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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. You guys don't need any tips, just put a hook in the water and the fish will come See you soon Maureen
  2. Welcome to the zoo, be warned it's addictive. where ever you decide to go fishing, don't forget the camera...we like pictures Maureen
  3. Good to see you putting up a report Pikie, and congrats to your brother on a real nice Pike...heck I'd be uncomfortable holding that brute Maureen
  4. Congrats Dustin, Glad everyone is doing well. Maureen
  5. Glad you managed to get out Joyce, I know how you feel. You did better than me though I've never caught a mud cat, might have to look into that Maureen
  6. Congrats on the beaurty keeper, as for getting out fishing still, take little John with you, the Mrs. might appreciate the break Maureen
  7. Congrats to Gillian on her first Carp, that's a heck of an intro to Carp fishing Maureen
  8. Welcome sunfish, you picked the right place to start your fishing addiction . As for your baitcaster, set the drag so that when you release the line, the lure will fall at an easy steady speed and the reel will stop spinning once the lure hits the water. Also, try not to have too much of a "flick of the wrist" action, try to make it a smooth cast, this has helped me. I'm sure others will do a better job of explaining, but I hope this helps. Again, welcome to the board, Maureen
  9. Looks like a great day, and dang those cats are ugly congrats on the new PB. Maureen
  10. Have a great time, I'll look forward to the report. Maureen
  11. Now that's an addiction...coming home on wedding night to post on OFC...hmmm Congrats... Maureen
  12. Excellent!!! Can't wait to see the pictures of the kids holding their new rods, and even better, their first fish using those rods Maureen
  13. Thanks for the info guys, I expect he'll go with the inside mount, he won't be wanting to drill any holes into his hull. He has a jet boat, and it would damage any resale value I would imagine. Now then, how expensive are the ones with an "in hull" transducer? He may also go the way of the one Glen has, is that the one you had last year Glen? If so i'm not sure it can be found up here....might check out BPS Thanks again Maureen
  14. That's great Carol. congrats on the two new PB's..and remember, no matter how bad things are, you're only gauranteed not to catch a fish if you don't go fishing . Clearly those Carp didn't know they weren't supposed to be feeding in those conditions Maureen
  15. Nice of you to offer that up Steve, have a great day and good luck with the Salmon... Maureen
  16. Hey all, my friend Steve was toying with the idea of getting a fish finder...lots of encouragement from me , The question I have is, do the transducers go outside the boat, or can you mount them inside the boat? He has a Searay, which is not designed for fishing, but hey, it does the job . He figured he could get one and put it in one of the compartments, if so, he just might get one I should add that he has a friend who is a major Bass fisherman, and he apparently has three fishfinder with transducers in the boat...keep in mind this guy has a high end Bass boat, maybe makes a difference? Thanks Maureen
  17. Very nice Brian, hope they work well for ya....keep us posted. Maureen
  18. Oh I caught something Victor, a sunburn , but yes I did get to try out my "musky" combo, and I love the reel, that Amasadeur is GREAT, very smooth, and I can cast it a decent distance, well for me anyway . I only had one bad birds nest too, so over all I am pretty happy. Maureen
  19. Awesome Matty...so soon we'll be calling you Doc . Good stuff, and sounds like an interesting thesis topic. Maureen
  20. Beans "You would be bad luck to a good hunting dog" Geez Norm, that's what you always say to me... One of my favorites is "Nothing is remembered so well as good manners" along with the one as my signature. Maureen
  21. Sadly didn't catch anything , but that's ok it was nice to get out on the water and check out my new gear before heading out to Lakair. Met my friend Steve at the launch in Midland at 10:30, we were headed out by 10:40 and had our lines in the water by 11:00. It was a little windy but not too bad...kinda made it seem cooler than it was . Stayed where we were for about an hour to hour and a half with no bites at all. Decided to head over to Penetang Bay where there's a small island, and while on the way saw the steamer leaving port in Midland..those things can move! I had hopes for something near the island, but it seems the weeds aren't that high yet so not much cover for them. Steve managed to snag a little perch so I switched up lures and targeted them in hopes of avoiding a skunk...no such luck. We tried both sides of the island, and drifted for a bit, but nada. Pulled into the town dock so I could use the facilities and realized how hot it really was...oh...I was also a little late with the sunscreen so I got a little more color than i had planned on, but that's ok, it was good to be out. We had planned to stay out until about 4, but when I got back in the boat and we looked around we could see the storm was heading our way so called it quits. We were pleased to find that it only took 20 minutes to go around the point, and not at full speed, we expected longer. Where he launches it's free and here in Penetang it's 20 for a day pass, so we'll stick with the free launch. I did take some pictures and will try to add them tomorrow or the next day... Back to work for me tomorrow so have a good weekend all and play safe. Maureen
  22. If it's the one I'm thinking of, then it was caught in season in the states and therefore acceptable. Maureen
  23. Thanks for the heads up, might be good for a look see...even if I don't go camping anymore. Maureen
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