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mike rousseau

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Everything posted by mike rousseau

  1. Convenience... I don't know anywhere to get reel oil in my city... And I always seem to misplace those little oil sticks
  2. Perfect... Works exactly how I wanted it to... Iretouch Thnx
  3. I figured I could find something on my PC but was hoping for an app... Make thing easier...
  4. Does anybody know if there is an app that allows you to blur your pics to hide spots? I've tried a couple photo edit apps but they don't really do what I'm looking for... Blurs or that twisty spiral effect I see alot...
  5. I was wondering if I could use another type of oil that isn't quite so expensive an hard to come by...
  6. Im also curious about this lake... I was thinking about a weekend trip up that way...
  7. He may end up a big boy... His daddy is 6'4" 275 And actualy the only outfits I picked out in his 50-100 piece wardrobe... Camo John deer one and the tie /office one.... He isn't quite giggling yet... Just smiles and some squeaking... But he does recognize mom and dads voices and he gets exited when he hears us... Oh... And lucky us... At 2 months... 6-8 hour sleeps at night!!! Can't believe our luck...
  8. For fish that small... Size 8 or smaller... I would use a 10... It's not like they ate gunna straiten the hook... This also makes your baited hook lighter and less suspicious for the carp
  9. I've already watched all the musky videos.... Lol Now for the walleye...
  10. Wow... My son is already 2 months old... Going pretty quick... He's getting so big now... Anyways... I'm playing with photobicket and I thought I'd post a couple pics of my pride and joy...
  11. so is there a limit to how many photos you put in a post when you use photobucket? is this how people post 20 pic reports?
  12. Never mind... Got it... Lol
  13. wich link code do we use for this site? email direct html img ? first time trying photobucket as well
  14. now with the new domaim there are no red and blue dots... but if there is an unread topic... its slightly shaded blue... the circles were a lot better...imo
  15. stumbled across these episodes the other day and figured i would post the link for you guy... season 1-5 all full episode online streaming for free http://www.thenextbite.com/TNB_Episodes
  16. I was worried for a couple minutes there... I once was lost but now am found...
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