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Everything posted by Andy

  1. I recently purchased a Calcutta B, which I'm led to believe is a workhorse of a reel. But I have a chance to upgrade to a Calcutta D for only a little extra cash. Would it be worth it? Does anyone have any experience with the Calcutta D? Andy
  2. I once purchased parts from Mike's Reel Repair with no problems. It's out of BC. mikesreelrepair.com The website has a decent search feature and with a quick look I saw a number of search results for a Stratic, including bearings. If you weren't sure of what you needed, an email of call would likely setu in the right direction. The other place that I have had excellent help from is Rocky's reel repair in Orillia. I needed a small washer that I was going to order from deep in the US, but the shipping was crazy. Rocky's had it, mailed it to me and I had it in days. Aikmans in Mississauga has some stuff too. I have tinkered with a number of my reels, so I get what you're saying about giving it a little TLC. It's fun and it helps kill some time when the weather sucks. Good luck. Andy
  3. If you are really only interested in low profile and don't want to break the bank, then get a Revo Toro S. The bigger one with a power handle. I have three Revo Toros, two of the original and a NaCl. They have been very good for me and I think that you will be satisfied with them as well. Andy
  4. First of all, a reel that can pull double 8s may not be at all suited for double 10s. I have a Curado, great reel, but use it mainly for small to medium bucktails and spinnerbaits. I do not consider it well suited for extended double ten use. Wrong gear ratio. I personally don't enjoy pulling in double tens. It likely costs me fish, but I go as big as double 9s and use a Toro Nacl with a power handle and it works well. I think it depends on how often you fish double tens. If you want to use them all day long, I'd get at least a Calcutta B with a power handle, or save up for a Tranx. You want the lower gear ratio. If you like switching it up and want to use the reel for a few different lures, I'd try the Toro S with the power handle. If I were to take a liking to tossing the heavier stuff for extended periods of time, I'd get a Calcutta with power handle.
  5. Musky and pike and some bass lures are barbless. Not keeping them anyway, less harm to them and me. Maybe the odd one gets away, but if they do I know that they will likely live. Walleye jigs barbed because I like to eat the odd one.
  6. If you look at the fish eating guide for Ontario, a lot of local waters are the opposite of what would expect. In many cases, the fish from local rivers and lakes are cleaner to eat than many, many lakes up north. No worries here like those poor people up by Grassy Narrows, as an extreme example.
  7. That's not a surprise. That channel is shallow and trolling a lure with a couple of trebles on it is like pulling a rake thru there if you are more than two or three feet deep or venture off to the side. I would recommend trolling a spinnerbait or a double 8 bucktail. Rides higher, more weeds slip by, less aggravation, still catches fish.
  8. I can't say that I think there is much more or less corn in Southern Ontario than other years. In certain areas there actually seems to be more winter wheat than usual. I suspect that it's happening because of a particular set of circumstances like a recent rain followed by a hot, dry and stable period of high pressure. But I may be wrong...
  9. My biggest Kawartha musky was 44" followed by a 41". I think almost everything else is under 40",the majority low to mid 30s. At least for me.
  10. You are obviously much younger than I am, the days of sitting in a canoe all day are far behind me. My back hurts just thinking about it. You are definitely made of the right stuff. Thirteen hours of casting will wear you out, especially from a canoe. The spinnerbaits, bucktails and crankbaits that you have listed are time tested lures that will serve you well. Please keep us up to date on your adventures!
  11. X2 on the Big Game mono.
  12. I use a Curado 300 for smaller bucktails and spinnerbaits. A Revo Toro S in 5.3:1 would be easier to use but not as fast. I personally don't go over 6.4ish :1, but I know other guys do. I'm not trying to insult you or make fun of you, but maybe you just need to workout your upper body a bit. Or fish yourself into shape. I know that a lot of musky guys in the US train with weights during the winter just so they are in shape to throw big baits all day once the season opens. Things like changing posture by keeping one foot on the platform and the other up on the gunnel help relieve the strain on your back, etc. I know one guy that goes at it so hard that he puts his one arm in a sling when he is done for the day, his shoulder and arm are that sore... Single strand for jerkbaits usually, 130 lb flouro or stranded wire for everything else. I can't say that I think it makes a real difference. I do use mostly 3-5 ft flouro for trolling open water, wire for the odd time for rocky areas. Weights are 130 lb flouro, 90 lb coated stranded wire, 174 lb single strand, occasionally 147 lb single for small jerkbaits (but only because I have it and make my own leaders) I've been barbless for years for musky and I really don't think it's made a big difference in landing percentage. If it has, it's mainly on smaller fish. The way I see it, I'm releasing the fish anyway, so I want to minimize the damage. Even with the barbs pinched down, it's amazing how messed up the hooks can get in fish and netting. I still cut the odd hook. Plus it's super easy to back out a barbless hook from your clothes, skin or unlucky friend. I heard a guy say that he caught a pike on figure 8 two weeks ago. But I don't think a pike follows anything like a musky will. I've read articles that lb for lb, pike generally prefer smaller baits than musky. I personally believe it. Sure bass and pike attack musky baits, but I stay with smaller stuff when fishing for pike specifically. Musky stuff that I would use for both would be 1/2 to 3/4 oz spinnerbaits, 6 inch jerkbaits, and spinners like Musky Killers and smaller. Like all fishing, you will find that you develop your own preference for lures and techniques. For example, I love throwing jerkbaits like Suicks, Leos, Sledges. My least favorite are probably Bulldawg style lures, even though I've caught big fish on them and I know that they work. This is just my two cents worth. Have fun!
  13. I have found that the best knot for that product is the canoe man loop knot. Very easy to tie, tag end kinda gets tucked away. Just Google it. I like perfection loop knots and nail knots for other leader material, but the canoe man knot seems to suit the Knot 2 kinky best , at least for me.
  14. I had one just like that with a 2 stoke 40 hp Mercury about 7 yrs ago. It was a great little boat, awesome for the Kawarthas. Great on fuel, easy to tow, can get into all sorts of spots. Fishes well with two adults or a couple kids. Three adults and it starts to get crowded. I sold it because I could got a good deal on a slightly bigger StarCraft. I fish Nipissing too, and you had to be smart when to venture out with the Resorter, but for small to mid sized lakes, I thought it was an awesome little boat. Not the driest when the wind and waves picked up, but what do you expect for something that size. It new or used?
  15. No offence manitoubass2, but maybe you are watching too much TV. Non fatally shot and arrested because he had his back turned? Wow. Kudos to the copper who took care of business without an innocents getting hurt.
  16. I'm with Big Cliff on this one. I give the guy some credit for taking his lumps and pleading guilty in a fairly prompt manner. He is saving the family of the victims a trial, and I know people want him to get hammered, but that counts for something in my books. I feel for the Muzzo family as well, it's terrible for everyone. It goes to show how one poor decision can change things forever. How many of us can really cast stones at the guy when it comes to getting behind the wheel after having more to drink than you should have? When I was a young man, drinking and driving was commonplace. Younger people are much more responsible about drinking and driving now than they were 30 years ago.
  17. I did order mine from the US. The exchange rate has obviously made these purchases quite expensive. An option would be to check out a Canadian site like luremaking.com. They seem to have all kinds of single hooks in many sizes, even musky sized. Get some single hooks, a couple split rings and you can experiment all you want on lures that you may already have. I have called them in the past and have found them to be very helpful. Plus this gives you something to tinker with during the next month or two. Andy
  18. Eagletail bucktails have single hooks. Well built lures.
  19. Are we as fisherman doing enough? Soft plastic trailers, grubs, paddletails, stickbaits, line...We use a lot of these baits and I think a lot of broken pieces end up at the bottom of the lakes and rivers every year, deliberately and accidentally. Just look at some of the stuff lying around at ramp. I don't use soft plastics as much as I used to. I have started using more live bait again.
  20. I had a couple whole line guides replaced by a guy in London last year. I think it was about $20-30$ per eye. I thought it was very reasonable.
  21. I have a high water table here too. And the guy who finished my basement raised the floor a bit too. But you will still have humidity issues and a dehumidifier will be needed, even with the area being drained. I haven't tried that flooring product. And a pump running to get rid of that water will cost you hydro too.
  22. Is there a drainage tile going through or near your property? I'd lay a line of tile down from, or alongside, your foundation to draw away the water and the install a dehumidifier and let 'er run. You could even put a drain inside the basement to get rid of that water.
  23. Crack open the union at the top of the pump's wet end where the water leaves the pump to go to the heater. Water should flow out like crazy outof there sooner or later. Once water flows from there free of air, tighten the union and you should be good to go. If water doesn't come out of there, the water is not reaching the pump in the first place. (eg, a gate valve is still closed)
  24. You mean a real Canadian doesn't do both at the same time?
  25. 210 CE. Nice. It will serve you well.
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