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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. If you devise something truly idiot proof, someone will devise a better idiot I like that. Funny cause it's true.
  2. I try to stay out of any threads these days that could be in any way controversial because typically they go stupid so fast...But, having said that, here goes. It's really unfair to lump the Black Bloc into the same group as the legitimate protesters. The Black Bloc will do far more to undermine their efforts to be heard/taken seriously than a Billion dollars worth of Police/security. The violent forms of protest steal the limelight and obscure what could be some very meaningful protests when people start lumping all the protesters into one category. Pepper spray everybody!! G20 meetings offer a wide range of groups the opportunity to protest economic development that comes at the cost of human rights. Childrens rights, womens rights, anti poverty groups, etc,etc. You don't have to be a crazy Hippy to relate to the real messages. Anybody have a clue what some of those messages might be; anybody even want to know?
  3. That does sound like the perfect opener! My day was pretty much the same in that I got extremely wet; but I only managed 9 bass, they were all tiny and there was no musky.
  4. I saw a musky do that last year. I was trying to get a buddy into his first ski. We were casting off a wharf when I see this Musky cruising along the top with his head out and yap opening and closing, heading in the general direction of my friends lure. It was a super shad rap but my friend has managed to get a huge birdsnest in a spinning reel of all things with a bunch of slack in the line. I'm like, Reel! Reel! Twitch it! Do something! It's like he's frozen, kind of reminded me of that Ghost and the Darkness flick. Fish checks out his lure and splits; he was on the top for a good while and passed close to within 10 feet of us I'd bet. Needless to say my friend is still looking for his first Musky.
  5. I'd respectfully disagree with Raf, who no doubt catches way more Musky than me. Jaw spreaders are a worthwhile investment, probably the cheapest bit of Musky gear you're likely to purchase. They make releasing the smallish guys easier and hook cutters are really no substitiute. Although I've never caught a big Musky so he may well have a point there. Congrats on your first Musky; feels awesome eh? It's a learning curve, try and take the criticisms positively. Oh yeah, and tape the jaw spreaders so they ain't all pointy.
  6. Wow, great opener! Nice report; goes to show you persistance pays off. My stategy of an hour or two here and there has yet to pay off but hey; it's a long season!
  7. Nicely done Jedi! I was blanked but I'm hoping to get out again tomorrow.
  8. I just gave up on sleep. Time to roll!
  9. I too am really pumped up for the Musky opener this year. In previous years all of my Musky have been landed from shore so finally having a boat should really open up alot more spots. I'm really more of a casting type of guy but I'm looking forward to trying my hand at trolling some of the super sized baits I've picked up over the past couple of years (13 inch believer types). I'm eager to try out some of the Double 10's this year too, although I think for the opener I'll probably start off with more modest sized bucktails, spinnerbaits and swimbaits. I've got topwater baits I'm anxious to try out too but really don't know if early June is a good time for them. I plan on hitting my shore spots bright and early then heading out in the boat.
  10. I've been looking to pick up a tow vehicle. Have to admit, my Montana slips a bit on the steep ramps with nothing more than 12 foot aluminum but currently have her in the driveway with a 9x5 utility trailer full of crap and it will do just fine. It kind of bugs me that me 98% of "tow" vehicles I see have one guy, no cargo, no tow.
  11. I cheated. Can't say I'm proud of it but niether am I particularly ashamed; which is kind of funny because I despise cheating and never do it. Did it last year because I thought you had to have it back then. Neat. I could get use to this cheating thing. Just moved myself from 300 to 500 posts....
  12. Won't be long till they have fluoro will all the characteristics of mono, but the same price as Flouro Better yet, Full Diameter Braid now with Stretch!!
  13. Apparently not; so long as it's Shimano.
  14. I've got to ask; how did you burn out 13 C3's in a season? And why would you go through 13 of them before switching? 13 Abu's in one season but 8 seasons of use from the Calcutta. That cannot be typical. I can't imagine the reels were being used in a similar fashion.
  15. Thanks, I guess I'm well on my way then. I'll have a go at the carb today.
  16. Hi, I've had this 1.2hp Gamefisher for about 5 years now, worked somewhat tempermentally the first two years I had it and then sat unused the last 3 years. Kind of a neat little motor, probably about 15 pounds all fueled up. I tried to start it the other day and it didn't so I figured I should start by draining the gas (old stuff was 3 years old) and maybe think about taking the carb apart a bit and soaking it overnight in carb or fuel injector cleaner. So I took the tank off to drain it and figured I'd remove the fuel sediment bowl too as I could see it had a fair bit of brown crud in it (corrosion I guess). I tried blowing air through it (the fuel shut off valve) not compressed air, to see if the passages could be clogged and could blow air easily through the fuel exit passage and out where the sediment bowl would normally be but not through the fuel in passage at all. Is there supposed to be that much resistance or is it likely there is some kind of obstruction or clog? I removed the valve and am soaking it at the moment and for overnight in STP fuel injector cleaner. Will that melt/wreck the rubber gasket in the valve? Any advice appreciated, thanks, Ross
  17. Thanks Guys. There's a few on ebay that look good, I think I'll go that route. That $9.95 one looks good too, might overwhelm me a bit at 650 pages...
  18. Hi all. Well, I picked up my motor on the weekend after finding what appeared to be a solid motor at a reasonable price. I know alot of you suggested going with a little more horsepower and I appreciate all the advice you gave me in that thread but I just couldn't find anything that I could afford so I went with the 6hp. Now, I know very little when it comes to outboards so, even though the motor seems good at the moment I'd still really like to get my hands on an owners manual and possibly a factory service manual if they are 2 different things. Any recomendations as to where I might download one? Any free sights out there? Would rather not pay 40 bucks per manual if possible; although I guess I would if I had too. I tried searching the forum as I'm pretty sure this topic has come up but so far I have not seen anything. Thanks, Ross
  19. You should have to pay to post, say 25 cents. Make it retroactive and start with IrishField.
  20. I bought a used trailer on Kijiji for 200 bucks 2 weeks ago. I went to the ministry and said I built a trailer myself and they gave me plates on the spot (no inspection required). Maybe 35 dollars. Using this method may cause some kind of aggravation down the line but you can still do it. I think they go fast on kijiji, typically I see them between 3 and 5 hundred dollars.
  21. I tried my hand last year at Carp fishing for the first time in ages, I had some luck using frozen corn. No Frills no name. If I remember correctly, and I seldom do, that the frozen corn niblets float, making them not so desirable, but if the bag thaws out I think they sink. The frozen corn is cheaper than canned so you can throw alot of it around as chum. I'd squeeze 2 to 4 kernels on a Owner circle hook, maybe 2/0 or 3/0, and a half ounce to an ounce egg sinker on the line and was ready to go.
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