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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. There's a guy up here with an El Camino for sale...black. Your sons car is nice...hope he enjoys it....as for the ferarri, never really been a big fan of those....but nice pics. Maureen
  2. LOL Doug, I was waiting for that Maureen
  3. Hey Bernie, great report, I just hope the fish don't move on ya next weekend...they do that ya know , herd them down to the west arm over the next couple of weeks will ya Maureen
  4. Good to have you back Rick...take care of that wrist bud... Maureen
  5. Orr lake is actually closer to Midland than Orillia , now having said that, although I drive by it every day i go to work, I have never fished it, and I don't think there are any public launches but I'm not positive about that. Don't know anything about Bass lake sorry... Maureen
  6. Thanks Fang, it was nice of you to post that... Maureen
  7. WElcome to the board Beastmaster, you'll find a wealth of info here. Do a quick search on fishing in the GTA and you'll find plenty of whta you're looking for. Patch, welcome aboard as well, anything you need to know you'll find here. Be careful both, this place is addictive Maureen
  8. Wow, Mike, what a great place to get away to, a great report, can't beat getting away with the ones you love, doing what you love, well worth the download time to see those pics. Thanks for taking the time to post them. Maureen
  9. Welcome to the board, great first report, and intro I'll look forward to more reports from Nippising, but save some of those fish for those of us heading up in June, I wouldn't mind hooking into a big Pike Maureen
  10. Great stuff, Those were some nice fish. Maureen
  11. Thanks for the report Northhunter, looking forward to coming up in June. Maureen
  12. Yup, I concur Dawg...especially since I haven't been able to get out and fish myself yet they are very much appreciated. Maureen
  13. Looks like a great weekend, thanks for sharing...those were some nice fish. Maureen
  14. Dang I'm getting hungry...ok, who's cooking???? Maureen
  15. Sounds to me like a great way to spend the day... Maureen
  16. Sorry to hear you've had a rough go of it Wendel, but chin up, it's fishing season, and nothing cures the blues and shakes out the cob webs like a few good days of fishing. Maureen
  17. Hey Slowpoke, you should be happy you took the boat out yesterday. Just think, if you had gone anotehr day, perhaps on your own, chances are the same thing would have happened, would the police have been so close? The Coast Gaurd?. Be thankfull it happened when help was so close, you had company and it's the beginning of the season so hopefully a minimal amount of fishing time will be lost as a result. I hope is and inexpensive and easy fix. Maureen
  18. Good morning all, just thought I'd mention that my nephew Dan will be on an episode of Entourage tonight. For those on Bell Express-vu it will be 10:00 on the movie network, for others it's HBO, but I imagine it's on the movie network for those who get it. My nepwhew Dan will be playing the role of Tommy. Hope you can watch it. Here's his website....put together by his older brother John http://www.danielsamonas.com/ Maureen
  19. NICE fish!!! Wow, wish they had those up here, must be a blast to catch. You're very fortunate to have an opportunity to fish for so many different species in the same place. Maureen
  20. Nice Carp, and great pictures...I'm really looking forward to finally getting out there....who knows, maybe next week.
  21. Great stuff Brian, glad you had such a great day today...hope it's the same for everyone tomorrow. Maureen
  22. Huh, and here I thought the game was tonight...oh well..Congrats to the Sens... Maureen
  23. Dang that's a BIG fish...so what happened to Art again that he couldn't handle it Maureen
  24. Welcome to the Board Rob, You'll be addicted in no time . Just so you know...we like pictures Maureen
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