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Everything posted by ADB

  1. Thanks...good luck!
  2. I never would have dreamed that could happen! It stung pretty badly and I barely got any on me. I could only imagine getting sprayed with it...
  3. Thanks of course to "The King" for the recommendation!
  4. Thanks. You're right, a table is always nice...it was a great site!
  5. Thanks, everyone!
  6. Thanks. We were actually planning on going in the fall this year, but plans changed so we went in the spring instead,
  7. The boys and I just got back from 4 days and 3 nights in Algonquin Park and here are the details: We were never too concerned about ice out but the park setting an interior "open date" of May 9th, corresponding with the exact start of our trip, was a bit ominous. We contemplated backup plans, but work had been booked off across the board, and we had our minds set on Algonquin. Thankfully the ice melted and the park opened in time. We got our wish and the weeks (months...?) of planning did not go for naught. We picked our dates to correspond with with three things - ice out, brook trout fishing, and the park being void of biting bugs. Maybe it is the "city boy" in me, but going into the park at the height of black fly or mosquito season (or both) is simply not as palatable as it used to be. The park is so much more enjoyable when you're not constantly swatting the air and when you don't have to be in the tent by sundown. After a 3am departure from Richmond Hill and many hours of driving, we picked up our rental canoe from a local outfitter amidst lighting and rain. The forecast called for bad weather all day, but the outfitter assured us that the storm would soon blow over and we'd be in the clear. I told him I'd hold him to that promise, and we were on our way. He also gave us some fishing tips, which I'll get to later. After picking up our permits and another hour or so of driving, we arrived at our access point, to realize that the storm had indeed cleared. The outfitter was right, and the Weather Network was wrong! We let out a collective cheer, loaded up the canoe, and began our journey. After 3 hours of paddling against the wind and portaging uphill, we reached our home for the next 3 nights. We set up camp and prepared for a relaxing evening. However, as it goes, things are never without their hiccups! Through unloading our gear, there was accidental discharge of our bairspray which got on our water jug...then our hands, and then our faces. This rendered two us incapacitated while we dunked our heads in the icy cold lake until the stinging subsided. It was a good confidence boost that the bear spray may actually work if we ever needed to use it, but I'm not sure it was worth the price we had to pay! We took a nap, fished for a few hours with no luck, and then hit the sack after a dinner of ribeye steak, and a few adult beverages, and some cigars. We turned out the lanterns with eager anticipation for the day of fishing that awaited us. We awoke the next morning to sunny skies but a very windy lake. We fished for around 5 hours with not even a bite. We started to contemplate what we were doing wrong or if the fish were simply " turned off." All the doubt that comes with a skunking flooded our minds - are we fishing too shallow? Too deep? Too fast? Too slow? Too big? Too small? Did we bring the wrong colours? Did we get the dreaded sunscreen on our gear? When was the last time this lake was stocked anyways? Should we stick to bass fishing...? We had it on good authority that this lake was full of big trout. Our friend the outfitter, who also appeared to be a weather oracle, had told us the next lake over, while holding smaller fish, was a sure thing. We decided that tomorrow we'd go there and see if he could go 2/2 on his predictions. The next morning we enjoyed a breakfast of pancakes and coffee... ...which was promptly ruined when we noticed a group of 6 canoes, fishing rods in sight, entering our lake, and heading for the same portage as us. You see, this portage they were about to do (as were we) was relatively short, but the next one over was extremely lengthy. We were pretty sure they were not going for that loop, considering the distance they'd already traveled, but more likely the same destination as us. It was a really small lake and we didn't want to be crowded or for them to get a head start on the fish! Nonetheless, we loaded the canoe and headed over to the next lake. Much to our surprise, they had gone for the next portage over after all, and the lake was empty! We had the water and the fish all to ourselves. We started off slow and started to question weather the outfitter's second prediction would hold true. The doubts once again started to creep into our minds. Although no one said a thing, we each knew what the others were thinking. We didn't give up, and we started on a pattern of vertical jigging spoons tipped with pink trout worms near wood structure. Eureka! That did the trick and we were on the fish! The outfitter had been right again and was quickly gaining legend status in our books. I wish I had what happened next on camera. After getting our first fish on the stringer for dinner later that night, we noticed a large gull land on the lake. It slowly swam closer and closer. We kept an eye on it as we knew exactly what it was thinking. After fishing for a while longer, our gull watch became complacent, and all of a sudden the big bird was circling 20 feet above the canoe. No big deal we said, we'll just pull the stringer into the boat. Except the trout had come off the stringer and was now floating on the surface. We tried to paddle over to net the fish but we had the anchor down and couldn't get closer. The gull was circling lower and lower. One of the guys tried to splash the bird with the paddle while we pulled the anchor up. The anchor was down ahead of the canoe, so pulling it up actually brought us further from the fish and the bird. As we got further away, the bird found the courage to swoop down. We expected it to try and fly off with the fish, and maybe even struggle to carry the fish and drop it. The bird came down, grabbed the fish with its beak, flipped it in the air, and swallowed the 12 inch brookie whole. Our jaws dropped and we were silent in the collective acceptance that the gull had bestest us. We continued to fish down the lake and our pattern held true. Although there were no trophies, we caught 18 fish, lost another 6 or so, and saw many more. The wish were between 10-14 inches long and the bite was very light. We were catching them in 10-15 feet of water, close to shore. The water temp was 12-15 degrees. We kept a few for dinner that night and enjoyed them with fried onions and pancetta (Italian bacon), and some cheddar and broccoli rice. That evening we relished the sweet feeling of victory. We savoured our fish dinner, finished the last of our alcoholic provisions, smoked some more cigars, stayed up later under the stars, and declared the trip a resounding success. Any doubts we had about our fishing prowess were forgotten (well until the next future skunking anyways...) The next morning we packed up camp and were lucky enough to paddle out of the park under blue skies and with zero wind. Through the paddle we recounted the stories of the trip - the bear spray incident, the thieving gull, the fishing successes, and all of the other inside jokes that friends share. Algonquin Park is a magical place and it went unsaid that we would be back next year once again. Thanks for reading, Alex
  8. Big Agnes makes some great stuff as well. More expensive, but more technical than Eureka.
  9. Took the words right out of my mouth. When I worked at Le Baron we sold a ton of Eureka tents. Other bands would get returned occasionally, Eurekas hardly ever. Exactly what Cram says, they're affordable, and located in Burlington. Most of their products have a lifetime warranty as well.
  10. Smart fish or stupid bird? Lol
  11. Great work...that spinning reel looks funny on the beautiful rod though!
  12. I'm up near Nakina at the same time as you Chris. I didn't consider this an issue, but now that you mention it...
  13. Thanks to everyone for their help, especially Tybo. It ended up being the wrong converter. When we lifted the car up, the wiring was done pretty poorly overall so my buddy had it redone at King City Trailers for $150.
  14. I'm looking at getting a new fishfinder and the 858c HD DI is one of the options. When I saw it at Le Baron though it looked cheap simply based on the casing. I know it's a great unit, but at first glance, it just looks cheap because you see a lot of plastic. The 900 series looks a lot cleaner.
  15. Thanks for the suggestions everyone...still trying to sort it out. Will see if Sinker's "black box" is the issue and will update afterwards.
  16. Thanks, Sinker...I'll let my buddy know. Not sure about that...will check and get back to you.
  17. Big thanks to Paul...went by his place this morning. Although we didn't have enough time to fix the issue, Paul figured out it isn't the trailer and it isn't the car itself. Possibly a pinched wire on the hitch. Paul said its not a converter as the hitch and trailer are both 4 pins.
  18. Wow, very generous. Ill let him and know and see if he's free.
  19. Mitsubishi Outlander. Not my car, but I think the signal and brake are together.
  20. Well yeah, all of the car lights work without the trailer hooked up. The signals and break lights don't work when it is hooked up. On the car and the trailer. Haven't tried the new trailer on another car yet.
  21. My buddy had a trailer hitch installed on his car a couple years ago. From the beginning the lights never worked on our old trailer. When hooked up, even the car lights would not work. Even the indicators inside the car wouldnt blink. He brought his car to the place he had the hitch installed. They tested it and said it worked fine...even showed us the tester box that blinked when he signalled, braked, etc. We figured it was a compatibility issue between his car and the old trailer as the lights always worked fine on my car. Well now he bought a brand new boat and trailer and he's having the same issue. Its obviously the hitch wiring and the place he bought it wasn't any help. Anyone here have any ideas...a concrete issue that we can bring the original mechanic to have them fix? Thanks a lot. Alex
  22. I'll be at Marshall June 8-15. PM me afterwards and I'll fill you in.
  23. Best ribs you'll ever make yourself: INGREDIENTS2 racks pork side ribs (about 4 lb) Spice Rub 3 tbsp paprika 2 tsp curry powder 2 tsp kosher salt 2 tsp black pepper Sauce 1 onion, thinly sliced 1 jalapeño, coarsely chopped 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and coarsely chopped 1 clove garlic, coarsely chopped 1 cup packed light brown sugar 1 cup canned crushed tomatoes 1 cup water ⅓ cup white vinegar ⅓ cup soy sauce DIRECTIONS1. Remove membrane from bony side of ribs by lifting one corner with a small, sharp knife. Grasp with a piece of paper towel and peel off. Cut each rack crosswise into three pieces. 2. Stir ingredients for spice rub and smear over ribs. Heat a lightly oiled, large, heavy skillet over medium heat. Sear ribs in batches for about 2 minutes, turning once, until golden on both sides. As each batch browns, place ribs, meaty side down and more or less in a single layer, in a large roasting pan. 3. Scatter onion, jalapeño, ginger and garlic over ribs. Stir together remaining sauce ingredients and pour over ribs. Cover pan tightly with foil. Bake on lowest shelf of oven at 325° F for about 1 ½ hours or until ribs are tender but not yet falling off the bone. 4. Preheat barbecue to medium. Remove ribs to a large bowl. Strain sauce through a sieve and pour over ribs. Toss well. 5. Grill ribs for 6 to 8 minutes, turning often and basting generously with some of the sauce remaining in bowl, until browned. Remove ribs. 6. Pour remaining sauce into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat for about 3 minutes until reduced, thickened and sticky. Pour over ribs and toss gently. Arrange ribs on platter and serve at once. Makes 4 servings
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