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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Congrats to the whole family Kirk That's one big boy Glad everyone is doing well. Maureen
  2. I just have a 30 Gal and am down to two Goldfish that have survived 4 moves and a big Pleco to keep them company One day when I have more money I'll get a bigger and better one, but for now I like the one I have. Maureen
  3. Nice fish ya got there, sounds like it was a lot of fun bringing her in. Maureen
  4. Those are some nice fish! Sounds like a great day, thanks for sharing. maureen
  5. Great stuff Joey, always nice to end a good day on the water with an even better meal Cute pic of the squirrel as well Maureen
  6. Excellent Pictures Dan, as always. I'm glad your pup is going to be ok, but I doubt she's learned her lesson. Over the years my Malamute/Border Collies cross, along with the other two have tangled with three porcupines And yes Paul, a porcupine is much worse than a skunk...or at least I think so. Dan, just keep an eye out for really small quills that can work their way through the body. I pulled a couple out of Skylars chin after he got a mouth full about three months after the fact. Maureen
  7. I think the first one is pretty cool, as for the the deer not running away and just parking itself in the middle of the raod, not too bright out there are they? Maureen
  8. Thanks TB, don't know if I'm ready for a new sticker though, being so new I'm having a hard time with the idea of putting anything on it You'll still know it's me by my plate though Maureen
  9. Long hike for sure, but well worth it, thanks again for sharing with us. Maureen
  10. Glad to hear no one was hurt, I hope they catch the buggers... Maureen
  11. That's GREAT! Congrats! I hope this doesn't mean you have to move again, that would be a major pain. Maureen
  12. It rained real good up here yesterday/llast night/this morning. Actually I think we had two or more storms come through, either that or one really big one that took a couple of breathers It's been raining here for a few hours now, starting to let up though. While it's good to have some rain, I hope we're done with it for now, at least during the day time Maureen
  13. How do you think I felt driving it up to two weeks ago Thanks for all the nice comments folks, I'm pretty happy with haveing a brand new car, and from all the reports I've heard and found on this vehicle it should last me a few years. Oh and Steve, I think it would hold all your rods easily, as long as you don't want to have any passengers Well you might get away with one in the front seat. One of the things I really like about this truck is that all but the drivers seat folds down completely, which give you tonnes of room to haul stuff...including my dogs Maureen
  14. Great deal Even better job cleaning it up Maureen
  15. Hey all, as you can tell by my lack of reports I haven't done much fishing this year. In the last two years I've gone out with Beans once every week or two, this year we haven't been out at all While part of the reason was stuff going on here at home, the biggest reason was my car. It has been in need of repair for some time now. In the past two or more months more and more has gone wrong with it to the point that I took it off the road about two weeks ago. The cost of repairs was more than the car is worth. With a little creative finacial juggling I was able to buy a brand new car I picked her up this afternoon Here she is It's a 2007 Kia sportage, AWD, 5 speed Thanks to a fellow member here I managed to get a GREAT insurance rate Turns out he's offering a bit of a discount to fellow OFC'rs and was able to do so much better for me than my old company that I had been with for at least 10 yrs. Thanks Dave!!! Now maybe I can go fishing once or twice Maureen
  16. Great pictures as always Brandon, the little guy reminds of a hamster...cute little thing. Thanks again Maureen
  17. I'd just sit and blubber like a baby Maureen
  18. Great photos's Phil, now I'm really sorry I couldn't make it up on the weekend thanks for sharing. Maureen
  19. Geez Brandon, I clearly have a bad eye for photography, 'cause I think those photos are great. That is one young buck, nice to see he's not afraid of you, hope he knows better when the hunters come out Thanks for sharing the amazing scenery that's so close to you. Maureen
  20. What a great report Ric! Those are some nice fish, and i tell ya, that blue fish would have scared the cr@p out of me that's for sure. Good thing they didn't go after the ones on your stringer. Maureen
  21. The painting is great! I'm glad you liked it Lew. Maureen
  22. Very nice, congrats to your uncle Maureen
  23. Glad you guys had a good time, no surprise there. Always nice to get into some fish no matter how big or small. Maureen
  24. My boyfriend does this once or twice a month, and has done for the past several years, he's yet to be sprayed. He did say that a white sheet seems to be the best. As far as tomato juice goes, thanks to my dogs and cats I'd say no, I keep a bottle of "skunk off" around just in case....use it minimum once a year.
  25. I hope you havea pick up truck Slowly walk to the cage with a white sheet or blanket held up, no sudden movements. Slowly drape the sheet over the cage, gently pick it up and put it in the truck and you can move it up to a km away (if you're in ontario), take it off the truck, and release. Good luck Maureen
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