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Everything posted by glen

  1. Nice one. I think it is 5000lbs towing cap.
  2. Sorry about your bad luck. It was a really nice day out on the ice too.
  3. Great pics as usual Rob. It was nice to see everyone today.
  4. I am going to be fishing by myself and i will need someone to talk to.
  5. What would be a good channel for the hand held radios for tomorrow? How about channel #3? See you there.
  6. I snip them. I like the look of the fillet but i am not sure it tastes any different.
  7. glen


    I didnt "round up". The fish was 15". I know in the pic it may look like it is not when going by my tape. I cant explain why. Maybe i didn't even catch a fish. Come to think of it i am not in the picture so it must not be mine. I aint even sure i went fishing now. Hold on a minute while i get a lawyer.
  8. glen


    Minnow on a hook just off bottom.
  9. glen


    I went out on simcoe on saturday fishing for whitefish. There was three of us fishing and we all got one whitefish each so it was a good day. But this story is about a different fish that came into the hole. A little while after i landed my whitefish i saw a big mark on my fishfinder. I looked over at my extra rod and it was bent right down to the hole. I run over and set the hook on what i think is a nice whitefish. It is fighting odd but i still think it is a whitefish. The gaff is ready as the fish nears the hole. I look down and wow its a peacock bass. I put the gaff away because i am not sure if they are in season. Then i get the fish out of the hole and this is what i see.
  10. My fishfinder does not like the cold. The screen will stop moving in -15. It has trouble reading bottom and does not work at 100ft. Its a waste of time. I hope you make out better.
  11. http://www.fishinontario.com/icefishing/la...inesicefishing/ I used to go to the pines in Oro about 10 years ago so things could have changed. Ask about the size of the hut you will get when you call them. I had good fishing in that spot. Do you need a hut for sure? Maybe if it is warmer you can just fish outside. Good luck Kickingfrog.
  12. I stayed close to home today because of the snow. I knew the driving would suck. I did pick up a pair of heavy mitts for ice fishing.
  13. Ok i think i will try the fin bore. Thanks.
  14. Hey Wayne how do you like the fin bore? Is it better then the swede bore? I have a 6" and an 8" swede bore but i am thinking about getting a 8" fin bore.
  15. It is way better then a normal fishfinder in deep water. It is what i would get. My buddy has one.
  16. Awesome Rob.
  17. It must be one heck of a tough bite. Hopefully the fish will turn on and start hitting everything you put down there. They have to eat sometime.
  18. Thanks for the update Terry. here you go danbob http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/mod...on=o&page=1
  19. Maybe it was a carp. The best fight i saw though the ice last year was a carp.
  20. Thanks for the update Terry. I was hoping to go out for lakers on friday. I dont think it is going to get cold enough to make that much ice though.
  21. The wind is letting up now.
  22. Homehardware told me that they could order it in for me. Get your wallet because two years ago i paid $90 a sheet for 1/2".
  23. That is Pete's Sports. It is open and they have minnows too. The people at Epps have been nice to deal with also.
  24. 24 hrs thursday friday and saturday.
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