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Everything posted by ADB

  1. Just call Rogers and ask to talk with Customer Relations...they'll take care of you. Customer Service doesn't have as much power. Whenever I have a concern I talk with Customer Relations and they usually address it with more minutes, more texts, monthly credits, etc.
  2. Thanks a lot for the replies, everyone. I think we got a lot of good responses that we can use towards our report. Thanks again! P.S. No need to keep answering the survey, as we've moving forward with our analysis now.
  3. Tight race...one more vote for QEPS.
  4. Thanks for the input everyone. We are going forward with Algonquin. Even if we wanted to change, it is simply too late in the term to do so. Anyways, we have to do some primary research in order to identify what people think of the park, what they know about the park, etc. If you could be so kind as to answer the following questions it would be much appreciated! 1) In general, do you feel that a trip to Algonquin Park is/would be a) inexpensive; moderately expensive; c) expensive? 2) Do you feel the $11 per night interior fee is reasonable? 3) Do you feel the $13 per vehicle day-use fee is reasonable? 4) Are you aware that one can rent all the needed equipment from the outfitters surrounding the park? 5) From the GTA, Algonquin Park is about a 3 hour drive. Do you view this drive as too far for a day trip? 6) What activities are you aware of that one can take part in at Algonquin? 7) If applicable, when making a reservation with Ontario Parks, was your experience a) pleasant; frustrating; or c) average? 8) When thinking about Algonquin Park, do you think of a) rugged terrain; lots of bugs; c) untouched wilderness; d) summer crowds; or e) paradise? (Choose ALL that apply). 9) Would you attend a cultural event if it was held at Algonquin Park, such as: Chinese Lantern Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, etc. 10) As arguably Ontario Parks' most popular and significant park, do you feel Algonquin Park should be marketed specifically to the public and tourists? That is all guys...thanks a lot!
  5. Hopefully you have better luck than I did with that car... I've got a 2006 3GT leased, going back in July. The transmission had to be replaced a after a few months (It is an automatic, so it wasn't due to abuse). The sunroof had to be fixed under warranty (motor issue if I remember correctly). Now it has gone off the track and the warranty is up. A few minor things as well, like the cigarette lighter no longer working at this point, and one the speakers is a bit iffy.
  6. That works! Thanks.
  7. I was the Islands last Saturday. The water level was really low. We didn't even see a fish. A few other guys were walking the shores too, but nothing for them either.
  8. How do you access the mobile version? My Blackberry just sends me to the regular site.
  9. Thanks for the reply, Craig. The main purpose of the project is actually to analyze their current marketing strategy, while the recommendations are of a somewhat smaller significance. You're right that if it was more a recommendations-based paper then things like budgeting and regulations would be a bigger issue. But, in the end, it is only a 12 page (double spaced) report and it doesn't warrant that kind of detail. I'm aware of the lack of marketing from the park, but being only 21, I wanted to see if things were always this way. Personally, I don't see what it being publicly run has to do with them running a garbage marketing strategy. The LCBO is run by the province as well, but that doesn't stop them from spending money on marketing. But that's a matter for another day...
  10. Hello everyone, I am currently taking Sports & Leisure Marketing at York and am I working on my last project of the term. We have been assigned the task of choosing a tourism property and developing a marketing plan for it. I chose Algonquin. Essentially I have to come up with a set of recommendations about how Algonquin can, basically, make more money through a more effective marketing strategy, and be economically sustainable in the future. I can think of some ideas in terms of the strategy - I'm not going to ask OFC to do my project for me. (Unless you guys have some ready good ones ) I am moreso asking everyone how they can remember Algonquin marketing itself in the past, or even currently. I care more about cases of Algonquin specifically, and not Ontario Parks. However, even cases about Ontario Parks can be useful. That's about it. Any help you guys can provide is appreciated! UPDATED: Thanks for the input everyone. We are going forward with Algonquin. Even if we wanted to change, it is simply too late in the term to do so. Anyways, we have to do some primary research in order to identify what people think of the park, what they know about the park, etc. If you could be so kind as to answer the following questions it would be much appreciated! 1) In general, do you feel that a trip to Algonquin Park is/would be a) inexpensive; b ) moderately expensive; c) expensive? 2) Do you feel the $11 per night interior fee is reasonable? 3) Do you feel the $13 per vehicle day-use fee is reasonable? 4) Are you aware that one can rent all the needed equipment from the outfitters surrounding the park? 5) From the GTA, Algonquin Park is about a 3 hour drive. Do you view this drive as too far for a day trip? 6) What activities are you aware of that one can take part in at Algonquin? 7) If applicable, when making a reservation with Ontario Parks, was your experience a) pleasant; b ) frustrating; or c) average? 8) When thinking about Algonquin Park, do you think of a) rugged terrain; b ) lots of bugs; c) untouched wilderness; d) summer crowds; or e) paradise? (Choose ALL that apply). 9) Would you attend a cultural event if it was held at Algonquin Park, such as: Chinese Lantern Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, etc. 10) As arguably Ontario Parks' most popular and significant park, do you feel Algonquin Park should be marketed specifically to the public and tourists? That is all guys...thanks a lot!
  11. I'm guessing he's already seen a doctor, considering he knows he has two cracked ribs? I could be wrong.
  12. Great report!
  13. Decent plastics. Never used them much, but I believe they're made by Lucky Strike.
  14. Hey everyone, A buddy and I are doing some painting during our time off between semesters. If anyone from OFC needs something done, let me know, and I can hook you up with a great deal! Just PM me, or use the e-mail address found at the bottom of the following ad. Here is our ad: THE GARAGE DOOR SPECIALISTS Independent – Student Run – Trained & Experienced Painting For: o Garage o Front Door o Window o Railing and Fence ...AND WE DO INTERIOR! We are now offering an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL! Book before April 21st! Only $125 to paint a two-car garage. Including two coats and all necessary repair work! Got a quote? Well, we’ve got a better one. E-mail us to find out! All inquiries welcome. [email protected]
  15. You can try Stanton Air. They do fly-in trips for under $500/person. The best part is, you only have to drive to Orillia, where their base is. Their lakes are all bass fishing, besides the odd splake. I've fished one of there lakes before and their are plenty of fish. We did very well considering we were in the middle of a cold front.
  16. Heck...I would have bought one, and I don't even own a boat!
  17. Wow...that is a $700+ unit if it was the HDS5 and not the HDS5x
  18. Unreal pictures!
  19. Hey guys...I'm no longer working at Le Baron (I'm the guy A2F was thinking of). But, I talked to one of the guys there, and they SHOULD be having a no tax sale, plus the members discount (if you are a member) during the days of the Sportsmen's Show.
  20. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...amp;storeID=tor and http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...&storeID=11
  21. I'm not sure if there are any tackle shops around, but I've always wanted to check out the Stouffville Flea Market - I haven't been in years - and see if they have any fishing stuff.
  22. Looks like that was him, Cudz. Check out this article, there is a picture of him: http://news.sympatico.ca/Canada/ContentPos...&date=False Also, it also says, "A member of the Airport Christian Fellowship church, Code played guitar as a hobby and tried writing music himself." Just as you described...
  23. I picked Bugs Bunny and he got it...nice lol.
  24. As predicted, the Leafs traded Skoula to the NJDs for a 5th round draft pick, effectively making yesterday's trade Ponikarovky for Caputi and a 5th.
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