live bait reg should be diminished and altered could have been used in a more constructive way in battling the illegal use of multiple rods.A good structure and statigic plan of how to enforce , better presence on waters and examplery fines to diminish this plague would have been more constructive and had a more postive impact. This issue alone deserves more attention and priority by OMNR/Co and all clubs because its esentially ignored and un-enforced and is spreading like a virus the issue of 2 rods is very simplistic in nature,There is no sport in sportfishing with 2 rods,its catch fishing.It most certainly takes something away from the true nature of why we go fishing. The true nature and element of sportfishhing is 1 rod ,1 angler and the river or lake of choice.We are twarting away from the true nature of fishing when this type of behavior is allowed to prevail to the levels in which we curently see. When you consider the minority of anglers and the availibity of live bait in excess of 6 inches and factor the number of illegal rod users,its obvious by anyones observation that spends any time out on the water anywhere in the region,2 rod anglers out number live bait anglers using minnows in excess of 6 inches. It is my observation that large lures can potential injure fish as much as live bait,I have fished with live bait although I generaly fish artificials,I've never had a fish mortaly injured from live bait but have from artificials,so I am perplexed at this change and alloting any amount of time in creating such a change Rolling Eyes The intent I suspect is always done with good intent,but sometimes I suspect all angles are not covered and thought out,At times I think too much attention is drawn to the minute issues all the while the larger issues facing us are ignored or not addressed One thing we all must factor in,the more we regulates ourselves the closer we are getting to regulating ourselves out of our rights to fsih,it may be 50 years or more,but every time you tighten the belt,you have less room and Freedom to enjoy the true values that fishing offers
  16. Big Guy,great reply
  17. Interesting views from all, which is what I was seeking. Louis it is someone perception as we all have different views on what affects each and every one of us depending on the regions and overall regions, Interesting C&r is brought up, c&r has been implemented for years now, I somewhat suspect it common practice amongst bass, muskie and other species but possibly walleye and pike might seem to get less attention in the C&r side of things. I suspect they are not as high lighted in C&R species although TG shares some of his trips with us and quinty also Harvest is a thing of Heritage in which remains a tool to protecting the erosion of our fishing right; we should by all means conserve this tool Lowering harvest rates for walleyes from 6 to 4 is a good thing I suspect, as the windfall will trigger more trips as the lower possession limit should allow for in angling times thus resulting in an increased $$ spending by anglers. Possibly other species should be lowered, this equations would stimulate economic growth overall and allow for conservation of all species Crazyhook brings up a good point of wasted time, the live bait decrease in size What amount of time was wasted and what are the scientific reason for this? I’ll share my thoughts on this in another reply,(Conversation we had on another board, which was very good) CO presence, that is major sore thumb for most provinces, its un-fortunate because this area is the battle line and grass roots of natural resource, without species to protect and laws to uphold, there’s no need for fish and game laws. I think some of the admin funds should be directed into more enforcement. Possibly even transfer employees and train em so no job loss would be incurred As far as politicians doing betterment, well as Martin Luther King once said "I had a dream" That’s not one of em! One thing I think all provinces should press and set into place is a pre bilging station of ballast as the ships enter the St Lawrence. Someone this year fishing with me spoke of a possible method that would kill all living matter in ballast, which would be somewhat safe, and non-polluting Great efforts should be placed into the front line of halting invasive species I fear we may have not seen the worst of em yet as new species are introduced every year without any impact, which one will flourish and cause irreversible damages? I sometimes wonder if there was not a better way our MNR’s could include public involvement prior to issuing these changes. They do have web sites but communication with the public sometimes lacks and could be bettered; also I suspect many regs changes are lobbied which is only the view of a few when considering all anglers whom purchase a license. Possibly angler views could be collected when renewing ones fishing license
  18. Looks like you made yourself a good day yesterday Good on ya Rick
  19. Those are some sweet pics you shared tks Great report
  20. After reading many post on new regs and disapointements in regards to our overall resource What are your thoughts of the futur of our resources in your perception? What impacts and issue do you consider needs the most attention in coming years?
  21. Hi Grandman,I see I upset ya #1 pic is right at the dock #2#3 is after the clean up cause it did not look that way in the bottom of the boat Internal slippage that bad? One thing you might consider,Obrien is 68 inches, tall the muskie is 58 inches hanging,I suspect there's more than 10 in difference judging by the pic But I guess we will see down the road Witnesses? They all had witnesses,most will be diss-credited even with witnesses A great big fish is an enormous fish to most that never seen one and even those who think they know great big fish (there really are not that many of em that can tell a great big fish ,Thats the one thing I can personaly tell ya) To me they all look the same Lets see Williamson 55x 31 = 61 ponds Obrien 56 x28 = 65 pounds ? (It was 58 in length hanging with the thoat slit) ??????? I have very good reason to question that fish,56x 28 laying and 58 x 28 hanging (with the head slit as it was slit in the boat),the belly change It was weighed a couple weeks later at 56 pounds,I am suspicious of a fish losing 9 pounds after a a couple of weeks.I have a couple die and a year later they weigh within 2-3 pounds of death some 12 months ago,frozen is frozen.They might loose a couple pounds within the first 24 but I suspect weight loss diminish to nile You realize Mammoths have been conserved in ICE for millions of years without change unless decomposition had commenced before thorough freezing the fish GB is holding was 55 pounds Would be nice,if you posted your name,I like being called names makes me happy and smile BTW thats the nicest thing anyone said to me all day,you made my day (I p...e you off) what a great day Just as an info,Fish dont dry out they de-hydrate then decompose unless frozen. When they die,within 2 to 6 hours rigamortous may set in depending on the surrounding air temps,it may be longer in colder temps ,dehydration may cease if frozen What do I know Right
  22. Remember this Now do Ducks eat Gecko's or Gecko's chase ducks All kiding aside,there are some guys on OFC that are quite helfull in concerns to Insurance
  23. Oh I've seen one before
  24. Looks like overall Mike its was a pretty good year and adventurous
  25. Hey GB,stop beating your Drum
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