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Everything posted by hookerdown

  1. I know, Hookerdown receives two passes just cause.
  2. I usually go to Georgina with my brother for a day of ice fishing with some pretty good success. But I wouldn't mind getting a few buddies together and renting an ice bungalow for the weekend somewhere on Simcoe. I am not looking for an outfitter that can rent out one of their "regular" huts for a weekend. I heard Floyd Hale does, but I couldn't find anything on their site. I'm looking for a true bungalow that we can sleep, cook, eat, and down a couple of wobbly pops without being crowded in. So if any one can recommend one it would be great. Thanks
  3. Dont push da wed won.... neber push da wed one!!!! Oh no!!! boom I think someone pushed the wed won
  4. I heard from Shawn at Advanced Taxidermy earlier today. He said the largest mold he could locate was 36 inches. He even called a buddy of his at the Smithosonian and the largest Burbot he heard of was about 36 or so. So by the looks of it, no replica mount for me.
  5. I have seen a ton of Advanced Taxidermy's work and I have no doubts on how good their work is. The problem is, are there any Burbot molds out there and particularly one that size? I have sent the guys an email through their website so hopefully I will hear from them. The other question is what is the best way to position the burbot for a mount. (man that sounds so wrong!!! )
  6. Here is the link to a prior post that had the pics... hopefully it works http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry401973
  7. I have heard and seen a couple of mounts done of some Burbot. I am thinking that I should get a replica done of the one I caught this past winter (Don't know why I didn't think of this before). I won't get it done for a while but hopefully in the future. Does anyone know of any local taxidermists that can do a replica mount of a burbot? I know in the GTA we got some amazing guys, but haven't heard of anyone in Ontario who has done such a mount.
  8. I heard that joke many times, but I still laugh out loud... Funny thing is, I would do that too lol, just don't tell the GF.
  9. No I didn't manage to find out anything about the getting it recongized, execpt the fish was ineligible cause I didn't document a witnesses and the girth. Got some estimates on the weight being 12-18 lbs. Its back in the lake, so maybe I'll get another chance meeting with it.
  10. More pics
  11. Yea there are definately ling in Simcoe. I caught a bruiser ice fishing this winter. i'll try to upload the pics.
  12. Nice pics. My brother (bassassin), myself took my two step sons out for their first fishing trip yesterday for Simcoe perch. It was slow going for the first two hours but then we found them. Between the four of us we landed well over 125 perch, ranging from 4 inch dinks to a few 14 inchers. To quote the youngest one as he described the day to his mom, it was the best day of my life.... can't put a price on that. James
  13. After an incident with dull auger blades this winter on Lake Simcoe, I bumped into a couple of guys fishing and they told me they use a carbide tipped sharpener to sharpen their blades. Couple of passes using it and its good to go. He also mentioned they are great on hooks too. Bought one the next day and haven't used anything else, be it home or on the water.
  14. Up until a year and half ago I worked in the mortgage department for one of the big banks, and heard of this a few times. Keep in mind, Alberta has some unique laws that your daughter and her ex need to be aware of. Since neither of them can qualify for a mortgage on their own, they might want to take on a tenant or two, and have the renter sign a two year rental agreement. The additional rental income might strengthen their application. Other than that, the only option is to sell. By doing that they might be able to do one of several options. One of them can port (transfer) a portion of the mortgage to another property. They will still have to pay a prepayment charge on their current mortgage (split two ways), but it won't be as high as paying the mortgage in full. This will allow your daughter to be off the hook all together. Another option is to sell the house and have the purchasers assume the mortgage. This way neither your daughter or her ex will have to pay any prepayment charge. However, Alberta used to have a law (and still might) regarding mortgage assumptions. If the purchaser of the home defaults on the mortgage, then the intial seller (your daughter and her ex) will be liable for the money owed on the mortgage. Hope this helps.
  15. Are they fishing by the ramps?
  16. I didnt think the City of Mississauga allows fishing from shore at the prominade any more.
  17. Yea its Ken Williams thanks guys
  18. There is a small pond on the west side of highway 10 north of Snellgrove, there are small bass and pike there. good to kill some time if you want numbers. Sorry I dont remember the name of the park but just there is a bridge for bike riders that crosses hwy 10 just south of the park.
  19. Apparently they just announced Micheal Jackson has died of a heart attack at the age of 50. May he rest in Peace... but the public probably won't let him. I am sure people will say it was staged.
  20. mmmmmmmmm Vegans.... slow roasted on the spit... ya baby lip smackin good.... How about taking a vension burger to work, sit in front of her, chow down and enjoy... Ask her about her thoughts of the guy who got killed last week when his car hit a deer. Or the fight out of New York that ran into a flock of geese... But then again a Goose's life is worth more than a couple hundred people. Oh wait, what about all the oil exploration in the artic that displaces and harms wild life... Im sure all her plastic that she uses is as organic as her hair and make up products.
  21. Used to go up that way a lot. I have relatives who have cottages up that way. Mind you I haven't been up there in about 10 years. Amazing scenery there too. What lake is your cottage at? Like the others said Elephant and Baptiste are good lakes, Grace lake is pretty good from eyes and bass back in the day. There are a lot of lakes with some good smallmouth bass too.
  22. mmmmmmmmmm look at those fat cheeks... Ok that's it i'm staving... hopefully I can get a couple of walleye tomorrow for Sunday dinner.. Haven't had much luck catchin them the last few years. Im about 0 for 5 or 6 trips We got last weekend a total of 5 fish in all, with my bro (bassasin) getting a nice walleye about 2.5 to 3 lb, all fish were caught my homemade bucktail jigs. A nice walley would suit me fine on the end of my rod. At worse I will bring home a couple of eater pike. MMMM pike and walleye (and some Simcoe perch from the winter) wrapped in bacon.... did I mention mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  23. bewdley tourist resort is pretty good. I was there a few years ago, the guy running it is pretty cool, even helped us clean some of the walleye and crappie we caught.
  24. Me, and Me and others. Here is how I look at it, $20 k boat, and the cost of a vehical, and a tow when you get stuck, vs $17 launch fee. Years ago I went fishing with my cousin and we used the cement launch at Meadows End. Well, at the end of the cement ramp (that was short) was a drop off enough to bottom out your vehical, and you needed to go that far out to float your boat off of a bunk trailer. I don't know if they fixed it, but then again they don't permit access to the public to use their ramp anymore.
  25. I pulled up the location on Mapquest the address you gave is in Hurontario and the QEW area. You'll be better off taking the Go train to Port Credit (trains usually run all day one or two an hour on the Lakeshore West line), then take the bus up to your destination. The train will be a milk run but it should take you about a half hour to get to PC. Just think you can always bring take some time out of your commute and go fishing too.
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