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Everything posted by hookerdown

  1. Depending on the number of people going. If you are looking at 3 people of less, call Gavin (GMAN) at GetBit Sport Fishing http://getbit.ca/. I have known Gavin for about 14 years and he lives to fish. Always produces good numbers and sizes too. If you are looking to bring a kid along, then go with Gavin. For a larger group go with either Wayne Andrews (Andrew's Charters 416-347-2143). Wayne has been chartering on Lake O for over 25 years and always gets into fish. I have been on his boat a few times and is always fun. He will put you into numbers for sure. Dave from Fish ON Charters (416-931-1836) is pretty good too. He has been really giving the salmon a pounding this year. I have talked to him a few times at PC after fishing and while most guys are struggling to get a few, he manages to dial in the fish. He is also more then willing to share his knowledge too. All 3 operations are pretty involved in the Fishery too. Wayne is a Director and one of the founders of the Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association (PCSTA). Dave is a member of PCSTA as well and has helped out the club with more than a few activities. Gavin is a member of a few clubs, including PCSTA and Straightline Anglers, he participates in several tournies every year and normally places in the top 5. He finished 1st or 2nd last weekend.
  2. I don't know if you guys remember, way back in the early 80's around the time Realy Fishing started there was a low budget fishing show on TVO called Fish-on. A lot of guys got their start there, one of them being Pete Bowman. Considering the money available to create a Canadian Fishing show (or Canadian shows all together) it wasn't that bad, and it was pretty informative. As well there was NO product placement or promotion like it is now. I think it only ran for a few seasons but it was pretty good. Aside from Red Fisher, it really got me hooked (no pun) on fishing.
  3. There is National Bait Inc, that deals with just worms on Lakeshore by the Prominade. To my knowledge they are a commercial supplier, not sure if they will deal with the public but its worth a shot. Give them a call 905-278-1080.
  4. My dad, brother (bassassin) and I own a Fisher (made by Tracker) and we had a few problems with them. As my brother said the centreline weld cracked, we discuoved the crack 3 months after the warranty expired. The service we got from Tracker and BPS was horrible. Its to the point I won't spend another penny at BPS. I did research through this and discovered that Tracker/Fisher are known for having problems with their welds, to the point where they are commonly referred to Crackers. While installing downriggers I noticed that some of the screws missed supporting beams, the wiring harnesses are a cluster %uck, even how they install their radios is done half ass. I wouldn't buy another one. Tell your brother to do a Google search on Tracker cracked hull or Fisher cracked hull, there will be some interesting stories about Tracker's service and common problems. Also tell your brother to look for a boat with a thick hull and quality "wood free" floor. I don't think I would be another welded hull. When a Rivet breaks, its just a matter of drill the rivit out and installing another rivit, as opposed to an expensive re-weld.
  5. I rented a cottage up there last year. We didn't catch any eyes up there but I talked to a guy who lives up there and he said they do catch the odd one. On a side note there are some nice smallies up there. I had a large muskie hit a Berkley Gulp Alive.
  6. Send the pic to the MNR they might know what it is.
  7. Those are some nice jumbos
  8. Getting the goofs on cam wont do anything. When I lived in a condo in Mississauga I had my truck stolen twice (in 6 months)from my underground parking spot which was right by the enterance to the elevators. They caught the guys in clear view of several cameras. The cops told me that its unlikely that they will catch the guys, in the grand scheme of things car theft is low on their priority list. My insurance company even told me that they can potentially consider that I live in a high crime area (Clarkson/Oakville boarder). From what you are saying, it seems that the guys knew to go under the hood to disable the car alarm first (not their time breaking into cars)... I hate to say it but there is little that you could have done to prevent it. What you could do though is to really get to know your neighbours... If the guys know that there are potential eyes they would avoid your street. Many years ago the same thing happened on my parent's street. Some kids (5-8 guys in their late teens/early 20's)decided to break into cars on people driveways (I think they broke into 20-25 cars) well one of them ended breaking a car window to get some change that was left in a car, well they ended up waking up the homeowner, who ended making a ton of noise chasing the dudes. Long story short, someone ended up IDing one of the guys, and they got nabbed, not sure about his partners. Since then no cars have been broken into.
  9. Black's releases are amazing. I have been running them for 3 or 4 years now and never had a false release. If you are going to run braid (I dont run braid on my rigger rods), then the Black's releases are the way to go. The downfall to running braid on either riggers or dipseys, is that you get more spiny water fleas on braid due to their thinner profile. The last two weeks we have been getting fleas on our dipseys. While fishing the Port Credit Salmon and Trout Association (PCSTA) derby last week, we had a 18 lb king on. For the last 50 feet my dad would literally reel in 6" of line and my brother would try to take off fleas. This is the earliest I have seen fleas on our lines in 10 years. We are in the process of adding 100-200 feet of flea flicker on our dipseys. I am hoping that the 30 lb Big Game might be enough to keep the fleas off of our rigger lines. If not, then we are going to add Flea Flicker to those rods too. The downfall to Flea Flicker is its oval shape, it tends to twist, no matter how good your swivels are, the line will still twist. I know guys run 40 or 50 lb mono and don't get as many fleas on their lines.
  10. I did yesterday. Went just before noon with a buddy from work. The parking lot was rammed, a lot of people decided to park in other lots and walk in. There was the expect fishing celebs there. I just did a lot of scoping around. They offerred 15% on all fishing related items, 30% off clothing, I didn't manage to look at the hunting department. My take on Sail is this. Its primarily a "clothing store with and outdoor theme" The majority (about 60-70%) is clothing. Marine/boating is about 10%, the remainder is split between hunting and fishing. The inventory isn't bad, but disappointing. I would say a store like Fishing World has just as much inventory as Sail. Sail fits into a niche Market, somewhere between Canadian Tire and BPS/Cabela's but with better pricing on limited inventory. If I was running a store like Burn's (in Burlington) or Fishing World, I don't think I would worry too much. Lebaron might have a run for their money though. Personally I would give Sail another look when the hype has died down, primarily because they are so close (10 min drive) and to give a better look at what they are offerring. I would spend a $100 at Sail before I would $5 at BPS. In the long run I prefer stores like Shortwave, Burns, and Fishing World.
  11. I have been fishing Lake Dalrymple for years. I have always wanted to fish this tourney but never managed to get on the water for it. I have never seen any results posted for it. Can anyone provide any info on the results and how I can get involved in the tourny next year?
  12. I was there a couple of weeks ago and we got tons.... of dinks... only 6 over 8". I have been going up there for years, what I noticed is the jumbos start coming in later in the season. I don't how this winter weather has affected the ice bite, but I am sure everything is delayed big time. I would suggest looking for deeper water, on average you will find the deeper areas being around 8 feet, ideally try to fish 11 feet or deeper. The majority of success I have had was on small spoons, jigs (mostly ones that I have tied) or tubes. All tipped with shiners about 2"-3". When I went a couple of weeks ago we were given tiny shiners 1-1 1/2" in length, which i think accounted for the number of dinks.
  13. Depending on where in the GTA you are, Lake Simcoe would more than worth it. Island Lake is about 45 mins from Mississauga, Cooks Bay on Simcoe is about an hour, more than worth the extra 15 mins.
  14. I'm telling Mom!!!! And you're walking home Bud!!!!!
  15. Are there any pressure cracks around Duclos?
  16. I'll be with my Brother, in a homemade collapsable hut. If you see us, come and say hi. I don't know if we will park on the ice though. We might just drive up on the ice road, drop the gear off, and I'll park (Grey Jeep Liberty) back close to shore at the base of the ice road.\ Gonna try some perch flies that I tied in December.
  17. I am hoping to head out Saturday to Virgina Beach for some Jumbos and maybe the occasional Pike. How thick is the ice in the area? With the unstable weather are the jumbos biting?
  18. What my brother (Bassassin) didn't mention is that he already recruitted his older brother as cheap slave labour to clear his lot by hand. We chipped him and bought him a chainsaw for his bday (which was the same week he took possession of the lot. But he told me that I will have to use a hatchet and that he wants to keep his chainsaw in mint condition. He also mentioned that he can't wait to watch me try to bring down some of the larger trees with the hatchet, while he sips down a couple of brown pops. And if I survive that, he will let me drop a line from shore using a stick and line (but no hook). Ahhh family.
  19. PM sent. I do recommend you do a lot of research before you buy. The "deals" that you think you are getting at the shows might not be as sweet as you think. Invest the time about any issues the manufacturer has, their reputation regarding honouring warranties. The advantage the shows have is that they allow you to see the options and models first hand. Don't let the sales reps pressure you... many of them are hired just to work the shows. Remember Caveat Emptor.... Buyer Beware.
  20. Currently my brother and I have been using a home made hut that we use on Simcoe. Its great, warm and roomy. We can fish 5 holes with 3 guys or 2 guys and 4 holes with out any problems. The hut assembles in a few minutes, warms up quickly (with a propane heater) to the point where we can hang our coats from one of the PVC support pipes. Dispite some modifications its faily heavy and bulky to transport. On the occasions where we can't drive out to our spot and end up walking/dragging the sled with the hut on it, it can get hard on our bodies. I have been toying with the idea of getting a manufactured 3-4 man hut. The problem is I don't have $600-$800 to spend on a hut. So my question is what are the advantages/disadvantages to each type of hut? Here is how see some of the advantages and disadvantages as I see them: Pop ups are light weight, quick assembly, have a large fishable area, but they dont have a floor, so I would have to make one out of plywood. No place to hang coats and they need anchors to secure the huts to the ice. Flip up huts are heavier than the pop ups, have limited space, and you can't really stand up and stretch. Some come with comfortable seats. They have built in sleds and are sturdier than the pop-up. You can hang coats and other fishing equipment. They are assembled quickly, essentially you get to the spot, drill the holes, flip the hut over and fish. They have limited floor space and you are ususally limited to 2 people. Bulkier to transport and heavier to transport than the pop-ups, and probably the most expensive style hut. Cabins are sterdier than the pop-up huts, you can hang up coats and fishing equipment. They have limited floor space are heavier and bulkier than the pop-up huts.
  21. Hiya riverfish22,

    I tie my own jigs, bucktail and synthetic. My brother and I use them for open water and ice fishing with a lot of success. Normally the jigs I tie for ice fishing are micro jigs, for perch. I can tie some if you are interested. I am normally in Stoney Creek at least once a week.

    Reply to me if you are interested.

  22. pm sent
  23. I have been using an entry level Mooching reel for a few years now on Lake O. I have it set up on a 9ft rod (I think a Med Action). Ideally you want a longer rod to increase your leverage when fighting a fish, since you don't have a drag you can use. That being said, a lighter action rod is still fun. Fighting even a 10lb king is a blast on Mooching, the larger kings make for epic battles and sore arms.
  24. Its Spoonpullers, OFC might block it, so I am sending the link here too http://spoonpullers.proboards.com/index.cgi.

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