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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Awesome stuff guys, and i didn't have to wait all day for the download Congrats on the monsters! Maureen
  2. Looking forward to it, just make sure it's the night before a work day so I have enough time to download it Maureen
  3. Great stuff Norm, good way to end the season Maureen
  4. So, how did you make out? What worked for you in the end??? Maureen
  5. Thanks everyone, guess I'll be making a phone call in a little bit Hope it's easy to operate as i can be somewhat techinically challenged Well I called them and quickly changed my mind....they want to charge me 75.00 to have someone come and hook it up for me..what a rip off...however, if I buy it outright for 300.00 I can hook it up myself...geez...might just go and buy myself a new VCR or even a DVD recorder....ugggh Maureen
  6. Dang Rick, that's a heck of a way to end the night, glad you're ok along with all the other innocents. Makes one wonder about the other witness who left the scene. Maureen
  7. Hey all, I am an admitted TV addict, and with my current shift I am in bed usually by 8pm, therefore I am missing my favorite shows. I am thinking of getting a PVR but thought I'd check and see if anyone here has it, and if so do you think it's worth the extra cost? Thanks maureen
  8. Too lazy or tired to start a new one, so I thought I'd bump this one up...enjoy your day all Maureen
  9. Thanks Brian, right back at ya Maureen
  10. Sorry for your loss, it seems he lived a very full and rewarding life... Maureen
  11. WOW Ron that's a BEAUTY!!! Congrats on a "gloat" worthy fish!!! Maureen
  12. Great stuff!!! Theys sure do like that black and orange combo Maureen
  13. Great stuff Lew, no better way to start the day! Maureen
  14. I'm on it as well, haven't found anyone from school though...wonder if they're avoiding me Don't really use it much, spend most of my time here. Maureen
  15. Good stuff Shelly, glad to see you guys getting into the Lakers! Have fun tonight and tomorrow, I'll look forward to your report. Maureen
  16. They're waiting for you to invite them for thanksgiving dinner Wayne Maureen
  17. Have a great time guys, I'll be thinking of you while I'm at work Don't forget the camera Maureen
  18. Well Terry, no matter how it works it sure looks pretty Good luck with the Mrs. Maureen
  19. Butter fingers , you need to get water wings for your camera's my friend . Glad you guys are having a good time. looking forward to your reports. Maureen
  20. Wow, those are some nice fish! and great pictures !!! Thanks for sharing those Shaun, and I hope the weekend went well, I'm still waiting for your report Maureen
  21. Wow Beans you were up early Hope you guys had a good day, looking forward to your report. Maureen
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