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Everything posted by glen

  1. They back it down pretty hard. The teak is flying. Let it jump right into the live well.
  2. Cool. Great mileage. Now with the price lower too eh.
  3. Thank you. One of the reasons I like the USA is because they protect Canada. Debate allows you to get informed. Being informed allows you to make better decisions in your life.
  4. Do they get paid when you go in VS not paid for call?
  5. Happy birthday Terry. How come your not fishing.
  6. People that live here don't have enough kids to increase the population. The planet is over populated. So maybe Canadians are doing a good thing. The government needs immigrants to increase the amount they have to spend. Maybe they should do better money management. It would be great if the reason we have immigrants is to have stories like HH told us. I have heard many great stories like his and it makes me very happy. A lot of the people are saying they will return to their homeland when they are done working here. I guess canada is just a place to make money. If canada is so great how come more immigrants don't come here from successful countries.
  7. Why can't we bring in more people. Figure out how many we need to get the government out of debt and bring them in.
  8. Must increase to pay for ageing population. No other way to pay eh.
  9. So if we don't increase the population of canada we are screwed. What happens when canada is over populated. There is too many people on this planet now.
  10. I wake my kids up and pass them the rod. They sleep on the boat all the time. One time I had a rod resting on my toe while half asleep and a huge muskie hit. What a way to wake up.
  11. I know they charged you too much. Shame on them. What should the real cost be? $400 ?
  12. I may start watching the Habs. I feel like poking my eyes out so I don't have to watch that leaf crap any more. The lack of effort is amazing. Gardiner is terrible. Where is the free jake tweets.
  13. Thanks for the report Bernie. Sounds pretty darn good.
  14. That's a great story too worm dunker. Do they fly you home to ontario?
  15. How's the food. That's great Bernie. Maybe there is jobs there for some others on here.
  16. Ebola can be controlled through hand-washing, and by using gloves and other barriers to prevent contact with infectious bodily fluids. Only direct contact with the body fluids of a person who is showing symptoms of Ebola spreads the disease. Ebola isn't airborne.
  17. Nigeria also had some luck. Although the first patient, a businessman named Patrick Sawyer, was vomiting on his flight in, none of the roughly 200 others on the plane fell ill. Others did after helping him into a taxi to a hospital.
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