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Everything posted by glen

  1. Nice play PK. Thanks for the story dave.
  2. If you do less then 15 k per year. If you do more they wear out too fast. Hankook 4s. They are year round winter tire.
  3. Thanks for all the good info people. The guy that found the fish should have called the tourney director.
  4. "Lots of proof in other peoples shares of that of identical fish being held up at the end of the day (weigh in) on different lakes too." I'd like to see the pics. Lol.
  5. I have enough baskets to hold at least $100,000 of fish. Maybe I'll do some bass and some walleye.
  6. Someone find out how many lb a year he is getting.
  7. Driving around a lake with a machine bringing in the rice is hard work? How many lb a year is he getting?
  8. The globeand mail doesn't say the most important thing. $12 per lb baby.
  9. The only way that would be better is if they pulled a fish out instead of a person.
  10. Lol. Great vid. Why wouldn't he drink it. Lol.
  11. That's great mileage. Nice fish. Buy a smaller net and the fish will look bigger. What did Terry catch.
  12. I don't know. What do they taste like.
  13. I cover mine on dusty roads. Bugs won't hurt. That's just lube.
  14. I saw it on tv once. They had one guy paddle a canoe and the guy in the back had four foot poles. He would bend the rice inside the canoe and hit it into a blanket on the bottom. Let's build a machine then we can get more.
  15. $12 per lb. i need a rice harvester. Is this on native land? Or who owns the water?
  16. What we need is to break the cycle of thieves.
  17. Just watch what trump does in the us.
  18. With all the resources Who ever owns canada should be rich
  19. This is great because it will show more people how bad the crooks are. We need camp outs on the hill.
  20. Maybe they can stock some small walleye so the big walleye have something to eat.
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