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Everything posted by ADB

  1. I hope it is too lol. We actually wanted to go a week earlier, but we decided to give things a bit more time to thaw.
  2. Thanks douG...I'll keep that in mind.
  3. I think these days it is actually 5 months - but I could be wrong. She did give me a confirmation number, and said someone would be phoning around the end of this month to put the payment through.
  4. No big issues really...it just took a few tries to get them to answer the phone. The only thing that was weird was that they reserved the the trip for me, but it won't be 'officially' booked until a later date.
  5. Hello OFC, I'm excited to say that I just booked my trip to Algonquin for this spring. Two buddies and I will be going May 2nd-May 7th. We'll be doing the Opeongo-Lavielle loop with the hopes of connecting with some beauty specks and lakers. We'll be staying at Big Crow the first night and at Lavielle for the remaining nights. It should be a great time as its the most intense trek I've done, so it should be the most rewarding. I've searched the forum and found some helpful tips from previous posts so I'll be sure to keep them in mind. I'll be sure to post a full report!
  6. Yeah, everything I've read said the water taxi is a no-brainer.
  7. Lol...gatorade is exactly what we were thinking too. Yeah, it should be great. We were planning on going last year...I think I even started a thread back then about it...but I go to York, and by the time I got off after the strike it was mid-June. We're looking at going up to Lavielle. It looks tough, but it'll be worth it.
  8. Thanks a lot, Solo.
  9. Hey everyone - A couple buddies and I are planning a trip to Algonquin in the Spring. I just have a question about parking fees. (The website doesn't specify and the office is closed for the day). We each have to pay the $11 per night to stay in the Interior, but what about parking? I know day parking passes cost like $15/night, but those expire at 10:00pm. Is there a certain parking lot for interior campers that are leaving their car for their trip and does it have a set price? (We'd be accessing at Opeongo).
  10. Many would argue that the team in 2006 was not nearly as good as the current team, but that's all subjective debate anyways. Canada won gold in 2002. The last time Russia won gold? 1988 in Calgary (as the Soviet Union) when it was amateurs playing. In the end, Canada is the favourite to win gold, and I'll take a bet from anyone who wants to disagree. Heck, I just bought the new Stradic CI4 on Boxing Day...I'd be willing to put that up if anyone wants to bet against our boys
  11. No one can argue with that list, except I wouldn't exactly call Markov and Gonchar "snipers." They're just great offensive defensemen who are liabilities in their own zone. Even Datsyuk has never scored more than 32 goals in a season, while most of the Canadian forwards have. As great as that team is, they still have guys on there like: Konstantin Korneyev, Ilya Nikulin, Danis Zaripov, and Sergei Zinoviev. That's nearly 20% of their team that aren't good enough to play in the NHL. Not to mention the marginal NHLers/former NHLers on the team like: Fedor Tyutin, Dmitri Kalinin, Viktor Kozlov, and Alexei Morozov. And it's not like Canada doesn't have snipers...Iginla has won the Rocket Richard twice, Rick Nash has won it once, and Dany Heatley has multiple 50+ goal seasons under his belt. Russia is a good team, probably an excellent goal-scoring team, with above-average goaltending. But Canada is a complete team, with players who have won at every level. If Canada picked a 2nd team, all of those players who still be better than a portion of the current Russian team.
  12. It actually doesn't considering they've used international sized rinks, without exception, for every Olympic games held in North American cities, until now. I'm just pointing out the facts - nothing wrong with some Canadian pride If there's any team I'd be concerned about it's the USA. The Russians and Swedes pick teams based more on politics and domestic loyalties than on skill, hence the reason why each of their teams contain numerous non-NHL players, while unquestionably better NHL players will be sitting at home. The USA, on the other hand, are young, full of talent, and will be icing the hottest goalie in the NHL right now - Ryan Miller. Their only question mark is their defense, which is suspect compared to Canada's. Canada is still the odds-on favourte, and anyone who disputes that is just grasping at straws.
  13. Being in Canada has nothing to do with it. This is the first time ever that Olympic hockey has been played on "NHL-sized" ice, regardless of being in Canada, or North America for that matter. The sole reason? Not geography, but economics - it would cost too much money to improve the GM place, and they can seat more fans (and sell more tickets) with the smaller surface.
  14. Yeah, we wouldn't want the poor "hunter" to be embarrased publically... From the facts that are allegedly known: the "hunter" shot the deer illegally AND left the body, also an offense. The family nursed the deer to health from when it was young and gave it every chance to take to the wild...even turning down a neighbour's request to lock the deer in their barn during the hunting season. They never kept the deer against it's will...heck, if it wasn't for them, it wouldn't be alive. And if they ever attempted to abandon it somewhere, it probably wouldn't survive considering it's level of human socialization. I don't see what the arguement is about...the hunter took the deer illegally, a deer that was raised by a family, on their own dime most likely. I could understand if they were trying to sue the "hunter" for killing their "pet", but I haven't read anything to that affect. They seem to be quite understanding in terms of the fact that they knew what happened could indeed happen one day. Throw the book at him...
  15. I know Le Baron carried them for 2009 - not sure if they're stocking them for 2010. They do mail order, so give them a call/e-mail. www.lebaron.ca
  16. Leechman, From my experience, companies will often send out different rods...sometimes by mistake, and sometimes not. For example, a customer told me that he sent in a Fenwick Techa AV for warranty repair and recevied back a lesser rod by far - the new generation Elite Tech. The only reason I can think of for that happening was - considering the timing - Fenwich was in the middle of introducing a new generation of rods, and may simply not have had the new Technas produced yet, and none of the old ones left. I suppose they were faced with the choice of sending out a new rod, and hoping the customer didn't mind, or keep the customer waiting months until they had the proper replacement. Right or wrong, that's what happens. In your case, it was probabaly a simple mistake, but the communication between the companies, the retailers, and the customers is in most cases zero.
  17. The Canada Goose coats have become almost as much of a fashion statement as they are a way of keeping warm. When I sold them at Le Baron, I'd say 95% were sold for urban use. Not many were sold for hunting or ice fishing. Even the people who bought them for extreme applications liked the idea that they could wear them to work or around town - something you can't do with a Mustang. Also, if the price is too good to be true - it is. Canada Goose essentially sets the prices and does not allow much room for markdowns or sales. You MAY find them on sale, but don't expect it to be much more than no-tax, or 15% off. It is very unlikely that you'll find them at a steal, unless they are used or a knockoff. Le Baron's Canada Goose rep. brought in some fakes to the store and most times you can't tell the difference. So again, if it looks legit, but the price is too good to be true, don't bother. Part of the reason why they're so expensive is that they're made in Canada. So when you buy one, take pride in the fact that you're supporting Canadian workers and the Canadian economy.
  18. Apparently Le Baron should be carrying them. No details yet though.
  19. Cliff, if you're talking $65/person/night plus the hut and guiding, then that sounds like a great deal to me. We were looking for somewhere to get away and ice fish this year, maybe your place will be it
  20. While on the bus to YorkU earlier this morning, as a drifted in and out of consciousness, I imagined this scenario. (It musta been the less than two hours sleep I'm working on.) Imagine you're ultralite fishing for panfish. 5'6" ultralite rod, 500 series reel, and 4 pound mono. You get a hit and when you set the hook you know right away it's not a perch. Too big to be a bass, and they're aren't any pike or carp in the water...it has to be a muskie, and a big one at that. Now, you can either: A) Cut yout line: you know that IF you land the fish it'll probably be as good as dead. Fight the fish; in the heat the moment you take your chance to land a trophy of a lifetime. WWOFND? Answer in the poll if you like, but I'm more interested in your rational.
  21. Nice fish!
  22. http://www.thestar.com/investigation/artic...ou-pay-for?bn=1 Someone on this board mentioned seeing a fish at the grocery store called "Salmon Steelhead." Well, this article takes that confusion to a whole new level.
  23. It's a great price, for sure. Not too sure about the selection though - that sale has been on for a few weeks. Make sure you call and have one put aside before you head over.
  24. I don't want to go too cheap, but I'm just a student...so my budget isn't huge. Something middle of the road seems appropriate.
  25. Lol, thanks. Definitely a window I didn't need to open in the middle of my lecture hall.
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