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Everything posted by hookerdown

  1. I started my own business last year selling Trolling Flies, lead-free hair jigs and ice fishing lures. I carry a variety of jig heads style and weights. I use primarily bucktail and rabbit zonkers, but I do use other material as well My website is got2bite.com or you can check out my facebook page Got2Bite Fishing Tackle. James Got2Bite
  2. Thanks for all the info. I will be in the Ste. Barbe area, hopefully we get a chance to hit the water.
  3. Thanks Mike, PM replied.
  4. I was up at my brother's property in Parry Sound and the black flies were thick. Couldn't talk or breath without sucking a few back.
  5. I'm going with my girlfriend to visit her sister who lives on Lake St. Francis for a few days, hoping to get there by 1 pm on Saturday. Her sister has a canoe we can use and apparently there is a marina within a few kms from the house. Other than ice fishing and one trip on Lake Ontario last year, my girlfriend hasn't done much fishing, so I will be showing her the ropes. Does anyone know what is opened yet, ( I don't think I am taking my muskie gear, but you never know), licensing requirements, etc. Any help will be great.
  6. In tight you will find browns this time of year. Over the last few years i have discovered that there is a residential population of Salmon around the various rivers towards the west. Personally I think its worth doing some scouting, you will be suprised how handy the information you learn from early season scouting becomes.
  7. If you buy a wiring harness, the install should be fast. The hardest part is lining up the holes. Make sure you support the hitch as you are installing the bolts. I got a nieghbour to help me by supporting the hitch. I was shocked how easy it was to do.
  8. Buy the hitch and wire harness from Uhaul and install it yourself. I have a 2010 Frontier and did the install myself in an hour.
  9. I saw it in their Burlington location last weekend.
  10. Give Wayne Andrews a call at Andrew's Charters. He is top notch, the oldest and most experienced Charter Captain on Lake Ontario. He is a founding member of the Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association and just simply a class act. Tell him you want numbers or size and he will get you fish. There is also Eddie at Square Tail charters. I don't have their phone numbers handy at the moment but you can look them up. They are both based out of Port Credit Marina. My own experience,is the morning bite is best. Oh and if you get the charter during the Great Ontario Salmon Hunt, and manage to get a bruiser you can enter the Salmon in the derby.
  11. I bought the Seidio ONEX from Amazon. I ordered it Thursday afternoon and it arrived on Friday. Looks great so far. Went ice fishing on Simcoe, and no problems.
  12. I was up there on Saturday, we got to the ice road at 7:30 and it was hard to see where the road was defined. I would recommend driving on the ice road, and perpendicular to where you want to fish. Have your buddy stay where you unload. Then park your vehicle either just off the road, where there is limited spots, or go back to the shore. Keep in mind, a truck fell through the ice a few weeks ago and they had to move the ice road over. The snow drifts can be steep and even with a 4x4 can get stuck. Some snow drifts were about 10"-12" deep. Treking out there will be tough even if you are not dragging anything.
  13. I upgraded my S3 to an S4 over the weekend and I am looking to buy a waterproof case for it. When I bought my S3 about 3 years ago I got the Otter Box Defender and was not impressed at all. I went through 2 Defenders and 2 Commuters in that time frame. Neither are waterproof but lucky for me they are water resistant. I checked oniline reviews on the Deidio OBEX and Lifeproof's fre and nuud. All had mixed reviews. Not sure if there are others on the market. Considering the cost of a case I want something that will do the job and that will hopefully last a couple of years. Does anyone have any experience with waterproof cases, or suggest any others? Thanks.
  14. I caught what would have been the Ontario record Burbot, approximately 12 lbs, 39" x 21" caught on 4 lb test while fishing for perch on Lake Simcoe. It was quickly released
  15. I use it mostly for ice fishing on simcoe. Its not that bad. One big negative is that it really drains your battery. So if you are using it on the ice, get to your spot and quit the app.
  16. All I have to say is, TURN OFF THE LIGHTS THE PARTY IS OVER!!!
  17. Creditmaster, I had the same dream as you did when I was younger (44 now). In highschool I focused on business classes with the thought of owning a fishing store. I did what I could to learn about running a business, including taking a ton of accounting classes. I took co-op in grade 12 and worked in a sporting goods store that had a fishing section, which I helped turn around and made it one of the most profitable sections in the store. At Humber, I studied Marketing, once again with the thought of running a tackle shop. In one of my classes I had to create a business plan, which was for a tackle shop. I selected a real life location (irronically there have been 2 tackles shops in the same location since then). I also did a case study on Shimano Canada and interviewed the Sales Manager. After I finished college, I ended up working at a well known fishing retailer in Mississauga. While working there, I quickly figured out, running a bricks and motar tackle shop requires a lot time and energy, and it could take 20 years to build the business in order to make some good coin if you can make the business survive it that long. I have talked to many guys who ran traditional tackle shops and online retailers and its a tough go regardless. As well, you will find that you would be lucky to go fishing at all while running a tackle shop. You are very lucky, you are young and you have the ears of many people here that had/have the same dream as you. Learn from our mistakes and successes. Even when you are old like us, don't regret trying (no matter how far along you got). If I had to do it again, I would still take the same courses again, with a few changes but I would remain more focused on learning and create projects that I could have used to help me start up a tackle shop. In this day and age, you can make a lot of connections easily to help you with your dream. Take a few business classes while in highschool, and do a few projects based on opening a tackle shop, that way you can build on what you learn and reach that dream. In today's current market, I personally would focus on a speciality or two, and concentrate on satisfiying the market as best as you can. By providing a few hard to get or custom items along with some staples you would have a great start. Sorry for being long winded but I had to chime in.
  18. I got the bugs a few weeks ago, just after my last goose hunt. I even set up my 4 person Clam ice hut in my basement and stared at it. To help with the itch I have been tying some ice jigs, mostly for perch. I also finished an order of jigs for a collegue of mine to give to her father in law in Timmins.
  19. I tie my own bucktails/zonkers and tip them with minnows for open water fishing. Ice fishing for perch on simcoe I either tie ice fishing flies or small bucktails tipped with a shiner. I am going to try a new style of jig head that will provide more movement and test it during the hard water season for perch and hopefully make it out to the Laker grounds this year.
  20. Thanks Guys, what about waterproofing the seams with a scilicone spray?
  21. After a few years of consideration, research and lugging around a homemade hut, I finally ordered a portable hut. Its 6' x 6' and 6'5" (plenty of head room for a guy that is 5'6". I was thinking of using a silicone spray on the seams to water proof them, like you would for a tent. As well I am toying with the idea of putting in an insulated floor made of 2'x2' sections. What are your ideas? Share your pics of any floors you made for your portable huts.
  22. I took the train from Burlington and Mississauga for years. The Lakeshore West line goes to Union, only a few of the trains will stop at Union during the week, at least during peek times. During the weekend the train will stop at the Ex every hour at the top of the hour (9,10,11...). Check out the Go Transit website for an up to date schedule.
  23. Does anyone know of any suppliers of Non-toxic/Lead Free Jig heads. I have been checking online for suppliers of Lead Free or Non-Toxic jig heads for some time. I would prefer a supplier from Canada, but I would consider an American manufacturer. There are a few sources from China but I want to avoid them. I found a couple of suppliers... Canadian: Larry's Lures and Jigs First Mate Lures Sourdough Bay Fishing Supplies American: Green Tackle Lead Free Jig Heads Ideally I would like the price point to be around $0.50 per jig.
  24. I know a few weeks ago, the last few days of the GOSD guys were catching some biggins between 30-40 FOW, with some reports of the run having started. I would assume guys have started catching them south of Lakeshore by now. Since you are close, take a walk along the pier there should be guys fishing from shore by now in the evenings.
  25. Port Credit has a cleaning station, I think thats your best bet. Not sure if Fisherman's Pier has one.
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