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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. I think it's great the video was posted... Brings awareness to others not to act like this... And if the MNR didn't get flooded with emails over this video do you think this man would have been fined? I don't Now the MNR is in the hot seat to make an example of this "man" to calm the public's outrage... This was an illigal kill... No matter how you slice it... It wasn't a poor slot measurement... Or a FMZ border confusion... Or improper fish ID... He intentionally killed a fish with no intent to keep it... And I do agree... Wishing harm on anyone is out of line... I only hope he is punished accordingly by fine and maybe license suspension or something... He obviously doesn't respect the law or the efforts put in by others to maintain the fishery...
  2. Thanks everyone... Here's a few more pics from a day last week after work... Double header first pass to break in the new net.... 5 and 6 pounders...Notice the tags still on... And the lures... Nice 26 incher
  3. It's not every day a post on this site truly upsets me... This one has... I feel like when a family member says they're not mad but disappointed in you... It hits you harder... My next fishing purchase will be a PFD I can tolerate wearing... Thanks for implying I'm a dummy... Might just save my life some day...
  4. Hello everyone... So the early fall walleye bite is in full swing on the St.Lawrece River... Some may say that the walleye fishing is tough right now.... But that's because they aren't willing to "work overnights" to produce good numbers of solid walleyes... In the past 2 trips out this week totaling about 10 hours of fishing we have put 53 walleye in the boat averaging 22-24 inches... About 10 from 25-28 inches...45 have been from when the sun hits the tree line till 4am... That's right... 4am!!! My current work schedule has put me in a position that if I want my hours on the water then I have to head out and fish after work... From about 12am-4am... Most think I'm crazy until I convince them to join me... Then they're hooked... The peace and quiet of having the entire river to yourself... The quiet soothing hum of the Yamaha idled down to a crawl... The vibration of your crank bait feeling like a base drum in your hand... The well lit sky... The low winds and refreshing cool night air... AND THE WALLEYE... These suckers just seem to let their guard down and eat like there's no tomorrow.... The absolute best time in my opinion is the 2 hours after the sun hits the tree line... But really all night is pretty good... What structure do you target? In all honesty... I've found that to be trial and error... You just gotta try spots after dark and see what ones produce... I've yet to find a pattern that says "this is exactly the type if structure you need to fish".... But once you find a good night spot it'll produce most of the year for you... Most of my night spots are connected to the largest channels... I believe the walleye scatter all day in these channels then school up to chase bait in the shallows at night... What do you use to catch em? I like crank baits... Taildancers... Reef runners... Thunderstickes... Trolls to minnow... Etc... I also pull harnesses when the bite is tough... But to troll harnesses on river structure you'll wanna know exactly where the fish are holding cause it's a slow troll with a harness in the current... And COLOR.... Clown... White... Pink.... Orange... Chartreuse....the darker the night the brighter the color for me... On a "bright" night like the super moon this week you can get away with chrome colors like perch... Blue silver... Black gold.... Black silver... Tips... Bring a buddy cause It's safer... Also be well organized in the boat... Hooks are easy to find by accident at night... Headlights... GOOD HEADLIGHTS... No standing cause you can't see the extra rods you don't wanna step on... At first fish close to your launch till you get used to night fishing and build your confidence... TROLL ROD IN HAND or else you can't feel weeds on your hooks or subtle bumps from timid fish... So don't be afraid to work the night shift... You might be surprised what kind of nocturnal characters show up to grace your net...
  5. Never wear it... Only time I've ever worn mine in my boat was so my kid would wear his... Buddy has a bass boat that does 60mph... We wear em when we are running... Makes sense...
  6. I guess this would be great news for anglers with physical limitations...
  7. I think I'll get a new one when I replace the floor in my boat...
  8. But I don't wanna spend $50 a year waterproofing a cover I can replace for $250-300
  9. I was thinking about using that stuff... The never wet... I don't care at all what the cover looks like to be honest so I don't mind a color change...
  10. People shoot thousands of carp in North America and let them rot... On video... All over YouTube... Only the carp anglers seam to care... 1 video of 1 musky being killed for no reason and everyone calls the MNR.... I'd like to see that kind if support for all species... Waste is waste no matter the species everyone... Can't believe people still do things like this....
  11. Hello all My cover isn't exactly keeping all the water out... Is there a good product/spray to seal her back up again or should I shop for a new one? Thanks Mike
  12. I have to buy 4 licenses to fish my home water... An Ontario license A NY State license An akwasasne license for reserve waters in canada And a tribal license for reserve waters in NY state... All for the same stretch of river... I understand what you mean about anglers being singled out... But you could be like me spending $160-$170 per year in licenses...
  13. "The dead cow" Cause I found a dead cow there... Lol Mary's hole... Lol The big ra-ool The duck blind The whirlpool
  14. PB musky @ 54.25" Also had a PB walleye tournament year with 1st, 1st and 2nd for the 3 tournaments I do... And set a PB weight in one of them breaking 20lbs with 3 walleye... Still hoping for my local 14lb walleye this fall....
  15. That's amazing... Getting 12 fish with that average size in 4 hours... You have something special there...
  16. Think I'm gunna stick with wood... I've got a garage lined up already for winter... Gunna limp till then... That'll give me time to get carpet and other supplies on sale maybe... Another question tho... Rivets or screw down the floor...? Currently it's got rivets... It is an older aluminum boat that gets banged around in rough water enough so I was worried about screws coming loose... Not sure if lock tight would hold with all the banging...
  17. I know people that weld aluminum so I was hoping to add support as well as move seat locations...
  18. Hey everyone... Gotta redo my floor in my boat... Is there any reason I can't lay a sheet of aluminum instead of wood? Just a thought...
  19. My next house will have a garage... A well secured garage...
  20. It was a 16 year old casting seat on a broken pedistal... Lmao Aftermarket...
  21. And a week after having Pete and Andrew out for the day I donated to fishing for Tyler... Come on karma... What the heck?
  22. I get locking stuff up... But really.... A boat seat?
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