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Status Updates posted by dave524

  1. You might want to take that pic of the cormorants down, think the one at top left is a Merganser which is a duck

    1. ckewley


      Thanks Dave!  I'll ask my buddy for clarification, he has the carcasses still. I'll switch it out with another photo 

    2. ckewley


      They're all Cormorants thankfully!

  2. The average American home now has more TV's than people

  3. Seriously , Glen Abbey is a designated heritage site?? it was designed by Jack Nicklaus in '76

    1. misfish


      The GOLDEN BEAR.

    2. John


      Dave I think that the Town of Oakville was more interested in halting the development of Glen Abbey rather than the heritage of the golf course


    3. misfish


      Come to Barrie and see STUPID developing. And piece of land that can be bought up will be. And they will build. One corner here wants to build 4 luxury townhomes. Ya ok. You should see the crap they are building here these days. Light a match, and they are up in flames.

  4. Thawing here, thought I was going to have to clear snow this morning when I went to bed

    1. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      went to bed during a lake effect storm, she was a blowing and there was 8" on the ground for sure. Woke to see wet grass.

  5. Provincial bye election today, get to express my disapproval

    1. dave524


      my corner of the electoral map staying blue

  6. Watching the election I had a hard time remembering the good guys are red not blue

  7. Congrats Cubs, best baseball game I've watched in a long time

  8. Let the dogs out at 6:30 this morning, 65 F WTH

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Who let the dogs out lol,beauty morning,enjoy.

  9. Could hear the waves crashing onshore when I let the dogs out before bed, still hear them this morning, south shore is going to be muddy.

    1. dave524


      Just had the girls out and the winds out of the NE again, hearing heavy waves

    2. dave524


      36 hrs later still out of the east, really rough out there


    3. dave524


      just went out and got the empty garbage bins, still whitecaps out of the NE

  10. Wheels sure fell off the Blue Jay wagon

  11. The CUPW and the post office need to crap or get off the pot

    1. lookinforwalleye


      as far as I am concerned they all could go away and never come back...

    2. dave524


      some insurance claims of mine still have to go snail mail, like my new glasses


  12. oskee wee wee , eat them raw, great come back

  13. Officer Punjabi just called from Canada Revenue Agency, there is a serious problem with my recent tax return LOL

  14. 4:30 am Honey ... can you help me ? Elsa got sprayed by a skunk, Elsa is our pit mix, up now

    1. dave524


      Luckily I'm pretty much nose blind, but she says it is bad, think she exxaggerates



      Elsa lives outside now lol

    3. dave524


      My smeller don't work anymore, it was a baby , it is not too bad, my wife's baby outside ???LOL

  15. When I saw that UFC had been sold I thought they were talking about a soccer/football club LOL

    1. misfish


      Brock made 2.5 MIL for that fight. UNREAL.

  16. So are the posties going on strike or does anybody really care ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. dave524


      the lockout deadline is now Monday wallbash

    3. misfish


      Like all jobs, back in the day, they are not today. All my bill payments, are done on line. We only get junk mail. Christmas cards we get, thats about it from the snail mail. The times, they are a changing.

    4. dave524


      lockout is now on hold back at the table gimmee a break wallbash


  17. Obviously, TLC is not longer The Learning Channel, terrible lifestyle choices or totally lame crap seems appropriate

    1. wkrp


      I always thought it stood for The Loosers Channel

    2. dave524


      History Channel has " Mash " reruns, like they are historically accurate

    3. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      OLN is not really the Outdoor Life Network either.

  18. sitting down to watch the Raptors game 7

    1. misfish


      YA, JUST TURN NASCAR OFF. BORING. The monster mile use to be a great race to watch.

  19. Just did my census online, man it is going to be a mess with the evacuations because of the fire

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ketchenany


      I have to get up early to orror to do it site crashed a few days ago and I'll be on the beach by the time it's wanted.

    3. dave524


      they even wanted my energy costs for the year, both electrical and gas

    4. irishfield


      If I don't do mine and get arrested, do I get free food and hydro?

  20. WOW, an extra 7 grand deduction on my income tax just for being 65, between that and income splitting the tax bill is half of what it would be if I went to work and earned it.

    1. wkrp


      Sush, dont let the new stock know!

    2. dave524


      OAS started last year, they didn't with hold any tax, figured I was goin to have to pay, nope, refund :)

  21. cold wet windy, big honking waves crashing in from the NE

    1. misfish


      Yup seen that this morning on the bay here. Crushing the shore line.

    2. irishfield


      AWWW.. 4" of snow today while trying to pack an airplane into a container for shipping.


    3. misfish


      Yup pop text they got that by 7 am today. On the way home, the bay was calm. To bad lakers and whities werent open, I would of been dropping the toon in .

  22. Hit 80 F here at 3:30 pm, last weekend there was snow

  23. NNE winds , lake is pounding on the south shore

    1. Fisherman


      Downright nasty out there.

    2. misfish


      - 9 @ 7am here in Barrie. Get up to Burks and it was -18. Nice tail wind on the way home.

  24. I thought it was to be extremely cold today, 16F here, not bad

  25. did y'all have pancakes for breakfast ?

    1. i2cool2fool


      Yup ... and potato pancakes are planned for supper.

    2. Fisherman


      Ah potato pancakes made in a big cast iron fry pan, with applesauce.

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