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Everything posted by glen

  1. You ever get rear ended while stopped at a light or a sign?
  2. They got shamed by the crowd to play better. Aka shirts and junk on the ice.
  3. Dan668. Your right. He will never be any good. It took the refs a while to figure out who was going to win.
  4. I have all weather hankooks on my car. Winter rated but rated for year round use. No changing tires. No extra rims. If you drive less then 15000km a year there great.
  5. That's a big bowl. Wings vs breast. I will pay twice as much for breast.
  6. I gave up on ribs. Too much money for the meat you get. Very limited on chicken wings too. It was ok when the cheaper cuts were cheaper.
  7. catch and keep pike and stock muskie. Problem solved and I didn't need a ten year study.
  8. Link didn't work for me. Try this one.
  9. I wish I was at the game. I would rip off my Leaf underwear and throw them on the ice.
  10. Right on Big Cliff. I would like to try that wine.
  11. Put a bigger washer on next time. Lol.
  12. Dion is not well. That's my guess. Kipryos was on leafs lunch a week and a half ago. He said Gardiner dosnt belong in the nhl. Letting the other team get the puck from your corner. I agree.
  13. Thanks Moxie. They only nibble so you can't set the hook. You are paying them to steal your money.
  14. Tell me why I should pay for a licence.
  15. Floats on stand by. So excited I couldn't sleep all night. Now let's see the Habs lay a beating on them tonight. Go Price.
  16. What's the charge for fishing without a licence.
  17. How did they come to the $2 amount?
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