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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. it was kinda funny... ive been sick since i dropped off my boat 3 weeks ago... felt like E.T. boats sick...im sick...lol... oooouuuuuccccchhhhh..... eeeellllliiiiiooootttt..... LMAO so hopefully that means ill start feeling better soon...
  2. You just lemme know when you wanna cash in your day... I would hold off a bit tho if you can...lol Late summer everything is on fire and very consistent....
  3. I've heard of people using human hair to discourage animals... Not sure how well it works tho
  4. And just in time... My brother is all over the walleye.... And going for musky Saturday....
  5. Also he said the timing was off And he had to adjust the carbs as well...
  6. He figures at one point it might have overheated damaging one or more gaskets... So he changed a bunch of mojor gaskets in the power head i guess and it seems to have worked...
  7. I'm pumped that the weather is gunna be wet... It'll keep the damn pleasure boaters off the water... Wakeboards Cruisers Speedboats And hopefully a few less dedicated anglers will stay home...
  8. Finally got my boat back from the mechanic... After changing the head gasket without results... He decided to replace several other gaskets... And apparently with a Honda you have to pretty well completely tear apart the entire outboard to work on it... I guess at one point there was only about 10% of the motor left on the boat... Anyways... Took it for a good rip after I picked It up today and all seems good... Did about a 5km run at WOT and no issues... Then I slowed down and trolled for 20 minutes and she's purring..... I'm just so glad to have my boat back...
  9. i dont consider that an upgrade.... im not knocking the optimax... but going from a 90 4 stroke to a 115 2 stroke.... i bet they are the same value...
  10. Oh... I remember a close call when I was younger... When I was a kid... My dad called me Johnny tangle...lol... Cause he only used baitcasters for fishing and as a youngster they can be tricky to use... So anyways... I got a bad tangle with my brother one day perch fishing... Well after 20 minutes or so of dad trying to untangle the mess and me totally zoned out daydreaming... Don't I feel a tug on my line... I think you can see where this is going... So I sets the hook as hard as I can.... Amazingly dad wasn't hooked... But I'll never....ever... Forget the look I got from him... It just felt like such a good bite...lol
  11. Nice catch... That's a chunk walleye
  12. Bring tools first time out... Because level on your trailer and level in the water are different... If you see your arches(fish marks) are incomplete... You should adjust your angle... Like if the arches seem cut off on their left... It's aimed too far back... And if they're cut off on their right sides then it's aimed too far foreward... You'll have to find your sweet spot where you get readings at full plane and your arches are as good as you can get em....
  13. What kind of 16 aluminium? That could be a row boat style or a big heavy deep V... For the most part you don't need a heck of a lot to tow a 16 footer of any kind... Unless You use a back country dirt launch... You launch in below 0 weather... Or you use a really steep launch...
  14. Being out on a body of water that your not really familiar with in the middle of the night probably isn't a great idea... I would try to launch just before sunrise... Then putter your way to your first spot and get your lines ready.... Have a coffee... Whatever... That way your lines are in during sunrise... My .02
  15. UH OH... i just made plans for Mercman to come up for musky opener.... and hes sleeping at my house the night before.... SLUMBER PARTY!!!!! :devil: smores and pizza and musky hunter DVDs and sharpening hooks....oh boy :clapping:
  16. actually never had a hook past the barb in anybody on my boat luckily.... been poked by the hook point a bunch of times... been cut buy pike and musky a few times too... hooked tackle bags...cloths and shoes a lot...lol one time my dad was out musky fishing with our neighbor... he hooked into a mid 50 incher... and this was the fish he decided to try the rapala lip grip on for the first time... turns out these are terrible tools... with one mighty headshake my dad was attached to over 40 pounds of angry musky by several large treble hooks... luckily after one or two headshakes the fish got off and dad was left with some minor redneck surgery to perform and walked away with some minor cuts.... that situation could have gone WAY worse... hes lucky to have the use of that hand...
  17. 33 in one year then 0... You change your handsoap or something...?...lol
  18. That's why I said 1000 casts for most...lol Not me... I'd be bowling if that were the case...lol How many casts you think a person puts in in a day...? Gotta be 200+ I would think... I dunno... I mostly troll...
  19. Ouch... That's tough.... Maybe your efforts will be rewarded with a big 50+ incher.... And this way you didn't have to deal with all those pesky 40 inchers....lol
  20. just gotta put in time on a productive water body and it should happen... just a matter of how much time.... fish of a 1000 casts for most...
  21. another sleepless friday night..... :wallbash: lol
  22. sweet catch... never got a laker either... looks like a fun time...
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